In the year 1868, the Village of Genoa, Ohio was incorporated. It is located in the southwestern corner of Ottawa County in northwest Ohio, and was determined to be an ideal location for east/west, as well as north/south commerce. It had good proximity and direct routes to Toledo in the west, Cleveland to the east, Columbus to the south, and Lake Erie to the north. Residents began to inhabit the area, and it soon became a bustling village. Almost immediately it was determined that the new population center needed a place where the leaders of the village could congregate, and meet in a social and congenial atmosphere. There also needed to be a place where charitable endeavors could be launched, and plans could be laid down to help those in the community who needed assistance. As so frequently happened during that era, plans were made to start up a Masonic Lodge in the Village to address these needs and spread Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth throughout the community. These well-laid plans soon came to fruition, and the very next year, 1869, saw the beginning of Genoa Lodge #433, Free and Accepted Masons. June 26th, 1869 A dispensation was granted by The Grand Lodge of Ohio to form Genoa Lodge, sponsored by Rubicon Lodge #237 of Toledo (currently situated at Browning Masonic Community in Waterville, OH). Our first meeting hall was on the second floor of the Habbeler Building (later the Skilliter Hardware Building).
Acting under their new dispensation, Genoa Lodge was opened by Worshipful Brother R. E. Richards, Worshipful Master of Rubicon Lodge #237, assisted by Brother Hiram Warrimer as Senior Warden, and Brother Alexander McMillan as Junior Warden. The Dispensation from Most Worshipful Brother Howard Matthews, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was read. It declared that Joshua E. Curtice would be the first Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge, Brother Warrimer the first Senior Warden, and Brother McMillan the first Junior Warden. The other officers appointed were T. P. Taylor, Treasurer, S. D. Gregg, Secretary, H. A. Bowland, Senior Deacon, T. C. Jackson, Junior Deacon, and John Stevens,Tyler. The By-Laws Committee presented the newly written By-Laws of Genoa Lodge, which were read and approved.
September 25th, 1869: Stated Meeting
While operating under dispensation from the Grand Lodge, the Brethren conferred the Master Mason degree on Brother John Tiplady, making him the first to be raised by the Brethren of Genoa Lodge. There were sixteen Brethren in attendance, with three visitors.
October 20, 1869: Annual
Communication of the Grand Lodge
The Grand Lodge of Ohio convened and assembled in Cleveland, Ohio. MWB Howard Mathews, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, granted a Charter to Genoa Lodge and assigned the number 433. He appointed Joshua E. Curtice as Worshipful Master, Hiram L. Warriner as Senior Warden, and Alexander McMillan as Junior Warden.
November 2, 1869: First Annual
Communication of Genoa Lodge
Most Worshipful Brother Alexander Newcomb, newly elected Grand Master of Ohio, installed the officers of Genoa Lodge #433 and constituted us a regular Lodge. The Entered Apprentice Degree was then conferred upon Mr. John Moses, making him the first initiated into the newly constituted Genoa Lodge.
December 21, 1869: First Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed by WB Henry Gales, Past Master of Portage Lodge in Elmore, Ohio, to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Joshua E. Curtice
Senior Warden: Hiram Warriner
Junior Warden: Alexander McMillan
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Secretary: L. D. Gregg
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: P. C. Jackson
Senior Steward: S. G. Ford
Tyler: John Stevens
September 6, 1870: Stated Meeting
A motion was made and carried that the members be taxed in the amount of fifty cents to enable the Lodge to pay some of its pressing debts, which, with rent, insurance, and several bank notes, were threatening to close the Lodge.
October 15, 1870: Special Meeting
Once again it was brought up that financial issues were threatening to close the young Genoa Lodge. The Brethren were called to a special meeting where the newest problem was presented. The Lodge was finding itself unable to pay the per capita to the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Two members stepped up to help, Brothers C. Geiger and E. S. Richards, who together loaned the Lodge $5.50 so they could pay the Grand Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 28 Brethren.
December 20, 1870: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed by Most Worshipful Brother Alex Newcomb, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Joshua E. Curtice
Senior Warden: Alexander McMillan
Junior Warden: S. G. Ford
Secretary: S. D. Gregg
Treasurer: No Treasurer was elected this year
Senior Deacon: H. M. Williams
Junior Deacon: P. C. Jackson
Senior Steward: Conrad Geiger
Junior Steward: E. S. Richards
Tyler: John Parker
March 7, 1871: Stated Meeting
Worshipful Master Josua E. Curtice read to the Lodge the ancient Charges of Masonry, as well as a paper written by him on how to apply these Charges to life. The Secretary, Brother Gregg, remarked that it was a wonderful speech on being a good Mason. Brother Gregg also remarked that the paper would be on file with the minutes, but no such paper has been found at this time.
July 18, 1871: Stated Meeting
The Lodge held a trial for one of the Brethren, who had been accused of spreading a slanderous story about the Worshipful Master, Joshua E. Curtice. The Brethren examined the evidence, and found the Brother on trial guilty of spreading false information about Curtice, and the man was subsequently expelled from Masonry.
September 19, 1871: Stated Meeting
The Lodge voted on a petition for a Mr. Henry Randcamp, who was originally rejected as a member. He was subsequently elected to membership on January 2, 1872. Brother Randcamp would eventually go on to become Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1877. Membership of the Lodge numbered 33 Brethren.
December 19, 1871: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Joshua E. Curtice
Senior Warden: H. M. Williams
Junior Warden: Conrad Geiger
Secretary: L. D. Gregg
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: John Parker
Junior Deacon: Samuel Williams
Senior Steward: G. V. Good
Junior Steward: T. E. Wight
Tyler: William Huffman
January 16, 1872: Stated Meeting
A ballot was had on the petition for initiation of Mr. William Humlong, who was subsequently elected to membership. Brother Humlong would go on to become Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1875. The 1871-72 Masonic Year was a busy year for candidates for Genoa Lodge, and, as a result, not much else of noteworthiness was accomplished. Membership of the Lodge numbered 36 Brethren.
December 17, 1872: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Alexander McMillan
Senior Warden: H. M. Williams
Junior Warden: John Parker
Secretary: Henry Randcamp
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: William Humlong
Junior Deacon: Samuel Angus
Senior Steward: W. H. Pierson
Junior Steward: Frank Holt
Tyler: H. Gernhardt
May 20, 1873: Stated Meeting
A communication was read from the Worshipful Master of Portage Lodge asking the Brethren of Genoa Lodge if they would sell their ritual for the Masonic Funeral Services, as Genoa Lodge was considered to have one of the finer Funeral Rituals in the state. The Worshipful Master would not sell his Funeral Ritual, but rather informed the Brethren of Portage Lodge that they may make as many copies of it as they would like free of charge.
July 1, 1873: Stated Meeting
A communication was read from Brother G. A. Kramer, asking permission to establish a Lodge in Oak Harbor. Permission was granted, and the ultimate result was the beginning of Oak Harbor Lodge #495. Membership of the Lodge numbered 40 Brethren.
December 16, 1873: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Parker
Senior Warden: William Humlong
Junior Warden: Henry Randcamp
Secretary: L. D. Gregg
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: John Stevens
Junior Deacon: John Hall
Senior Steward: Frank Holt
Junior Steward: E. S. Richards
Tyler: L. Gaddis
At the same stated meeting, Worshipful Brother Alexander McMillan, having just finished his term serving as Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge, demitted to another Lodge. The minutes do not specify which, and Worshipful Brother James P. Taylor, Lodge Education Officer, is still trying to track down information about WB McMillan.
April 21, 1874: Stated Meeting
The Brethren were welcomed with a visit from Brother Edward Raymond of St. Andrew Lodge #500. Currently, there is a St. Andrew Lodge #518 under the Grand Lodge of Scotland, but I was unable to find any link between #500 and #518. Perhaps the Lodge Secretary at the time confused the numbers, or Lodge #500 may not be in existence any more. During this meeting, the Brethren raised Brother C. G. Ruck to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
June 2, 1874: Stated Meeting
A communication was read by the Secretary, Brother L. D. Gregg. The communication was from Most Worshipful Brother Asa H. Battin, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, remarking on the destitute situation of the Brethren in certain
locations in the Southern United States still suffering from the aftermath of the Civil War. The Lodge Raised $6.05, which was sent to these Brethren in need. Membership of the Lodge numbered 44 Brethren.
December 15, 1874: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: William Humlong
Senior Warden: Samuel Angus
Junior Warden: G. V. Wood
Secretary: T. J. White
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: John Stevens
Junior Deacon: L. W. Gaddis
Senior Steward: J. S. Calkins
Junior Steward: C. G. Brown
Tyler: W. S. Bowland
August 17, 1875: Stated Meeting
Genoa Lodge finally came up with enough money to pay off some increasing bank notes, as well as continuing the insurance on the building for another year.
November 2, 1875: Stated Meeting
The Lodge discussed a proposal to start having public installations of officers. This had never been done by Genoa Lodge before, and the Brethren were for the proposal, and a motion was carried. Worshipful Master Humlong appointed a committee to investigate possible places to install the officers. Additionally, the officers and Brethren of Portage Lodge #351 in Elmore were invited to join the Lodge as the officers of Genoa were installed. The Brethren ultimately had a public installation in their Lodge room, and a small group of singers were on hand. Currently, the incoming Worshipful Master usually decides on whether to have a public or private installation. Membership of the Lodge numbered 43 Brethren.
December 21, 1875: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Conrad Geiger
Senior Warden: E. S. Richards
Junior Warden: John Stevens
Secretary: Henry Bruning
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: N. F. Pierson
Junior Deacon: Henry Geiger
Senior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Junior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Tyler: Frank Rogers
March 29, 1876: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered for an Emergent Communication for the purpose of conducting Masonic Funeral Services for Brother Hiram Warriner. Brother Warriner was one of the original members of the newly formed Genoa Lodge, serving as its first Senior Warden. It is noted in the minutes that some of the Lodge members had their differences with Brother Warriner (he was briefly expelled from the Lodge at one point), but that Brother Warriner redeemed himself in their eyes, and they held him in the utmost respect among members of the community. The Worshipful Master, WB Conrad Geiger, ordered that the Altar be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days out of respect for the memory of their fallen Brother.
September 19, 1876: Stated Meeting
In 1850, Most Worshipful Brother William B. Hubbard, Grand Master of Masons in Ohio, declared all Negro Lodges to be clandestine; This meant that a member of a Masonic Lodge could be suspended or expelled from Masonry if he had affiliated with these Lodges. At this meeting in 1876, a resolution was read from Most Worshipful Brother Charles A. Woodward, Grand Master of Ohio, that, for the first time, recognized the African Grand Lodge of Ohio. African Grand Lodge of Ohio would later change its name to The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, which still exists to this day, and has shared joint recognition with the Grand Lodge of Ohio since 1995.
November 21, 1876: Stated Meeting
A communication was read from a Brother G. Helbing, asking the consent of Genoa Lodge to set up a new Lodge in the town of Pemberville, Ohio. The consent was granted, and eventually a charter was granted to this new Lodge, called Pemberville Lodge #516. This Lodge still exists today, and is very active in the 11th Masonic District. They also continue to maintain a great relationship with Genoa Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 37 Brethren.
December 19, 1876: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Henry Randcamp
Senior Warden: E. S. Richards
Junior Warden: John Stevens
Secretary: William Humlong
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: N. F. Pierson
Junior Deacon: L. W. Gaddis
Senior Steward: J. S. Calkins
Junior Steward: G. V. Wood
Tyler: Frank Rogers
The 1876-1877 Masonic Year was filled with problems for the Lodge, and so the topics of discussion of nearly every meeting that year revolved around only a few subjects; namely, suspension/expulsion of Brethren for Non-Payment of Dues, and trying to procure a new Lodge Hall. Many Brethren were unable to pay dues, and the Lodge was forced with difficult decisions. At that time, the By-Laws of Genoa Lodge stated that a member would be suspended for six months for not paying dues on time. If the Brother had still not paid his dues after the six month suspension, he was to be expelled. The Lodge tried to prevent this as much as possible, but had to conform to the By-Laws. Secondly, the Lodge was making attempts to obtain its own Hall instead of renting it from Brother Habbeler. Several Building Comittees were appointed throughout the year, but no action was taken, and the Lodge continued to meet in the Habbeler building. There was only one candidate in this year. Membership of the Lodge numbered 36 Brethren.
December 18, 1877: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Conrad Geiger
Senior Warden: John Stevens
Junior Warden: J. S. Calkins
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: N. F. Pierson
Junior Deacon: W. S. Bowland
Senior Steward: F. Rogers
Junior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Tyler: Fred Bruning
The 1877-1878 year was another difficult year for the Lodge. More Brethren were becoming in arrears for dues, and the Lodge remitted the dues of many Brethren who were unable to find steady work. The trend of having little or no candidates continued, and by the end of the year, they had only initiated one candidate, finishing his other degrees in the following Masonic year. The Lodge finances were very low, and the Lodge could only afford the necessities and often had to vote down aesthetic purchases in favor of paying rent and insurance first. The Lodge attendance was also down, and the officers often were absent. None of the other officers in line could continue to become Worshipful Master, and WB Conrad Geiger had to take the position for a second time. This trend continued, and WB Joshua Curtice, who had already served as Worshipful Master four times, would serve again for the next three consecutive years
December 17, 1878: Annual Installation of Officers
The Following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Joshua E. Curtice
Senior Warden: N. F. Pierson
Junior Warden: W. S. Bowland
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: H. Gernhardt
Senior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Junior Steward: Frank Bruning
Tyler: F. Rogers
May 19, 1879: Emergent Communication
19 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 6 visitors, gathered for the purpose of conducting Masonic Funeral Services for Brother Henry Geiger. The Worshipful Master, Joshua E. Curtice, appointed Brother Frank Holt as Funeral Marshal for the day's service. The visiting Brethren represented Western Phoenix Lodge #296, Phoenix Lodge #123, Tecumseh Lodge #69 (Michigan), Sylvania Lodge #287, and Bigelow Lodge #243. The Master also ordered the Altar be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days.
December 2, 1879: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was read on behalf of James E. Curtice, son of the current Worshipful Master. The Investigating Committe reported favorably at the next stated meeting, and the Lodge subsequently elected him to membership. Membership of the Lodge numbered 39 Brethren.
Note: The minutes from January 1880 to January 1883 were written in a green ink, which has almost completely faded from the pages of the minutes. In some spots, it is nearly impossible to read, and in others it is still legible. Therefore, some important events may be skipped over.
December 16, 1879: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Joshua E. Curtice
Senior Warden: N. F. Pierson
Junior Warden: F. Bruning
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: T. J. Sadler
Senior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Junior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Tyler: C. Braunschweiger
January 6, 1880: Stated Meeting
A motion was carried that stated that Spittoons be barred from being in the Lodge Room during meetings. It was further stated that the Brethren wishing to use them should clean them afterwards, as some of them had gotten quite filthy, otherwise, they would be banned from the Hall altogether.
September 7, 1880: Stated Meeting
WB William Humlong, chairman of the Hall Committee, reported that he had raised fifteen dollars for the purpose of redecorating the Hall. The Lodge then moved to redecorate the Hall, for the purposes of having a dedication ceremony at a later date. The Lodge does not specify a date, but the Lodge had recently moved from the Habbeler building, where it had been meeting since the Lodge was started, to a building owned by brother H. A. Bowland.
October 5, 1880: Dedication of the Lodge
Room of Genoa Lodge #433 24 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 8 visitors, gathered in the Lodge building for the purpose of dedicating Genoa Lodge's Lodge Room. Most Worshipful Brother Reuben C. Lemmon, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio (also a Toledo native, being a member of Toledo Lodge #144) was also on hand to handle the ceremony. Many Lodges in the area were represented, incluiding Rubicon #237 (Toledo), Phoenix #123 (Perrysburg), Tecumseh #69 (Tecumseh, MI), and Oak Harbor #495. This was a public dedication ceremony, and the members were invited to bring their wives and families to witness the ceremony, which went extremely well.
November 2, 1880: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was read on behalf of Wesley Shaner, who, at that time, was a member of Phoenix Lodge #123 in Perrysburg, OH. Brother Shaner would later be elected to membership, and serve as Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge four times. Membership of the Lodge numbered 41 Brethren.
December 21, 1880: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Joshua E. Curtice
Senior Warden: William Humlong
Junior Warden: Joseph W. Catlin
Chaplain: Wesley Shaner
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: Conrad Geiger
Senior Deacon: Joshua E. Curtice, Jr.
Junior Deacon: W. E. Sadler
Senior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Junior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Tyler: R. M. Guilford
This marked the first year that the Master had appointed a Chaplain. This position is an integral part of the officers line in the present time, but during the early parts of the Lodge, it was often unfilled (or neglected from being mentioned in the minutes). This was an up and down year for Genoa Lodge. They had several candidates for membership this year, but constantly had to attend to the matter of members not paying their dues. Several Brethren were suspended for non payment of dues, and others were given extra time to pay. The Lodge could not assist as many Brethren having trouble paying dues, as they were having financial difficulties as well. Membership of the Lodge numbered 45 Brethren.
December 20, 1881: Annual Installation of Officers
The following brethren were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Stevens
Senior Warden: N. F. Pierson
Junior Warden: J. W. Catlin
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: Conrad Geiger
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: J. Elkington, Jr.
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: F. Rogers
Tyler: C. Bowland
May 16, 1882: Stated Meeting
The Lodge ordered a purchase for a lantern for the outside door of the Lodge, to be lit the nights of stated meetings, that Brethren might be notified thereby. Masonic Lodges still use this technique, although in place of a lantern, we usually have light boxes with the square and compasses that are lit when meetings are taking place. Other orders that meet in the same building have their own light box, the better to inform members of what body is meeting on what night. Membership of the Lodge numbered 47 Brethren.
December 19, 1882: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Stevens
Senior Warden: T. J. Sadler
Junior Warden: H. A. Bowland
Secretary: L. D. Gregg
Treasurer: Conrad Geiger
Senior Deacon: Wesley Shaner
Junior Deacon: J. M. Gallup
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Tyler: Samuel Williams
May 15, 1883: First Recorded Inspection of Genoa Lodge 24 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 5 visitors, gathered in the Lodge room for the Inspection of Genoa Lodge, and to raise Brother W. R. Harpster to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by Right Worshipful Brother R. E. Richards, Grand Lecturer of the 3rd Masonic District (of which Genoa Lodge then was a member; it has since been changed to the 11th district), and Past Master of Rubicon Lodge #237, Toledo, who reported that the degree was done well, but also had several points of improvement that he wanted Genoa Lodge to work on. Membership of the Lodge numbered 46 Brethren.
December 18, 1883: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Stevens
Senior Warden: N. F. Pierson
Junior Warden: Samuel Angus
Secretary: L. D. Gregg
Treasurer: Conrad Geiger
Senior Deacon: Wesley Shaner
Junior Deacon: W. R. Harpster
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: E. S. Richards
Tyler: Samuel Williams
June 1, 1884: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge, along with visitors, gathered for the purpose of conducting Masonic Funeral Services for the departed Brother John Gordon. The Brethren
formed a procession from the Lodge and marched to the residence of the late Brother Gordon, where Services were performed in due and ancient form. They then accompanied the body to the place of interment, where graveside ceremonies were performed. Acting as pall bearers were Brothers T. E. Wight, N. F. Pierson, J. S. Calkins, Samuel Angus, S. G. Ford, and Samuel Williams.
June 25, 1884: St. Johns Day
Celebration The Brethren of Genoa Lodge held a public entertainment for the purpose of celebrating St. Johns Day. Many Brethren from Genoa Lodge, with their families, turned out in support of this event which was a huge success. Coincedentally, a celebration in the year 1884 cost approximately $4.83.
July 1, 1884: Stated Meeting
Brother Samuel Williams, Tyler of Genoa Lodge, gifted to the Lodge a large Masonic Square and Compasses, which was hung on the front of the Hall. Membership of the Lodge numbered 34 Brethren.
December 16, 1884: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Stevens
Senior Warden: Wesley Shaner
Junior Warden: W. R. Harpster
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: Conrad Geiger
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: W. E. Wood
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: J. M. Gallup
Tyler: Samuel Williams
June 2, 1885: Stated Meeting
Brother H. A. Bowland, the current Senior Deacon, owned the building in which the Lodge was currently meeting. He reported to the Lodge that the building could be purchased for the cost of $1,200.00. The Master appointed a committee to investigate the possibility of purchasing the Hall from Brother Bowland.
July 7, 1885: Stated Meeting
The Lodge voted in approval of purchasing the Hall from Brother Bowland, as long as the Finance Committee could come up with the funds to purchase it.
August 4, 1885: Stated Meeting
The Finance Committee reported that it could not find a way to come up with the appropriate funds to purchase the Hall. The Master discharged the committee, and the Lodge continued to pay rent to Brother Bowland for the use of the Hall. Membership of the Lodge numbered 37 Brethren.
December 15, 1885: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Wesley Shaner
Senior Warden: W. R. Harpster
Junior Warden: L. W. Gaddis
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: J. M. Gallup
Senior Steward: W. E. Wood
Junior Steward: J. Cook
Tyler: S. Williams
May 18, 1886: Stated Meeting
The Lodge was still having many difficulties with Brethren being suspended for non-payment of dues, and a motion, having been held over from a previous meeting, was on the
table to reduce the annual dues to $2.00 per year in hopes of making it more affordable for Brethren to keep their membership in Genoa Lodge. This motion was carried, amending the By-Laws of the Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 37 Brethren.
December 21, 1886: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Wesley Shaner
Senior Warden: W. R. Harpster
Junior Warden: W. E. Wood
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: J. Elkington, Jr.
Senior Steward: Samuel Angus
Junior Steward: J. S. Calkins
Tyler: S. Williams
April 23, 1887: Special Meeting
The Entered Apprentice Degree was conferred on Mr. H. H. Fassett. The Lodge had been hurting for membership in the last few years, and Mr. Fassett was the first candidate in quite some time.
June 7, 1887: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Charles E. Baker. Brother Baker would go on to be a prominent member of Genoa Lodge, serving as Master six times
between the years of 1890-1913.
July 5, 1887: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Phillip E. Manner. Brother
Manner would go on to be a prominent member of Genoa Lodge, serving as master five times between the years of 1900-1906. Membership of the Lodge numbered 43 Brethren.
December 20, 1887: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Wesley Shaner
Senior Warden: L. W. Gaddis
Junior Warden: Charles E. Baker
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Steward: C. Braunschweiger
Junior Steward: W. L. Habbeler
Tyler: E. Meyers
After a great year the previous year in which the Lodge added several new candidates, each of them very promising (many of those candidates would go on to be Master), the Lodge had another difficult year. No new candidates had petitioned the Lodge, and the Lodge again was faced with suspending many Brethren for non-payment of dues. In addition, the Hall ownership had passed from Brother H. A. Bowland to Brother C. Braunschweiger, and the Lodge was doing its best to pay its quarterly rent. Membership of the Lodge numbered 44 Brethren.
December 18, 1888: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Wesley Shaner
Senior Warden: Charles E. Baker
Junior Warden: W. L. Habbeler
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: H. A. Bowland
Junior Deacon: Joseph Long
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: B. J. Harford
Tyler: E. Meyers
This is the first mention of there being Oyster Stew at the Annual Installation of Officers.
Oyster Stew being served at the annual meeting is a tradition of Genoa Lodge, one that
continues to this day.
March 5, 1889: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. George S. Richards. Brother Richards would go on to be a prominent member of Genoa Lodge, serving as Master five times between the years of 1895-1904. Membership of the Lodge numbered 44 Brethren.
December 17, 1889: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles E. Baker
Senior Warden: W. L. Habbeler
Junior Warden: J. M. Gallup
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: T. P. Taylor
Senior Deacon: George S. Richards
Junior Deacon: Volney E. Shaner
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: E. Meyers
Tyler: S. William
May 20, 1890: Stated Meeting
WB Wesley Shaner stood in as Master and reported that the current Worshipful Master, Charles E. Baker, had been taken seriously ill recently. WB Baker would miss several weeks of meetings, and the Lodge voted to employ a nurse to take care of WB Baker until he saw fit to return. Membership of the Lodge numbered 49 Brethren.
December 16, 1890: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles E. Baker
Senior Warden: H. A. Bowland
Junior Warden: John Stevens
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Treasurer: Conrad Geiger
Senior Deacon: George S. Richards
Junior Deacon: W. R. Harpster
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Tyler: S. Williams
This meeting also saw an amendment added to the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ohio
Code, which required each district to have a District Lecturer. These Lecturers had been in use prior to this change in Code, but no provision in the Grand Lodge Code had been made until now. These Lecturers served as the first officers to inspect Lodges to make sure they were not in violation to the Grand Lodge Codes and Rituals. These officers are still used by the Grand Lodge of Ohio, but they are now titled District Deputy Grand Masters (DDGMs).
June 2, 1891: Stated Meeting
A communication was read from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, regarding New England Lodge #4 (Worthington, OH). The Lodge's charter was temporarily taken by the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and a list of all its members was sent to Ohio Lodge, forbidding Lodges to accept any of these men into their memberships until such a time as the conflict was resolved. There are no details on this situation in the minutes, nor could I find any on the internet, but the charter of New England #4 was eventually reinstated. New England #4 is one of the oldest Lodges west of the Allegheney Mountains, and the old Lodge room is used as a Masonic Museum in Worthington. The Lodge now meets in the headquarters building of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and still confers at least one degree a year in the Worthington Masonic Museum.
June 20, 1891: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered for the purpose of performing Masonic Funeral
Services for their departed Brother and Senior Warden, H. A. Bowland. Brother Bowland, in addition to serving many years as an officer, also once owned the building where the Lodge met. He was reportedly well liked by all the Brethren of Genoa Lodge. The position of Senior Warden was filled in by others for the remainder of the year, mainly by WB Wesley Shaner, as the Lodge did not want to elect another Senior Warden for the remaining few months of the Masonic Year. Membership of the Lodge numbered 54 Brethren.
December 8, 1891: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles E. Baker
Senior Warden: George S. Richards
Junior Warden: E. F. Gregg
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Treasurer: Conrad Geiger
Senior Deacon: W. F. Truman
Junior Deacon: John Busch
Senior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Junior Steward: John Stevens
Tyler: W. S. Bowland
January 27, 1892: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge assembled and marched to the home of their late Brother J. S. Calkins, who passed away at the age of 73, for the purpose of conducting Masonic Funeral Services. The services were performed at the residence of Brother J. S. Calkins, and the Lodge accompanied the body to its final resting place. Brother Calkins was a very active member of Genoa Lodge, serving as an officer on several occasions. Also, Brother John Tiplady, 64 years of age, also passed away in the same week, and although Masonic Services were not conducted, he was also an active member of the Lodge, having been the first candidate to be raised to the degree of Master Mason by Genoa Lodge.
May 17, 1892: Stated Meeting
Two communications were read from Most Worshipful Brother Levi C. Goodale, Grand
Master of Masons in Ohio. The first ordered all subordinate Lodges in Ohio to drape the altar in mourning for sixty days in memory of the late Right Worshipful Brother William F. Baldwin, Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge, who had passed away around that time. The second communication warned Brethren to vouch for any visiting Brother, or to have them prove themselves as Masons before admitting them into Lodge. Men had been admitted into Lodges after they claimed they were Masons of "Franklin Lodge" of Columbus, Ohio, but were in fact not Masons. The Grand Master also created a Test Oath, which Masons were supposed to recite before being admitted as a visitor to any Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 51 Brethren.
December 20, 1892: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Conrad Geiger
Senior Warden: George S. Richards
Junior Warden: E. F. Gregg
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Treasurer: W. R. Harpster
Senior Deacon: John Stevens
Junior Deacon: John Busch
Senior Steward: L. W. Gaddis
Junior Steward: B. T. Harford
Tyler: W. S. Bowland
August 17, 1893: Annual Inspection
20 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with one visitor, gathered in the Lodge room for the purpose of the Annual Inspection of Genoa Lodge. The District Lecturer, Clifford G. Ballou of Wakeman Lodge #522, reviewed the Secretarys and the Treasurers books, as well as inspecting the Lodges exemplification of the Master Mason Degree, which was reported on favorably. Membership of the Lodge numbered 53 Brethren.
December 19, 1893: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Stevens
Senior Warden: E. F. Gregg
Junior Warden: Joseph Ling
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Treasurer: H. R. Harpster
Senior Deacon: George Richards
Junior Deacon: John Busch
Senior Steward: John H. Bowman
Junior Steward: J. W. Doty
Tyler: W. S. Bowland
September 18, 1894: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for a new Lodge to be located in East Toledo. The petition asked the Brethren of Genoa Lodge for permission to create this new Lodge, and one of its sponsors was WB Henry Randcamp (PM, 1877). WB Randcamp demitted from Genoa Lodge the same meeting, in order to become a member of this new Lodge, along with brother D. E. McIntyre. Genoa Lodge eventually granted permission and a new Lodge was set up. A year later, the Grand Lodge of Ohio granted a Charter to Yondota Lodge #572, the first of three Lodges to meet in East Toledo (Lotus #625 and Port Lawrence #685 would later meet in the same building as Yondota). These three Lodges had a rich history in Toledo, and in 2004, the three merged and became Paragon #788 and now meet in Millbury. Membership of the Lodge numbered 49 Brethren.
January 1, 1895: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: George S. Richards
Senior Warden: B. T. Harford
Junior Warden: Joseph Ling
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Treasurer: H. R. Harpster
Senior Deacon: Wesley Shaner
Junior Deacon: D. J. Black
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: George Green
Tyler: J. W. Doty
June 4, 1895: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered at the residence of their late Brother L. W. Gaddis, for the purpose of conducting Masonic Funeral Services. Brother Gaddis was a very active member of Genoa Lodge, serving as a Steward for many years.
September 17, 1895: Stated Meeting
After several years of relative financial success, the Lodge was faced again with Brethren who were unable to pay dues. During this year, several Brethren were suspended for
non-payment of dues, including Brothers Joseph Ling (the Junior Warden) and J. W. Doty (the Tyler). They were eventually reinstated after their dues were paid. The Lodge also was having some difficulty, and contacted the new owner of the Hall to see if their rent could not be reduced to relieve some of the financial burden. Membership of the Lodge numbered 42 Brethren.
December 17, 1895: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Stevens
Senior Warden: B. T. Harford
Junior Warden: John Busch
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Treasurer: H. R. Harpster
Senior Deacon: Charles E. Baker
Junior Deacon: S. G. Ford
Senior Steward: S. G. Stage
Junior Steward: George Green
Tyler: J. W. Doty
July 21, 1896: Stated Meeting
It was with much sadness that the Master reported the death of WB William Humlong, who was a Past Master of Genoa Lodge in 1875. WB Humlong was very active in Genoa Lodge throughout his life, serving as an officer many times, in addition to being Master. WB John Stevens appointed a committee to draft resolutions on his death, and ordered a copy to be delivered to the family, as WB Humlongs family did not request Masonic Funeral Services. Membership of the Lodge numbered 44 Brethren.
December 15, 1896: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John Stevens
Senior Warden: S. G. Ford
Junior Warden: John Busch
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Treasurer: George S. Richards
Senior Deacon: S. H. Ralph
Junior Deacon: Henry Bahnsen
Senior Steward: Volney E. Shaner
Junior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Tyler: George Green
There were no major events to speak of in the 1896-1897 Masonic year. Genoa Lodge was busy with conferring degrees on candidates, and the finances were on an upswing. There were some disputes throughout the year, however, on several candidates. It used to be that Lodges had set jurisdictions, and candidates could only join the Lodge in whose jurisdiction they lived. Therefore, the Lodge had to make sure the candidates lived in the jurisdiction of Genoa Lodge. Also, there were no meetings between September 7 and December 7. There is no reason given in the minutes for this absence. Membership of the Lodge numbered 42 Brethren.
December 21, 1897: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: George S. Richards
Senior Warden: Phillip E. Manner
Junior Warden: Henry Bahnsen
Secretary: S. G. Ford
Treasurer: B. J. Harford
Senior Deacon: S. H. Ralph
Junior Deacon: W. S. Bowland
Senior Steward: John Stevens
Junior Steward: J. W. Doty
Tyler: George W. Green
March 1, 1898: Stated Meeting
The ownership of the Hall in which Genoa Lodge met had changed hands once again, and the new owner was Clay Lodge #584, International Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF). The Odd Fellows had been sharing the hall with Genoa Lodge for quite a few years, but in this past year, they had purchased the building, but kept Genoa Lodges rent low, as a gesture of fraternal relations. The International Order of Odd Fellows is a fraternal and social organization that still exists today, but Clay Lodge has since closed.
June 7, 1898: Stated Meeting
The District Lecturer, RWB J. M. Bessey, was on hand to inspect the Lodges records, and to give the Lodge a short lecture, followed by a short speech from WB Joshua E. Curtice.
July 15, 1898: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered for the purposes of conducting Masonic Funeral
Services for their late Brother Samuel Angus, who had passed away the previous day at the age of 69. Brother Angus was a very active member of the Lodge, serving as an officer many times. Membership of the Lodge numbered 41 Brethren.
December 20, 1898: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: George S. Richards
Senior Warden: Phillip E. Manner
Junior Warden: J. Henry Bahnsen
Secretary: Sherman G. Ford
Treasurer: Benjamin T. Harford
Senior Deacon: Conrad Geiger
Junior Deacon: Wilson S. Bowland
Tyler: George W. Green
No Stewards were appointed this year.
December 31, 1898: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered at the home of their late Brother Samuel Williams, who had passed away two days earlier. They performed Masonic Funeral Services at his home, and then accompanied the body to the cemetary where it was interred with Masonic Honors. Brother Williams was an active member of the Lodge, serving as Tyler for many years.
April 4, 1899: Stated Meeting
Having laid over from a previous meeting, a motion was presented before the Lodge proposing to raise Lodge dues from $2.00 to $3.00 per year. The Lodge had been struggling to pay its various bills, and it was deemed necessary to raise dues. The motion was defeated by a close vote, however. Membership of the Lodge numbered 41 Brethren
December 19, 1899: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Warden: Henry Bahnsen
Junior Warden: John Stevens
Secretary: L. D. Gregg
Treasurer: B. T. Harford
Senior Deacon: George S. Richards
Junior Deacon: John Busch
Senior Steward: W. S. Bowland
Junior Steward: George W. Green
Tyler: S. G. For
February 20, 1900: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. James L. Stevens, son of WB John L. Stevens. Brother Stevens would become an active member of the Lodge, serving as Master in 1907.
June 19, 1900: Stated Meeting
The Master was saddened to announce the death of WB John Stevens, who had served
Genoa Lodge as Master seven times, most recently in 1897. Masonic Services were not recorded in the minutes. His death occured as his son, James L. Stevens, was taking his degrees in the Lodge.
October 16, 1900: Stated Meeting
The Master was saddened to announce the death of Brother L. D. Gregg, the Lodge's
current Secretary. Brother Gregg was extremely active in the Lodge, serving as the first Secretary of Genoa Lodge, and also serving in the same station off and on for the next thirtyyears. WB Manner appointed Brother S. G. Ford as Secretary to replace him until the next election, and Brother George Green as Tyler to replace Brother Ford.
November 4, 1900: Emergent
The sad trend of losing important members continued for the Lodge, and the Brethren gathered at the home of the late Worshipful Brother, Joshua E. Curtice, to conduct Masonic funeral services. WB Curtice was instrumental in setting up Genoa Lodge, serving as its first
Worshipful Master, and serving as Master a total of seven times, most recently in 1881. Membership of the Lodge numbered 42 Brethren.
December 18, 1900: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Warden: Stephen H. Ralph
Junior Warden: Henry Bahnsen
Treasurer: B. T. Harford
Secretary: George S. Richards
Senior Deacon: Conrad Geiger
Junior Deacon: John Busch
Tyler: J. W. Doty
February 19, 1901: Stated Meeting
The Worshipful Master announced the death of WB Conrad Geiger, who passed away in Florida on January 22, 1901 at the age of 66. WB Geiger was currently serving the Lodge as
Senior Deacon, and had served the Lodge as Worshipful Master three times.
July 2, 1901: Stated Meeting
Due to lack of attendance, there were very few meetings during this year. The Master ordered a discussion to be taken up as to whether the Lodge should continue meeting or disband. The Brethren voted to continue meeting.
September 3, 1901: Stated Meeting
Adding to the financial woes of the Lodge, the owners of the Lodge building (Clay Lodge, International Order of Odd Fellows) doubled the quarterly rent from $16 to $32 per quarter.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 34 Brethren.
December 17, 1901: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were duly installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Warden: B. T. Harford
Junior Warden: A. C. White
Treasurer: Wesley Shaner
Secretary: J. H. Bahnsen
Senior Deacon: J. L. Stevens
Junior Deacon: John Busch
Tyler: J. W. Doty
January 18, 1902: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered to mourn the death of Brother Nathan F. Pierson, who had been a very active member of the Lodge, serving in various offices throughout his life. Masonic Memorial Services were conducted, and Brothers John Elkington, John Busch, Henry Bahnsen, and WBs George S. Richards and Charles E. Baker served as pall bearers. Membership of the Lodge numbered 34 Brethren.
January 20, 1903: Annual Installation of Officers
Acting under a dispensation from MWB William A. Belt, Grand Master of Ohio, Genoa Lodge held elections and installations later than normal, and the following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: George S. Richards
Senior Warden: James L. Stevens
Junior Warden: W. S. Bowland
Treasurer: Wesley Shaner
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Deacon: John Busch
Junior Deacon: J. W. Doty
Tyler: George Green
The Lodge membership continued to decline, and meetings were often only held once
per month due to lack of attendance. The Lodge also continued to struggle financially. Membership of the Lodge numbered 35 Brethren.
December 1, 1903: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: George S. Richards
Senior Warden: B. T. Harford
Junior Warden: John Busch
Treasurer: Wesley Shaner
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner*
Senior Deacon: Emmit Bowland
Junior Deacon: Ewalt Hansen
Tyler: J. W. Doty * E. A. Powers was originally elected Lodge Secretary, but declined to serve, so WB Manner was elected in his place.
September 20, 1904: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading for Mr. Charles F. Coleman. Mr. Coleman would be elected to membership the following meeting, and would go on to serve
Genoa Lodge as Master in 1908, 1909, and 1910. Genoa Lodge made a substantial turnaround this year, with many petitions for membership coming in (all of which were accepted). The finances also improved, and several improvements to the Lodge room were made. Membership of the Lodge numbered 41 Brethren.
January 17, 1905: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Warden: Ralph S. Sloan
Junior Warden: Walter Camper
Treasurer: E. A. Powers
Secretary: Arb Null
Senior Deacon: Emmit Bowland
Junior Deacon: Wallace Gallup
Tyler: J. W. Doty
October 26, 1905: Annual
Communication of The Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star of Ohio: A charter was granted to Gertrude Chapter #219, Order of the Eastern Star, and they were permitted to meet in the Lodge Hall. According to the original authors of the Genoa Lodge History, the Brothers and Sisters of Gertrude Chapter were of great assistance in their early years, and continued to be until they eventually merged with Greenville Chapter, Pemberville, in 1997. Membership of the Lodge numbered 46 Brethren.
December 5, 1905: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Warden: B. T. Harford
Junior Warden: Charles F. Coleman
Treasurer: E. A. Powers
Secretary: George S. Richards
Senior Deacon: R. Sloan
Junior Deacon: R. Whitinger
Tyler: J. W. Doty
January 2, 1906: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Ralph H. Utoff. Brother Utoff quickly became active in Genoa Lodge, serving as Master in 1918.
December 5, 1906: Stated Meeting
The Lodge voted to purchase a gas stove for five dollars to replace the coal and wood stoves they had been using. Membership of the Lodge numbered 41 Brethren.
January 8, 1907: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: James L. Stevens
Senior Warden: Charles F. Coleman
Junior Warden: C. D. Dodge
Treasurer: B. T. Harford
Secretary: Ralph H. Uthoff
Senior Deacon: L. K. Chambers
Junior Deacon: R. W. Whitinger
Senior Steward: J. M. Gallup
Junior Steward: John Busch
Tyler: J. W. Doty
March 7, 1907: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered to mourn the death of Brother Sherman G. Ford,
who was a very active member of Genoa Lodge, serving as secretary off and on for many years. The Brethren accompanied the body from Brother Fords home to Methodist Episcopal Church where Masonic Services were performed.
March 19, 1907: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for a first reading on behalf of Mr. Bertram (Burt) A. Bell. Bell would go on to become very active in Genoa Lodge, serving as Master in 1920.
April 2, 1907: Stated Meeting
A communication from MWB Horace A. Irvin, Grand Master of Ohio, was read in which he ordered all Lodges in Ohio to drape their Altars for a period of sixty days in memory of MWB Charles A. Woodward, Past Grand Master of Ohio, who had recently passed away. Membership of the Lodge numbered 45 Brethren.
January 23, 1908: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles F. Coleman
Senior Warden: James M. Gallup*
Junior Warden: Henry Bahnsen
Treasurer: B. T. Harford
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Deacon: George S. Richards
Junior Deacon: L. K. Chambers
Tyler: J. W. Doty
*Charles D. Dodge was originally elected to Senior Warden, but he declined to serve, so
a second election was ordered, and Brother Gallup was elected.
September 15, 1908: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Albert F. Camper. During his tenure as a member of Genoa lodge, he was extremely active, serving as Master on three separate occasions. He also rented us a Lodge room above his store, and Genoa Lodge still meets there to this day (the Lodge now owns the building). He is also credited with raising 105 Master Masons during his lifetime, a record number that still stands to this day.
October 20, 1908: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered to mourn the death of Brother W. S. Bowland, who had passed away two days prior. Brother Bowland was a very active member of the Lodge, serving as Senior Deacon for many years. Masonic Services were performed at his residence. Membership of the Lodge numbered 54 Brethren.
December 29, 1908: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Brethren were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles F. Coleman
Senior Warden: Henry Bahnsen
Junior Warden: Charles Powers
Treasurer: B. T. Harford
Secretary: Phillip E. Manner
Senior Deacon: Ralph Uthoff
Junior Deacon: John Werner
Senior Steward: Albert F. Camper
Junior Steward: Fred Whitinger
Tyler: Walter Camper
January 19, 1909: Stated Meeting
A communication was read from Portage Lodge #351 in Elmore, OH inviting the Brethren of Genoa Lodge to a Dedication Ceremony of their Lodge Room. The ceremony was presided over by MWB Charles S. Hoskinson, Grand Master of Ohio, and was well attended byBthe Brethren of Genoa. On an unrelated note, MWB Hoskinson, during his year as Grand Master, was responsible for making the then President of the United States, William Howard Taft, a Mason at sight. Brother Taft went on to join Kilwinning Lodge #356. MWB Hoskinson also mysteriously vanished around 1926 and was never found. For more information on MWB Hoskinson, see the Past Grand Masters section on
March 10, 1909: Annual Inspection
Genoa Lodge was inspected by RWB T. S. OHara, District Lecturer, and a Past Master of Rubicon Lodge #237, who reported favorably on the meeting.
May 15, 1909: Stated Meeting
A committee was formed to discuss leasing options with Brother Albert F. Camper, who had recently purchased a two story building and opened a store on the ground floor. These
plans would lead to fruition, and Genoa Lodge would move into Campers building. As of 2012, when this history is being written, Genoa Lodge still meets in the same building, and the Lodge currently owns it. Membership of the Lodge numbered 51 Brethren.
January 11, 1910: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Brethren were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles F. Coleman
Senior Warden: Ewaldt Hansen
Junior Warden: Walter Camper
Treasurer: B. T. Harford
Secretary: George S. Richards
Senior Deacon: Phillip E. Manner
Junior Deacon: James Gallup
Steward: Burt A. Bell
Tyler: Albert F. Campe
February 15, 1910: Special Meeting
This was the first meeting in which Genoa Lodge met in Albert F. Campers building, although it was not in a good enough condition to hold stated meetings. Genoa Lodge has continuously met in this building for over 100 years.
March 10, 1910: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was read on behalf of Mr. John E. Brunner. WB Brunner was an integral part of Genoa Lodge, serving as Master twice in 1914-1915. He was also an important member of the Genoa Community, and Brunner Elementary School was named in his honor. Membership of the Lodge numbered 57 Brethren.
December 10, 1910: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles E. Baker
Senior Warden: Ewaldt Hansen
Junior Warden: John E. Brunner
Treasurer: Rolla Whitinger
Secretary: Ralph H. Uthoff
Senior Deacon: Phillip E. Manner
Junior Deacon: Albert F. Camper
Senior Steward: W. A. Gallup
Junior Steward: John Bush
Tyler: J. H. Bahnsen
May 16, 1911: Annual Inspection
The Brethren gathered for the purpose of the Annual Inspection, and to raise Brother O.C. Gall to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by RWB H. F. Mewling, District Lecturer of the 11th District, who reported favorably on the evening. Membership of the Lodge numbered 55 Brethren.
January 2, 1912: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles E. Baker
Senior Warden: John E. Brunner
Junior Warden: J. Frazier
Treasurer: J. M. Gallup
Secretary: Ralph H. Uthoff
Senior Deacon: Albert F. Camper
Junior Deacon: J. H. Bahnsen
Senior Steward: John Bush
Junior Steward: Charles F. Coleman
Tyler: W. A. Gallup
January 16, 1912: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was read on behalf of Mr. James A. Hennen. Mr. Hennen would later be elected to membership, and would serve Genoa Lodge as Master in 1919.
April 12, 1912: Special Meeting
A Special Meeting was called for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason degree upon Brother James A. Hennen. The officers of Genoa Lodge presided in the First Section of
the Degree, whereupon the Brethren of Portage Lodge #351 of Elmore, OH stepped in for the Second Section of the Degree. Membership of the Lodge numbered 60 Brethren
December 3, 1912: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles E. Baker*
Senior Warden: J. E. Frazier
Junior Warden: L. E. Hesser
Treasurer: J. M. Gallup
Secretary: Ralph H. Uthoff
Senior Deacon: Albert F. Camper
Junior Deacon: R. M. Strohl
Senior Steward: James A. Hennen
Junior Steward: J. L. Stevens
Tyler: W. A. Gallup
*Note: John E. Brunner was originally elected Worshipful Master, but due to unexplained
cirucumstances, he was unable to serve. WB Charles E. Baker was elected and installed in his place.
March 18, 1913: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was read on behalf of Bernard B. Gardner. Mr. Gardner would later be elected, and would serve Genoa Lodge as Master in 1922.
May 20, 1913: Annual Inspection
19 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 2 visitors, gathered in the Lodge for the purpose of the Annual Inspection, and to witness the raising of Brother Bernard B. Gardner to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Brocklebank (no first name given), District Lecturer of the 11th District, who reported favorably on the Degree work and gave a short talk about Masonry.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 67 Brethren.
December 11, 1913: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John E. Brunner
Senior Warden: Albert F. Camper
Junior Warden: W. A. Dolph
Treasurer: L. E. Hesser
Secretary: Bernard B. Gardner
Senior Deacon: James A. Hennen
Junior Deacon: W. A. Burgoon
Senior Steward: Ralph H. Uthoff
Junior Steward: J. W. Gallup
Tyler: John Bush
March 3, 1914: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was read on behalf of Mr. James H. Hesser. He would later go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Master in 1921.
October 20, 1914: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Charles A. Taylor. He would later be elected to membership, and go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Master in 1924. Membership of the Lodge numbered 79 Brethren.
December 15, 1914: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John E. Brunner
Senior Warden: Albert F. Camper
Junior Warden: W. A. Dolph
Treasurer: L. E. Hesser
Secretary: Bernard B. Gardner
Senior Deacon: James A. Hennen
Junior Deacon: H. Vine
Senior Steward: Ralph H. Uthoff
Junior Steward: J. M. Gallup
Tyler: John Busch
January 5, 1915: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. John Clyde Doty. Mr. Doty would quickly become active in Genoa Lodge, serving as Master in 1923.
May 18, 1915: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Harvey A. Tank. Mr. Tank would later be elected to membership, and would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Master in 1930 and 1931.
July 13, 1915: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa gathered to conduct Masonic services at the home of their late Brother J. W. Doty. Brother Doty was very active in Genoa Lodge, serving as Tyler for many years. Membership of the Lodge numbered 99 Brethren.
January 4, 1916: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Albert F. Camper
Senior Warden: Ralph H. Uthoff
Junior Warden: James A. Hennen
Treasurer: L. E. Hesser
Secretary: Bernard B. Gardner
Senior Deacon: H. Vice
Junior Deacon: J. McLargin
Senior Steward: J. M. Gallup
Junior Steward: J. Strohl
Tyler: John Busch
September 5, 1916: Stated Meeting
Resolutions of Respect were read in open Lodge in memory of their late Brother W. A. Dolph. Brother Dolph was a very active member of Genoa Lodge, serving in various offices for many years, most recently as Junior Warden in 1915. The Worshipful Master ordered the Altar to be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days.
December 6, 1916: Special Event
The Officers and Brethren of Genoa Lodge attended the Annual Installation of Officers of Gertrude Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, which also met in the same building as Genoa Lodge. The Brethren enjoyed the installation, and the program was well attended by Genoa
Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 106 Brethren.
December 26, 1916: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Albert F. Camper
Senior Warden: Ralph H. Uthoff
Junior Warden: James A. Hennen
Treasurer: L. E. Hesser
Secretary: Bernard B. Gardner
Senior Deacon: H. Vine
Junior Deacon: C. M. Agler
Senior Steward: J. M. Gallup
Junior Steward: J. Strohl
Tyler: John Busch
January 16, 1917: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. George I. Cheney. Mr. Cheney would later be elected to membership, and would serve Genoa Lodge as Master in 1933.
February 6, 1917: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Chester A. McLargin. Mr. McLargin would later be elected to membership, and would serve Genoa Lodge as Master in 1940.
May 15, 1917: Stated Meeting
The Master appointed a Temple Building committee consisting of Brothers John Brunner, L.E. Hess, C.E. Baker, John Sorby, and P. Mortice. On the advice of Brother L.K.
Chambers, an attorney, a stock company was formed and incorporated under the state of Ohio, and it was named The Genoa Masonic Temple Company, with shares of its stock selling for $25.00 per share. It fell by the wayside, and records are void as to what became of it as well as the money invested.
July 3, 1917: Stated Meeting
After many years of having dues set at $2.00 per year, the Brethren voted to raise dues to the sum of $4.00 per year. Membership of the Lodge numbered 119 Brethren.
Note: The minutes for the 1917-1918 Masonic Year are very difficult to read. As a result,
some names may be misspelled on this page.
December 18, 1917: Annual Installation of Officers The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Ralph H. Utoff
Senior Warden: James A. Hennen
Junior Warden: Howard Vice
Secretary: Bernard B. Gardner
Treasurer: Walter D. Skilliter
Senior Deacon: James H. Hesser
Junior Deacon: J. Clyde Doty
Tyler: John Busch
January 19, 1918: Emergent
An emergent communication was had to confer the last rites on Worshipful Brother Charles E. Baker, Past Master of Genoa Lodge in 1890, 1891, 1892, 1911, 1912, and 1913.
Eighteen Brethren formed a procession and marched from the Lodge to WB Bakers residence and conferred the Masonic Last Rites. They then accompanied the body to its resting place in Woodville Cemetery. Acting as pall bearers were Brothers John E. Brunner, J. Stroh, J. A. Hennen, Albert F. Camper, C. A. Powers, and L. Chambers.
January 22, 1918: Emergent
The members of Genoa Lodge gathered with members of Pemberville Lodge #516 to confer Masonic Last Rites on Brother James S. Frazier, who was a member of Pemberville Lodge. Brother Fraziers name appears numerous times in the records of Genoa Lodge, as he was a very frequent visitor.
November 7, 1918: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered to mourn the passing of the current Worshipful Master, Ralph H. Uthoff, who had recently passed away. Resolutions of Respect were read in open Lodge. The current Senior Warden, Brother James A. Hennen, would serve out the rest of the Masonic year as Worshipful Master Pro Tem, until his election as Worshipful Master for the next Masonic year. Membership of the Lodge numbered 125 Brethren.
Note: The minutes of the 1918-1919 Masonic Year are very difficult to read. As a result,
some of the names may be misspelled.
January 14, 1919: Annual Installation of Officers The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: James A. Hennen
Senior Warden: Burt A. Bell
Junior Warden: James H. Hesser
Secretary: John Sorby
Treasurer: Walter D. Skilliter
Senior Deacon: J. Clyde Doty
Junior Deacon: Charles A. Taylor
Senior Steward: J. M. Gallup
Junior Steward: George I. Cheney
Tyler: John Busch
March 25, 1919: Annual Inspection
18 Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered for the Annual Inspection, and to Initiate Mr. George Gillard Powers as an Entered Apprentice. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Halley (no first name given) District Lecturer of the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the meeting. Membership of the Lodge numbered 126 Brethren.
December 2, 1919: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year (no Stewards were appointed):
Worshipful Master: Burt A. Bell
Senior Warden: James A. Hesser
Junior Warden: Bernard B. Gardner
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: Walter D. Skilliter
Senior Deacon: Charles A. Taylor
Junior Deacon: George I. Cheney
Tyler: Ralph E. Camper
May 4, 1920: Stated Meeting
A petition for initiation was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Ralph Hugh McOuat, who would later be elected to membership. Brother McOuat was one of the most active Masons from Genoa Lodge, becoming the only member of Genoa Lodge to serve as an officer of the AASR - Valley of Cleveland, and the first to receive the 33rd Degree from the Supreme Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He also served as Potentate of Al Koran Shriners in the Cleveland Area, and was an Honorary Member of dozens of Shrine Temples across the nation. All of his honorary membership certificates, as well as his 33rd Degree certificate, are still on display at Genoa Lodge.
December 7, 1920: Stated Meeting
A communication was read from MWB John R. Flotron, Sr., Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, ordering Lodges to drape the Altar for a period of sixty days in memory of MWB Lewis Philip Schaus, Past Grand Master of Ohio, who had recently passed away. MWB Schaus served as Grand Master in 1905. Membership of the Lodge numbered 135 Brethren.
December 7, 1920: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: James H. Hesser
Senior Warden: Bernard B. Gardner
Junior Warden: J. Clyde Doty
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: Walter D. Skilliter
Senior Deacon: Charles A. Taylor
Junior Deacon: George I. Cheney
Senior Steward: J. M. Gallup
Junior Steward: Burt A. Bell
Tyler: Ralph E. Camper
February 1, 1921: Stated Meeting
After having been rejected for membership only weeks previously, Genoa Lodge elected Burt M. Dart to membership of Genoa Lodge. Brother Dart would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1926. During the same meeting, Mr. Dale S. Bumpus was elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Bumpus would go on to be Master of Genoa Lodge in 1934.
March 15, 1921: Stated Meeting
46 Brethren were on hand to confer the Fellow Craft Degree on eleven candidates. Brothers Burt M. Dart, Earl S. Britton, Albert F. Sahr, Thomas L. Scott, Ernest Riedeman, Walter Reedman, Dale Bumpus, Andrew Young, Arthur Miller, Leroy Ford, and Ralph Meyers all received their Fellow Craft Degrees that night. (Note: In going through the minutes of Genoa Lodge, this is the single largest degree conferral I've ever come across. It was common practice to confer 4 or 5 degrees in one day, but never have I seen 11 degrees in one meeting. -Brother Mark Allred)
May 3, 1921: Stated Meeting
A ballot was had on Mr. Otto F. Camper, who was subsequently elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Camper would go on to become Master of Genoa Lodge in 1925.
May 3, 1921: Annual Inspection
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 2 visitors, gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection, and to witness the raising of Brother Joseph S. Mizner to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by Otto H. Hohly, District Lecturer of the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the evening. Membership of the Lodge numbered 163 Brethren.
December 6, 1921: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Brethren were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Bernard B. Gardner
Senior Warden: J. Clyde Doty
Junior Warden: Charles Taylor
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: Walter D. Skilliter
Senior Deacon: George I. Cheney
Junior Deacon: Charles Bailey
Senior Steward: Burt M. Dart
Junior Steward: T. L. Reuman
April 4, 1922: Annual Inspection
The Lodge was inspected by the District Lecturer, RWB Otto H. Hohly, who reported favorably on the business of the evening. 68 Brethren of Genoa Lodge and 8 Visiting Brethren were in the Lodge room to witness Brother Gordon W. Skilliter being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. As an interesting side note, Otto H. Hohly (of Rubicon Lodge #237, Toledo, OH) would go on to become Grand Master of Ohio in 1928.
August 24, 1922: Special Function
Genoa Lodge teamed up with Gertrude Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star to have a summer picnic. The members reported that it was a great success. Membership of the Lodge numbered 169 Brethren.
November 21, 1922: Annual Installation of Officers The following officers were installed to lead Genoa #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: J. Clyde Doty
Senior Warden: Charles H. Bailey
Junior Warden: George I. Cheney
Treasurer: Walter D. Skilliter
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Senior Deacon: Howard E. McLargin (later, Otto F. Camper elected)
Junior Deacon: Emil Johnson
Senior Steward: J. L. Scott
Junior Steward: Neill McDougal
Tyler: Burt M. Dart
December 5, 1922: Stated Meeting
The committee investigating the petition of Samuel Floyd Angus reported favorable. A ballot was had and Mr. Angus was declared elected to membership. Brother Angus would later go on to become Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1928 and again in 1929.
February 3, 1923: Emergent
An emergent communication of Genoa Lodge was opened to conduct Masonic Funeral Rites for Brother John Busch. Brother Busch was a Tyler for Genoa Lodge in previous years. The Lodge formed a procession and marched to St. Johns Evangelical Church where the funeral oration was delivered by Brother Carl W. Sperling. The body was then conveyed to Woodville Cemetery where the grave ceremony was given by Brother Sperling. Acting as pall bearers were Brothers William Riedeman, A. F. Sahr, Charles Bailey, Oscar Stewart, Charles Taylor, and Peter Martin.
February 20, 1923: Stated Meeting
Senior Deacon Howard E. McLargin regularly resigned his office, being unable to regularly attend meetings. A special election was had, and Brother Otto F. Camper was elected to Senior Deacon.
May 15, 1923: Annual Inspection
The Lodge was inspected by District Lecturer Leroy E. Eastman who reported favorably on the business of the evening. 54 Brethren of Genoa Lodge with 13 visiting Brethren witnessed Brother John Wesley Marshall being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Membership of the Lodge numbered 173 Brethren.
December 4, 1923: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles A. Taylor
Senior Warden: Otto F. Camper
Junior Warden: Thomas L. Scott
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: Walter D. Skilliter
Senior Deacon: Burt M. Dart
Junior Deacon: Valie C. Miller
Senior Steward: S. Floyd Angus
Junior Steward: Harry Nelson
Tyler: Neill McDougal
January 15, 1924: Stated Meeting
Motions were made, seconded, and carried that the Lodge make some renovations to the club room as well as the Lodge room. The Worshipful Master appointed a team to wallpaper the club room, and another to carpet the Lodge. Carpet was purchased for around $300, and the Lodge had to sell their Liberty Bonds in order to pay for the renovations.
May 6, 1924: Annual Inspection
The Lodge was inspected by Brother Karl R. Irwin, representing Leroy E. Eastman, District Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the
evening. 51 Brethren of Genoa Lodge and 6 Visiting Brethren were in the Lodge to witness Brother Voight N. Martin being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
October 7, 1924: Emergent
65 Brethren of Genoa Lodge with 6 visiting Brethren, held an Emergent Communication for the purposes of holding Masonic Services for Worshipful Brother James L. Stevens, who was Past Master of Genoa Lodge in 1907. The minutes from the meeting state that the Masonic funeral service oration was delivered by Brother Carl W. Sperling, and the grave ceremony given by Judge Sperling. Brothers John E. Brunner, C. F. Coleman, H. E. Wight, Ewald Hansen, J. E. Frazier, and James McLargin acted as pall bearers in the service. The following Resolutions of Respect accompanies the minutes for this meeting: Once again a brother Mason, having completed the designs written for him on lives trestle board has passed through the portals of Eternity and entered the Grand Lodge of the New Jerusalem and hath received as his reward the white stone with the new name written thereon; And, whereas the All-wise and Merciful Master of the Universe has called from labor to refreshments our beloved and respected brother, and he having been a true and faithful member of our Order, therefore be it resolved, that Genoa Lodge No. 433, F. & A.M. in testimony of her loss drape her charter in mourning for thirty days and that we tender to the family of our deceased brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction. Upon the wings of our sorrow there comes to us the sublime truth that Death is not the enemy of mankind, since He holds the Key to There. In the midst of our pain Low in the heart faith singeth still her song and we are brought to know that behind the hill there lies the peace valley. Membership of the Lodge numbered 180 Brethren.
December 2, 1924: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Otto F. Camper
Senior Warden: Burt M. Dart
Junior Warden: Thomas L. Scott
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Senior Deacon: Valie C. Miller
Junior Deacon: S. Floyd Angus
Senior Steward: Harry E. Nelson
Junior Steward: John W. Marshall
Tyler: Walter D. Skilliter
February 17, 1925: Stated Meeting
Gertrude Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was allowed by the Lodge to replace the gasoline stove in the kitchen for an updated oil stove, with the Chapter paying the difference from the trade in.
May 5, 1925: Annual Inspection
65 Brethren and 7 visitors gathered at Genoa Lodge for the Annual Inspection to witness Brother Paul O. David being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Brother Leroy E. Eastman, District Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District, Inspected the Lodge and reported favorably on the business for the evening.
May 18, 1925: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge met at the home of departed Brother John Elkington to conduct Masonic Services for their fallen Brother. The funeral oration was delivered by Brother Carl W. Sperling, whereupon they took the remains to Woodville Cemetery, where the grave ceremony was given by Brother Sperling. Membership of the Lodge numbered 184 Brethren.
December 1, 1925: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Burt M. Dart
Senior Warden: Thomas L. Scott
Junior Warden: Valie C. Miller
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Chaplain: Paul O. David
Senior Deacon: S. Floyd Angus
Junior Deacon: John W. Marshall
Senior Steward: Walter Riedeman
Junior Steward: Leroy C. Grant
March 16, 1926: Annual Inspection
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge assembled for the Annual Inspection. The Lodge was inspected by Worshipful Brother G. L. Frederich, Past Master of Damascus Lodge, who reported favorably on the business of the evening. Brother Harley B. Kemp was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft in fine manner.
October 5, 1926: Stated Meeting
A special request was made of Genoa Lodge on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky that Genoa Lodge examine Brother J. S. Offut in the Entered Apprentice degree. Brother Offut was initiated in Mt. Vernon Lodge #14, Georgetown, Kentucky. Brother Offut successfully passed his examination, and due report was sent to the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.
October 19, 1926: Stated Meeting
The Lodge was visited by Brother Blatt from Perseverance Lodge #329, Sandusky, Ohio, and Brother Lewis from Mendon Lodge, Mendon, Ohio. Both Brothers gave a few good
remarks on the proceedings of Genoa Lodge that evening. Membership of the Lodge numbered 185 Brethren.
Note: The Lodge minutes from the 1926-1927 Masonic year are very incomplete, with large gaps of months not being present. This could be for a number of reasons. The Lodge may have misplaced the minutes over the years, or they could have been kept in a separate book now lost, or there could have been a lack of attendance, making having meetings impossible (8 or more Brothers must be in attendance for a Lodge to be opened). We can only speculate on the reasons for these gaps.
December 21, 1926: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Albert F. Camper
Senior Warden: S. Floyd Angus
Junior Warden: Valie C. Miller
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Senior Deacon: Walter Riedeman
Junior Deacon: L. H. Coleman
Senior Steward: B. W. Porter
Junior Steward: Ernest Riedeman
Tyler: J. A. Angus
May 17, 1927: Annual Inspection
36 Brethren from Genoa Lodge, along with 9 visitors, gathered in the Lodge for the Annual Inspection to witness Brother Otto W. Zunk being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Louis Bartlett, who reported favorably on the business of the night. Membership of the Lodge numbered 182 Brethren.
December 6, 1927: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year.
Worshipful Master: S. Floyd Angus
Senior Warden: Valie C. Miller
Junior Warden: Harvey A. Tank
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Senior Deacon: Lester Coleman
Junior Deacon: Harry E. Young
Senior Steward: Ernest Riedeman
Junior Steward: Fred N. Paulsen
Tyler: James A. Angus
Chaplain: Rev. Paul O. David
December 20, 1927: Stated Meeting
RWB Louis Bartlett, District Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District, representing Most Worshipful Brother B. Frank Thomas, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, gathered the Brethren of Genoa Lodge for the purpose of dedicating the Lodge Room of Genoa Lodge. RWB Bartlett took the station of Acting Most Worshipful Grand Master, with Brethren from Genoa Lodge filling the stations of other Grand Lodge Officers. The Lodge was dedicated in fine manner.
February 21, 1928: Stated Meeting
Brother Thomas L. Scott moved and Brother Andrew Young seconded that the Lodge purchase a gas heater for the Lodge. The motion was carried and the Lodge, which had been operating on a coal furnace since moving to its present location, was now switched over to gas heat. At that time, the monthly gas bill for the Lodge amounted to $1.90, which was much cheaper than having to purchase coal for around $15 dollars every two or three months. Also, Brother Elwood Arthur Pinniger was elected to membership of Genoa Lodge. Worshipful Brother Pinniger would later go on to become Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1939, as well as receiving a 50-year award on May 15, 1978.
May 1, 1928: Annual Inspection
42 Brethren of Genoa Lodge with 2 visitors gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection to witness Brother Ralph Riedeman being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master
Mason. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Louis Bartlett, District Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the evening.
October 16, 1928: Stated Meeting
In a previous meeting, Worshipful Brother Burt M. Dart proposed the Lodge dues be increased from $4.00 annually to $6.00. A compromise was made and the Lodge raised the dues to $5.00 annually. Membership of the Lodge numbered 184 Brethren.
December 4, 1928: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: S. Floyd Angus
Senior Warden: Harvey A. Tank
Junior Warden: Thomas L. Scott
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Senior Deacon: Harry E. Young
Junior Deacon: Minor W. Buehler
Senior Steward: Ralph C. Riedeman
Junior Steward: Lawrence O. Tank
Tyler: James A. Angus
February 19, 1929: Stated Meeting
A petition for membership from Harold David Lusher was read and he was subsequently elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Lusher would go on to become Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1942.
May 7, 1929: Annual Inspection
47 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 5 visitors, gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection to witness Brother Harold D. Lusher being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Louis Bartlett, District Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the evening.
May 21, 1929: Stated Meeting
An investigation committee reported favorably on the petition of Mr. Theodore K. Lorezen, who was subsequently elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Lorenzen would go on to become Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1935, and received his 50-year award on May 15, 1979. Membership of the Lodge numbered 191 Brethren.
December 3, 1929: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Harvey A. Tank
Senior Warden: Walter R. Samsen
Junior Warden: Lester H. Coleman
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Senior Deacon: Minor W. Buehler
Junior Deacon: Dale S. Bumpus
Senior Steward: Henry J. Krukemyer
Junior Steward: Lawrence O. Tank
Tyler: Walter D. Skilliter
March 18, 1930: Stated Meeting
Brothers L. C. Grant and Emil Hrbac moved that the Lodge room be enlarged and that the Lodge and the Gertrude Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, pay more rent to Worshipful Brother Albert F. Camper for the use of the second floor of his building. The Brethren were all in favor of this proposal and the motion carried. A month later, the Brethren voted to approve a plan by WB Camper for the enlargement of the Lodge room and to renew their lease with him for ten more years at $350.00 per year.
May 20, 1930: Annual Inspection
40 Brethren from Genoa Lodge, with 2 visitors, gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection, and to witness Brother Harry R. Johnson being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by Worshipful Brother Burt Decker, Past Master of Rubicon Lodge, acting on behalf of the District 11 Lecturer Louis Bartlett, who reported favorably on the business of the evening.
October 19, 1930: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge traveled to the home of late Brother James A. Angus, who was called to the Celestial Lodge on October 16, 1930. Masonic Funeral Services were
delivered by Brother Carl W. Sperling. The Brethren then drove to Woodville Cemetery, where the body was placed in a mausoleum. Membership of the Lodge numbered 194 Brethren.
December 2, 1930: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year
Worshipful Master: Harvey A. Tank
Senior Warden: Walter R. Samsen
Junior Warden: Lester Coleman
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Senior Deacon: Dale Bumpkus
Junior Deacon: Theodore Lorenzen
Senior Steward: Harold Lusher
Junior Steward: Lawrence Tank
Tyler: Joseph Mizner
December 16, 1930: Stated Meeting
A petition was voted on for Mr. Edwin E. Digby, who was subsequently elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Digby would go on to be Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1936.
May 19, 1930: Annual Inspection
42 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 9 visitors, gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection, and to witness the raising of Brother Edward Schnee to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by a representative of the 11th Masonic District Lecturer, but no name or report is given.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 184 Brethren.
November 17, 1931: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Walter R. Samsen
Senior Warden: George I. Cheney
Junior Warden: Dale Bumpkus
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Senior Deacon: Theodore K. Lorenzen
Junior Deacon: H. J. Krukemyer
Senior Steward: Fred Paulsen
Junior Steward: C. A. Krouse
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
January 19, 1932: Stated Meeting
The Investigating Committee for the petition for initiation for Mr. Ernest G. Vorce reported favorable, and he was subsequently elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Vorce would later go on to become Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1938.
March 8, 1932: Annual Inspection
27 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, with 8 visitors, gathered in the Lodge room for the annual inspection. The Lodge was inspected by Brother Nels Swanson, representing RWB George F. Sprunk, District Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District. There being no candidate for degrees, a substitute candidate was used and the Lodge portrayed the Master Mason Degree.
April 22, 1932: Special Meeting
As per an order by Most Worshipful Brother Harvey F. Ake, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, the Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered to
celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of George Washington. A talk on George Washington's Masonic career was given by Brother Harry Young. The brethren then, led by
Brother Arthur in singing the ;Star Spangled Banner. Membership of the Lodge numbered 174 Brethren.
November 15, 1932: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: George I. Cheney
Senior Warden: Dale Bumpkus
Junior Warden: Theodore K. Lorenzen
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Senior Deacon: Henry J. Krukemyer
Junior Warden: Clarence A. Krouse
Senior Steward: W. G. McLargin
Junior Steward: John Johnson
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
May 2, 1933: Annual Inspection
61 Brethren of Genoa Lodge, along with 53 visitors, for a total of 114 Brethren, crowded into the Lodge room for what was one of the largest Inspections ever had at that point in time. The Lodge started off with Brother James M. Gallup being honored for being a 50 year member of Genoa Lodge. The Brethren then witnessed the raising of Brother Ralph W. DeWitt to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by RWB George F. Sprunk, District Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the evening.
May 16, 1933: Stated Meeting
In years before the Great Depression, it was standard practice to immediately suspend Brothers who had not paid Lodge dues in the appropriate time. However, given the
circumstances, Brother George A. Claus and Brother W. D. Skilliter moved that the Lodge communicate with all members delinquent in dues and see if they could pay at least part of their dues. The motion carried, and Brothers W. D. Skilliter and E. G. Vorce were placed on a committee to contact the Brethren who had not paid dues. This committee became known as the Brotherly Love Committee, and because of it and the two brothers who comprised it, many Brethren were saved from suspension.
October 3, 1933: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation of membership was accepted for Brother Burnett Henry Poggemeyer. Brother Poggemeyer had belonged to another Lodge (the minutes do not specify which one) and was accepted into Genoa Lodge. He would go on to be Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1937. Membership of the Lodge numbered 157 Brethren.
Note: The 1933-1934 Masonic Year marked the first time that Trustees of the Lodge were elected. Generally, in Genoa Lodge at the present time, the outgoing Master is elected to a term of three years as a Trustee of the Lodge.
December 5, 1933: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Dale Bumpkus
Senior Warden: Theodore Lorenzen
Junior Warden: Edwin E. Digby
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Chaplain: Rev. E. L. Arthur
Senior Deacon: Bert Poggemyer
Junior Deacon: Ernest G. Vorce
Senior Steward: W. G. McLargin
Junior Steward: Archie E. Wight
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustees: George I. Cheney, Burt A. Bell, Albert F. Camper
January 2, 1934: Stated Meeting
Owing to the financial difficulties felt by nearly every American at this time, the Lodge was having difficulty paying its expenses. A motion was carried that made the resolution that the Lodge would continue to pay the janitor to clean the Lodge, and they would attempt to pay as much of the rent as they possibly could to Worshipful Brother Albert F. Camper, who owned the building.
March 6, 1934: Annual Inspection
31 Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection and
to witness the initiation of Reverend Harold M. McAdow as an Entered Apprentice. The Lodge was inspected by Right Worshipful Brother George F. Sprunk, District Lecturer of the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the evening. Membership of the Lodge numbered 139 Brethren. Note: Due to economic hardships, there were no candidates for membership during this year.
December 4, 1934: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Theodore K. Lorenzen
Senior Warden: Edwin E. Digby
Junior Warden: Burnett H. Poggemeyer
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Earl F. Camper
Chaplain: Rev. Harry M. McAdow
Senior Deacon: Ernest G. Vorce
Junior Deacon: W. G. McLargin
Senior Steward: Elwood A. Pinniger
Junior Steward: Otto Hartman
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Walter D. Skilliter
March 5, 1935: Stated Meeting
A communication was read from Most Worshipful Brother Carl W. Ellenwood, Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, ordering the Altar to be draped for 60 days in respect for the death of Right Worshipful Brother Asa Queen, Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge.
March 19, 1935: Annual Inspection
23 Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection. Due to there being no candidates this year, a substitute candidate was used and the Entered
Apprentice Degree was put on for the Inspecting officer. Inspecting the Lodge was Right Worshipful Brother George F. Sprunk, Lecturer for the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the evening. Membership of the Lodge numbered 137 Brethren.
November 19, 1935: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Edwin E. Digby
Senior Warden: Burnett H. Poggemeyer
Junior Warden: Ernest G. Vorce
Secretary: George Weis
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Chaplain: Rev. Paul O. David
Senior Deacon: Elwood A. Pinniger
Junior Deacon: Chester A. McLargin
Senior Steward: Otto R. Hartman
Junior Steward: A. E. Miley
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Burt A. Bell
March 3, 1936: Stated Meeting
A communication from Most Worshipful Brother Elmer R. Arn, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, notifying the Lodge of the death of Most Worshipful Brother Charles L. Minor, Past Grand Master of Ohio in 1926-1927. Out of respect for the death of this prominent Mason, Genoa Lodge resolved to drape the altar in mourning for a period of sixty days.
April 7, 1936: Stated Meeting
A ballot was had on the petition of Mr. C. Willard Rice and found clear. Worshipful Brother Rice would later go on to be Master of Genoa Lodge in 1941.
May 5, 1936: Annual Inspection
43 members of Genoa Lodge and 25 visitors gathered in the Lodge room to witness Brother Clyde G. Hederman being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by Right Worshipful Brother George Sprunk, District Lecturer for the 11th
Masonic District, who reported favorably on the business of the evening. Membership of the Lodge numbered 157 Brethren.
November 17, 1936: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to lead Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Burnett H. Poggemyer
Senior Warden: Ernest G. Vorce
Junior Warden: Elwood A. Pinniger
Secretary: George C. Weis
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Senior Deacon: Chester A. McLargin
Junior Deacon: William Clark
Senior Steward: A. E. Miley
Junior Steward: C. Willard Rice
Chaplain: Edwin E. Digby
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
March 16, 1937: Annual Inspection
At the beginning of the meeting, a notice from the Grand Lodge of Ohio was read. It pertained to the recent passing of Most Worshipful Brother Frank M. Ransbottom, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio in 1921. In token of respect, all Lodges in Ohio were ordered to drape the Altar for a period of sixty days.
60 Brethren of Genoa Lodge with 22 visitors, gathered in the Lodge room to witness the raising of Brother Harold Ellsworth Crookton to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Brother Crookton became very active in the affairs of the Lodge, and served as Secretary for many years. The Lodge was inspected by Right Worshipful Brother Milton C. Boesel, who reported favorably on the business of the meeting.
April 15, 1937: Special Meeting
1300 Brethren from the 33 Blue Lodges in the 11th Masonic District (14 were present from Genoa Lodge) gathered in the Civic Theater in Toledo, Ohio. Each Master from each Blue Lodge declared his Lodge open. Acting on a dispensation granted by Most Worshipful Brother John Phillip Perry, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, the Brethren from the District met for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason Degree on Brother Frederick J. Groll.
June 25, 1937: Special Meeting
23 Brethren from Genoa Lodge and 29 visitors from 8 different Lodges met at Genoa Lodge to raise Brother Edward C. Pohlman to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The
Lodges represented at the meeting were: Calumet #612, Lotus #625, Port Lawrence #685, Portage #351, Northern Light #40, Bryan #215, Yondota #572, and Middleburg (Pennsylvania) #619. Worshipful Master Burnett H. Poggemeyer handed the gavel to Worshipful Brother Max J. Wood, Worshipful Master of Yondota Lodge, who presided over the meeting. Many Brethren from Genoa and other Lodges reported excellent degree work for the evening.
September 16, 1937: Constitution Night
Genoa Lodge met for the purpose of celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Constitution of the United States of America. The evening started with Patriotic music, followed by the Reading of the Constitution and what it stands for. The Brethren then listened to an address from Senator William Borah (R-Idaho) on the National Broadcast System. Membership of the Lodge numbered 157 Brethren.
November 16, 1937: Annual Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Ernest G. Vorce
Senior Warden: Elwood A. Pinniger
Junior Warden: Chester A. McLargin
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Senior Deacon: C. Willard Rice
Junior Deacon: Donald Johnson
Senior Steward: Edward Pohlman
Junior Steward: C. Johnson
Chaplain: Burnett H. Poggemeyer
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustees: Walter Sampsen, Burt A. Bell, E. Camper
January 18, 1938: Past Masters Night
53 Brethren from Genoa Lodge and 14 visitors gathered in the Lodge room for Genoa Lodges First Annual Past Masters Master Mason Degree. During these annual nights, the Past Masters of Genoa Lodge assume the stations of officers to confer the Master Mason degree on one candidate. WB Theodore K. Lorenzen acted as the Worshipful Master, WB Dale Bumpus as Senior Warden, WB George Cheney as Junior Warden, WB Burnett H. Poggemeyer as Senior Deacon, WB Walter Samson as Junior Deacon, and WB S. M. Taylor as Chaplain. Together, they raised Brother Perry W. Buchanan to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in a fine manner.
March 15, 1938: Annual Inspection
78 Brethren of Genoa Lodge with 27 visitors gathered in the Lodge room for the Annual Inspection, and to witness the raising of Brother D. Roe Davis to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by Right Worshipful Brother Milton C. Boesel, District Deputy Grand Master for the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the evening, and who also gave a talk on the condition of Lodges in the 11th District, reporting that Genoa Lodge was doing very well. This was the first year that the inspecting officer was titled District Deputy Grand Master, as inspecting officers had previously been called District Lecturer. The title of DDGM is still used to this day.
April 5, 1938: Stated Meeting
A ballot was had on the petition of Mr. Van Buren Evans, who subsequently was elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Evans would go on to be the Master of Genoa Lodge in 1943.
April 19, 1938: Stated Meeting
A ballot was had on the petition of Mr. Ross W. Kreager, who subsequently was elected to membership. Worshipful Brother Kreager would go on to be Master of Genoa Lodge in 1944. He also would go on to become the Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Ohio, receiving the awards of Knight of the York Grand Cross of Honour, Order of the Purple Cross of York, and Knight Commander of the Temple. He served the Scottish Rite Valley of Toledo as Commander-in- Chief of Toledo Consistory from 1967-1969 and was awarded the 33rd Degree. Membership of the Lodge numbered 162 Brethren.
November 15, 1938: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Elwood A. Pinniger
Senior Warden: Chester A. McLargin
Junior Warden: C. Willard Rice
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Burnett H. Poggemeyer
Senior Deacon: Harold D. Lusher
Junior Deacon: Bernard F. Mittendorf
Senior Steward: Van Buren Evans
Junior Steward: Ross W. Kreager
Tyler: Alfred F. Camper
Trustee: Ernest G. Vorce
January 3, 1939: Stated Meeting
To aid in the preparation of meals, the Lodge voted to purchase 2 - 18 quart double boilers for the kitchen. Total cost for both was $5.50.
February 3, 1939: Special Event
The Father and Sons Banquet was a successful evening, and involved many Brethren. The Entertainment Committee consisted of four Brethren, the Table Committee consisted of two, the Games Committee consisted of five, and the Receiving Committee consisted of four.
October 27, 1939: Special Celebration
Genoa Lodge had a 70-Year birthday party, with many in attendance. All Masons were invited to bring their wives, and all Eastern Stars were invited to bring their husbands. Brother Leon C. Smith was the Chairman of this special event. Ticket sales totaled $51.90.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 168 Brethren.
November 21, 1939: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Chester A. McLargin
Senior Warden: C. Willard Rice
Junior Warden: Harold D. Lusher
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Elwood A. Pinniger
Senior Deacon: Van Buren Evans
Junior Deacon: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Steward: Radcliff F. Robinson
Junior Steward: Paul A. David
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Burnett H. Poggemeye
February 22, 1940: Friendship Event
To facilitate friendship among the members and show appreciation for fathers and sons,
the Lodge again sponsored a successful Father & Son Banquet. The cost of the tickets was 0.50 per father and $0.50 per son, except that any additional sons were only $0.25 apiece.
April 13, 1940: Special Meeting
98 Brethren were present at the George Washington Memorial in Alexandria, VA. to
confer the Master Mason Degree on Brother John W. Messimore. Brethren from various
jurisdictions participated, including the New York City Square Club Fellow Craft Team and Brethren from Starr King Lodge of Massachusetts.
May 14, 1940: Special Meeting
Ninety Brethren crowded the Lodge Room for the conferral of the Master Mason Degree
on Brothers Milo L. Cowles and James R. Brinley. The second section of the degree was
conferred by the New York City Square Club officers.
September 24, 1940: Special Meeting
The Lodge Stewards, Brothers Radcliff F. Robinson and Paul A. David chaired a
Rededication Night at Genoa Lodge. The evening included a Ceremony of Rededication, and concluded with a Circle of Friendship about the Altar. Opening and Closing Prayers were offered by Reverend Brother Paul O. David. Membership of the Lodge numbered 168 Brethren.
November 19, 1940: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: C. Willard Rice
Senior Warden: Harold D. Lusher
Junior Warden: Van Buren Evans
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Burnett H. Poggemeyer
Senior Deacon: Ross W. Kreager
Junior Deacon: Harold R. Sherk
Senior Steward: Joseph S. Mizner
Junior Steward: Thomas A. Hummel
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Earl F. Camper
January 21, 1941: Annual Past Master's
The Past Masters Night was in conjunction with a Stated Meeting night. Sixty Brethren were present to see the Past Masters raise Brother Harry A. Mizner to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
February 25, 1941: Father & Son
The Father &; Son Banquet once again was a great success. To insure the smooth planning and execution there were many committees, including Ticket Committee ($0.50 for fathers and $0.25 for sons), Decorations Committee, Dinner Committee, Reception Committee and Tables & Chairs Committee. Brother Radcliff F. Robinson was the Master of Ceremonies for the event.
April 1, 1941: Annual Inspection
65 Brethren attended the Annual Inspection to share in the initiation of Mr. Howard H. Harpel to the degree of Entered Apprentice. A dinner was prepared and served by the ladies of the Eastern Star before the commencement of the meeting. They charged the Lodge $0.50 per
September 16, 1941: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Wayne L. Cowles. Brother
Cowles went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge, Knight of the York Cross of Honour and Order of the Purple Cross of York. Membership of the Lodge numbered 166 Brethren.
November 18, 1941: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Harold D. Lusher
Senior Warden: Van Buren Evans
Junior Warden: Ross W. Kreager
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Burnett H. Poggemeyer
Chaplain: Ernest G. Vorce
Senior Deacon: Harold R. Sherk
Junior Deacon: Thomas A. Hummell
Senior Steward: Milo L. Cowles
Junior Steward: Lee Robinson
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Burnett H. Poggemeyer
December 2, 1941: Stated Meeting
The Superintendent of Walbridge Schools, Brother Olen Slough and 16 other Brethren
from Walbridge surprised WB Lusher by showing up and presenting him with a top hat. Brother Slough, it is said, gave a very interesting talk in conjunction with the presentation.
January 20, 1942: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Earl Ray Warnke. Brother
Warnke had a very long tenure at Genoa Lodge, and received an award for 70-Years of Service to the Lodge in the 2011-2012 Masonic year.
June 9, 1942: Special Meeting
35 members of Genoa Lodge and 28 visitors were in attendance for the conferring of the
Master Mason Degree on Brothers Charles Harpel and Edward Berger. The Degree Team of O-Ton-Ta- La Grotto was in attendance, and portrayed the second section of the Master Mason Degree for both Candidates.
September 23, 1942: Supreme Council,
AASR - NMJ Brother Ralph H. McOuat was crowned an Honorary 33rd Degree Member of the Supreme Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He is the first member of Genoa Lodge to receive this honor.
October 20, 1942: Stated Meeting
As with many Masonic Lodges during this period, Genoa Lodge struggled because many
of its members were deployed overseas during World War II. At this meeting the Brethren voted to remit the dues of all the Brethren who were members in the Armed Services of the United States. The Lodge would, however, accept the $1.50 per capita of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio Membership of the Lodge numbered 166 Brethren.
November 17, 1942: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Van Buren Evans
Senior Warden: Ross W. Kreager
Junior Warden: Harold R. Sherk
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: S. Floyd Angus
Senior Deacon: Paul A. David
Junior Deacon: Harry M. Drayton
Senior Steward: Paul M. Johnson
Junior Steward: Wayne L. Cowles
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Edwin E. Digby
January 19, 1943: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Glenn A. Marsh. Brother Marsh went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge.
February 2, 1943: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Alvin W. Felbinger. Brother Felbinger also went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge.
March 2, 1943: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Dewey M. Widmer. Brother Widmer went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge and Knight of the York Cross of Honour.
October 5, 1943: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. John W. Sherk. Along with Brothers Marsh, Felbinger and Widmer above, Brother Sherk also went on to be elected Master of Genoa Lodge.
November 2, 1943: Annual Meeting
Amidst all the other business of the Annual Meeting, a petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Roger C. Hesselbart. Brother Hesselbart joined the ranks of all the other Brethren who petitioned the Lodge this year and went on to later become Master of Genoa Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 176 Brethren.
November 16,1943: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Warden: Harold R. Sherk
Junior Warden: Paul A. David
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ernest G. Vorce
Senior Deacon: Paul M.Johnson
Junior Deacon: Wayne L. Cowles
Senior Steward: Glenn A. Marsh
Junior Steward: Alvin W. Felbinger
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Earl F. Camper
December 7, 1943: Stated Meeting
WB Kreager appointed the following committees for the Lodge year: Finance Committee;
Grievance Committee; Lunch Committee; Masonic Home Endowment Fund Committee;
Masonic Instruction Committee; Music Committee; Past Masters Night Committee; Service Men Committee (this being the second anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor) Sick Committee and Tickets Committee.
December 21, 1943: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Fred P. Byers. Brother Byers was one of six brethren who petitioned the Lodge in 1943 and later went on to be elected Master of
Genoa Lodge.
May 9, 1944: Special Meeting
The Secretary read a card from A. Townsend, the Secretary of Peal Harbor Lodge #598 of
Honolulu, HI regarding the recent visitation to their Lodge of Genoa Lodge Brother Russell E. Rice, who was serving in the Armed Forces in Hawaii at the time.
June 6, 1944: Stated Meeting
The Master reported that on May 24th he received word that Mr. Robert Martin Tank was home on leave from the military, and was prepared to receive his Entered Apprentice Degree. Because there wasn‘t enough time to call a Special Meeting for the purpose, the Master contacted the Master of Boaz Lodge #669 in Toledo, and Boaz Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree on Brother Tank on May 26th as a courtesy candidate. WB Kreager was on hand to present the E.A. Lecture to our newest Brother.
November 3, 1944: Special Celebration
The brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered to celebrate the Lodges 75th birthday. The
Committee consisting of Chairman WB Elwood Pinniger, and Brothers Harold Sherk, Macy
Smith and WB George Cheney made quite a production of the event, and it was well attended and very well received. Membership of the Lodge numbered 186 Brethren.
November 21,1944: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Harold R. Sherk
Senior Warden: Paul M. Johnson
Junior Warden: Wayne L. Cowles
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Glenn A. Marsh
Junior Deacon: Alvin W. Felbinger
Senior Steward: John W. Sherk
Junior Steward: Macy W. Smith
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Ernest G. Vorce
February 2, 1945: Special Event
The annual Father & Sons Banquet, which has been a tradition at the Lodge for many
years now, is again a great success. The Chairman, WB Elwood Pinniger and Brothers Wayne Cowles and Paul Johnson did a great job with the event, as it paid for itself and no bills were read into the minutes.
March 20, 1945: Annual Inspection
Frederic M. Williams was the Inspection candidate this year, which was conducted in the Fellow Craft Degree. The District Deputy Grand Master RWB Vernon S. Amos reported very favorably on the event as well as on the administration of Genoa Lodge. In particular he mentioned the importance of the Masonic Home and Masonic Service Men Committees, and the good work they were doing to help others.
June 19, 1945: Stated Meeting
85 brothers were present for the evenings events, which included a dinner followed by two Master Mason degrees. Additionally, a petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. James E. Ryan. Brother Ryan later went on to be elected as Master of Genoa Lodge.
November 6, 1945: Annual Meeting
The Audit Committee Report showed that the total expenditures for the year were $1,708.19.
The biggest expense item was Lunches and Entertainment, which totaled $608.07. The next biggest expenditure was Grand Lodge dues (per-capita) which totaled $378.00, closely followed by rent at $350.00. Membership of the Lodge numbered 196 Brethren.
December 5, 1945: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Paul M. Johnson
Senior Warden: Wayne L. Cowles
Junior Warden: Glenn A. Marsh
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Alvin W. Felbinger
Junior Deacon: John W. Sherk
Senior Steward: Macy W. Smith
Junior Steward: Roger C. Hesselbart
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Theodore K. Lorenzen
January 15, 1946: Stated Meeting
62 brethren were in attendance this evening, which the Master had declared to be Past
Masters Night. Instead of portraying the Master Mason degree, the Past Masters took part in
portraying 2-Fellow Craft degrees instead; different officers for each candidate. Candidates were Brother Howard A. Layman and Brother Russell R. Layman. It was a long meeting that evening, as all three degrees were opened and closed in due form for various reasons, and the regular business had to be attended to as well. In addition to everything else, four petitions were presented for first reading and assigned to committees.
February 5, 1946: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Albert J. Cairl. Brother Cairl went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge.
February 19, 1946: Stated Meeting
This was a busy time for the Lodge, with new petitions coming in rapidly. Due to all the
membership activity, other events had to be postponed or skipped. In addition to all the regular business at this meeting, the Master postponed the annual Fathers & Sons Banquet, and conferred four Fellow Craft degrees.
October 1, 1946: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Spencer J. Stewart. Brother Stewart later was elected Master of Genoa Lodge, and served the Lodge as Chaplain in the latter part of the century.
October 30, 1946: Special Event
The Brethren of the Lodge came together to celebrate the 77th Birthday of Genoa Lodge
with their annual Birthday Party. The Committee consisting of Brother John Sherk and WBs Ernest Vorce and Ross Kreager was commended on a job well done, and the event was very well attended.
November 5, 1946: Annual Meeting
In addition to the other regular business of the evening, a petition for first reading was
presented on behalf of Mr. Max F. Geldine. Brother Geldine is the third brother who petitioned the Lodge in 1946 and went on to become Master of Genoa Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 211 Brethren.
December 3, 1946: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Wayne L. Cowles
Senior Warden: Glenn A. Marsh
Junior Warden: Alvin W. Felbinger
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Elwood A. Pinniger
Senior Deacon: John W. Sherk
Junior Deacon: Macy W. Smith
Senior Steward: Roger C. Hesselbart
Junior Steward: Fred P. Byers
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Ross W. Kreager
January 21, 1947: Stated Meeting
79 Brethren were on hand for this Past Masters Degree Night. Because it was a Stated Meeting there was much business to conduct. Nevertheless, Brother Spencer J. Stewart received the Master Mason Degree in very fine manner.
March 11, 1947: Special Meeting
Brother Max F. Geldine was rasied to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by the Square Club of the Erie Ordinance Depot. Brother Rollie McCloud presided over the degree, and the 22 visitors swelled attendance for the evening to a total of 57 brethren.
October 21, 1947: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. John F. Werner. Brother Werner was very active over the years with the establishment of a Temple Company, and also served Genoa Lodge as its Master.
October 22, 1947: Special Event
In keeping with a long-established tradition, the Brethren celebrated the Lodge's Birthday with a birthday party to commemorate 77 years of service to the community and to mankind. The Committee consisted of Brothers Glenn Marsh, Robert Pohlman and Dewey Widmer. Membership of the Lodge numbered 223 Brethren.
November 18, 1947: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Glenn A. Marsh
Senior Warden: Alvin W. Felbinger
Junior Warden: John W. Sherk
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Macy W. Smith
Junior Deacon: Roger C. Hesselbart
Senior Steward: Fred P. Byers
Junior Steward: Dewey M. Widmer
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Harold D. Lusher
February 24, 1948: Special Event
A long-standing tradition continued, with another Fathers & Sons Banquet evening. Once again it was very well received, thanks to the hard efforts of its Chairman this year, Brother John W. Sherk.
April 6, 1948: Annual Inspection
94 Brethren were on hand to see Genoa Lodge initiate Brother Charles E. Connor as an
Entered Apprentice. Brother Robert W. Pohlman was in charge of the dinner preceding the degree-work, and it was greatly appreciated by everyone in attendance. Total cost to the Lodge for the dinner that evening: $8.34.
April 20, 1948: Stated Meeting
The Annual Inspection report by RWB James W. Long was read in Lodge and was very
complimentary. It stated that & The ritualistic work of the officers of this Lodge is among the best. The work of the Lodge and social activities are well thought out.... This is a live and going Lodge. It shows in the work of the officers and the cooperation of its members. The tradition of excellence in Genoa Lodge continues to be a long-standing one which endures to this day. As additional business to come before the Lodge, Brother Spencer J. Stewart moved that photos of all Past Masters of the Lodge be framed and hung in the Club Room. WB Marsh appointed him Chairman of the Committee, along with WBs Alvin Felbinger, Ross Kreager, Elwood Pinniger and Brother Emerson Marsh. Also at this meeting, a petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Gordon A. Claus. Brother Claus went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge.
June 1, 1948: Stated Meeting
24 visitors and 17 members were present for this meeting to see Brother Clarence R. Smith receive the Master Mason Degree. The degree was portrayed by the Toledo Scale Fellow Craft Team.
September 21, 1948: Stated Meeting
Brother Macy Smith moved and Brother Dewey Widmer seconded the motion that the Lodge procure and offer 25-year pins to all Brethren who have achieved that many years of service to the Lodge. This practice continues today, and has since expanded to include additional service award pins as well. Membership of the Lodge numbered 230 Brethren.
December 7, 1948: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Alvin W. Felbinger
Senior Warden: John W. Sherk
Junior Warden: Macy W. Smith
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Roger C. Hesselbart
Junior Deacon: Fred P. Byers
Senior Steward: Dewey M. Widmer
Junior Steward: Spencer J. Stewart
Tyler: Albert F. Camper
Trustee: Glenn A. Marsh
February 22, 1949: Special Event
The Fathers & Sons Banquet hosted by the Lodge continues to be an important part of
the Masonic year for the Lodge, and all the Brethren look forward to it. This year the committee responsible for its success consisted of Macy Smith, John Werner and Ervin Schimmer.
April 5, 1949: Annual Inspection
At the Annual Inspection this year, two Brethren were on hand to receive their respective Fellow Craft Degrees. After receiving their Degrees, Brothers Eugene Rice and Richard Crookton were addressed by the District Deputy Grand Master RWB Henry G. Stahl, and informed that they had joined one of the premier Lodges in the area. RWB Stahl went on to report very favorably on the events of the evening.
April 19, 1949: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Robert G. Widmer. Brother Widmer went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge. In the 2008-2009 Masonic year, he received his 60Year service Award from Grand Master Charles R. Murphy.
June 7, 1949: Stated Meeting
Due to the large number of candidates petitioning the Lodge, the brethren had to do
multiple degrees some evenings. This evening was a good example, with three Master Mason Degrees conferred on Brothers Robert Widmer, Dwight Slater and Lester Henningsen after the regular business of the Stated Meeting had concluded.
September 6, 1949: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Walter C. Boday. Brother Boday was active in several Masonic bodies, and also served as Master of Genoa Lodge. In the 2008-2009 Masonic year, he received his 60Year service Award from Grand Master Charles R. Murphy.
October 18, 1949: Stated Meeting
103 Brethren were present for the raising of two Brethren, Brothers Howard A. Grabow
and Cameron E. Bridgeman to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Brother Ackerman
presided, and brethren of the New York City Square Club joined him in taking part.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 233 Brethren.
November 15, 1949: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: John W. Sherk
Senior Warden: Macy W. Smith
Junior Warden: Roger C. Hesselbart
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Harold R. Sherk
Senior Deacon: Fred P. Byers
Junior Deacon: Dewey M. Widmer
Senior Steward: Spencer J. Stewart
Junior Steward: John F. Werner
Tyler: Thomas L. Scott
Trustee: Alvin W. Felbinger
November 18, 1949: Special
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge celebrated the Lodge‘s 80th Birthday party with much
fanfare. Brother Macy Smith Chaired the event, and in conjunction with the events of the
evening passed the hat to raise money for Masonic Charity.
December 6, 1949: Stated Meeting
Brother Roger Hesselbart announced the formation of a Lodge Fellow Craft Club on
December 4th. He invited any other brothers who were interested to join the club as well. He
proposed that the Lodge purchase a Fellow Craft Club Jewel for every Brother who works on the Fellow Craft Club and has 80% participation.
March 21, 1950: Emergent
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge conducted Masonic Funeral Services for their Tyler,
Brother Thomas L. Scott. He had passed away on March 18, while preparations were being
made for his 64th birthday 9 days later. The office of Tyler was occupied on a pro-tempore
basis for the remainder of the Masonic year.
April 18, 1950: Stated Meeting
In addition to the regular business of the evening, five Brerthren received their Fellow
Craft Degrees at this meeeting. Brothers Lawrence Peterson, Robert White, Russell Yackee, Richard Keller and Donald Bennett all received their degrees in proper form, then were presented the Degree Lecture by Brother Dewey Widmer.
September 5, 1950: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Gerald E. Spurgeon. Brother
Spurgeon later became Master of Genoa Lodge, and ultimately received an award from the Grand Lodge of Ohio commemorating 60 years of service to the fraternity.
October 3, 1950: Stated Meeting
WB Ross Kreager, as Chairman of the By-Laws Revision Committee, presented a
proposal for second reading of new By-Laws for the Lodge. He also recommended that the
Lodge receive approval of the Grand Lodge that 400 copies be made. This would allow each of the members to have a copy, as well as each new member to receive one as he joins. The By-Laws were approved, and the motion for extra copies was passed. Membership of the Lodge numbered 245 Brethren.
November 21, 1950: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Roger C. Hesselbart
Senior Warden: Fred P. Byers
Junior Warden: Dewey M. Widmer
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Clarence C. Hesselbart
Senior Deacon: Spencer J. Stewart
Junior Deacon: James E. Ryan
Senior Steward: Gordon A. Claus
Junior Steward: Max F. Geldine
Tyler: John F. Werner
Trustee: John W. Sherk
February 20,1951: Stated Meeting
44 Members and 52 visitors, for a total of 96 brethren crowded the Lodge Room for an
official visitation from Fort Industry Lodge #630 of Toledo. Fort Industry Lodge conferred the
Master Mason Degree on Brother David E. Sidner, with Brother Paul B. Doren presiding.
March 6, 1951: Annual Inspection
Much time and preparation went into the dinner preceding the Entered Apprentice Degree, and was provided by Brothers Fred Byers, John Werner and James Ryan. Mr. Norman D. Hughes received the Entered Apprentice Degree, and the evening was applauded by the District Deputy Grand Master, RWB Charles H. Strayer.
March 20, 1951: Stated Meeting
The pool table in the Club Room was in a state of disrepair, and there was much discussion about either repairing it or removing it altogether. Brother Eugene Rice offered to repair the table and cues at cost, and the brethren voted to accept his kind offer.
May 15, 1951: Stated Meeting
The Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, RWB Thomas A. Reber was on hand for the Master Mason Degree conferral on Brother John L. Chambers. RWB Reber and
the District Deputy Grand Master RWB Charles Strayer were there to honor WB Alfred F.
Camper with a plaque commemorating his raising his 100th candidate this evening. In honor of WB Camper, the Master proclaimed this to be WB Albert F. Camper night at Genoa Lodge.
September 18, 1951: Stated Meeting
Fellow Craft robes needed to be replaced, and Brother Spencer J. Stewart presented a
cost structure to replace them. The Lodge voted to disburse a total sum of $225.00 to purchase 16 new robes.
October 2, 1951: Stated Meeting
Having been properly prepared and laid over, a By-Laws change was presented for vote
of the Brethren. Heretofore the Stated Meetings were scheduled to occur at 8:00pm on the first and third Tuesdays of every month, and the brethren present voted to change the official time of assembly to 7:30pm on the same evenings. Membership of the Lodge numbered 250 Brethren.
November 20, 1951: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Fred P. Byers
Senior Warden: Dewey M. Widmer
Junior Warden: Spencer J. Stewart
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Roger C. Hesselbart
Senior Deacon: James E. Ryan
Junior Deacon: John F. Werner
Senior Steward: Max F. Geldine
Junior Steward: Albert J. Cairl
Tyler: Gordon A. Claus
Trustee: Roger C. Hesselbart
February 19, 1952: Stated Meeting
The Brethren had a long discussion regarding the purchase of leather aprons for the
Fellow Craft Team. Ultimately they elected to purchase fifteen of them despite the cost; they
were $1.00 apiece.
February 26, 1952: Special Event
The tradition of the Fathers & Sons Banquet continued, and once again was very well attended and very well received. The committee members, Brothers Gordon Claus, Spencer Stewart and Max Geldine were commended for all their hard work to make it such a success.
March 18, 1951: Stated Meeting
WB Ross Kreager, Chairman of the Building Committee, reported on the progress of the
Committee for the Lodge to purchase and own its own building. He indicated that there were
several options under review, and the Brethren agreed that the Committee should continue its work in that regard.
May 6, 1952: Stated Meeting
WB Ross Kreager reported that he was able to procure the Past Masters& frame/board from The Valley of Toledo - AASR at no cost. It will hold the photographs of 100 Past Masters, and was very well received by the Brethren.
July 20, 1952: Special Event
Brother Spencer Stewart was charged with coordinating a picnic and Chaired a committee to conduct a Fellow Craft Picnic. Held at Bay Point, it was a resounding success.
November 4, 1952: Annual Meeting
Brother Irwin M. Johnson presented a demit request to Genoa Lodge. He petitioned
Ernest W. Schaefer Lodge #739 of Akron, Ohio, where he will become a Charter member of that Lodge. He was wished well by the Brethren. Membership of the Lodge numbered 260 Brethren.
November 18, 1952: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Dewey M. Widmer
Senior Warden: Spencer J. Stewart
Junior Warden: James E. Ryan
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: John F. Werner
Junior Deacon: Gordon A. Claus
Senior Steward: Albert J. Cairl
Junior Steward: Robert G. Widmer
Tyler: Max F. Geldine
Trustee: Fred P. Byers
December 2, 1952: Stated Meetng
Brother James Ryan announced that the Fellow Craft Team would paint the kitchen if
the Lodge would purchase the paint. It was approved by the brethren. Soon thereafter it was reported that the flooring needed to be replaced as well, and that expenditure was approved at the next Stated Meeting on December 16.
February 24, 1953: Special Event
With the ever-rising costs due to infolation, the Chairman of the Fathers And Sons Banquet
Brother Spencer Stewart reported that the cost of the event this year would be increased to
$1.10 per person.
March 17, 1953: Stated Meeting
Barton Smith Lodge #613 made an official visitation to Genoa Lodge with 46 members of
their Lodge in attendance. Their Fellow Craft Team was in attendance, and performed the
Fellow Craft degree on Brother Robert J. Cramer in due form.
August 4, 1953: Stated Meeting
Chairman of the Building Committee, WB Ross Kreager reported on the Committee And
recommendations. Property at the corner of 8th and Main Streets, known as The Taylor Property; had become available at a cost of $18,750. Rental income was $125.00 per month, and Genoa Bank would finance $11,250.00. The Membership of the Lodge would need to come up with the remaining $7,500.00. After much discussion, the Master ordered the Committee to have a detailed report on the cost to each member at the first meeting in September.
September 1, 1953: Stated Meeting
After much discussion on the matter, the motion was passed that the Building
Committee keep looking at options other than the one proposed at the previous Stated Meeting. A further recommendation was made by several brethren that the Master appoint a Finance Committee; which he indicated he‘d take under advisement. Membership of the Lodge numbered 269 Brethren.
November 17, 1953: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Warden: James E. Ryan
Junior Warden: John F. Werner
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Gordon A. Claus
Junior Deacon: Max F. Geldine
Senior Steward: Robert G. Widmer
Junior Steward: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Tyler: Albert J. Cairl
Trustee: Dewey M. Widmer
November 24, 1953: Special Meeting
Five candidates received their Entered Apprentice Degrees on this evening, each from a different presiding officer. Brother Alton Moritz received his degree from WB Spencer Stewart, Brother Joseph Latham received his from Brother H. F. Fleitcher of Lotus Lodge #625, Brother Rolla Ludwig from Brother James Ryan, Brother William Knowles from WB Roger Hesselbart, and Brother George Bowland from WB Dewey Widmer. It was a full evening, and by all accounts a fullfilling one as well.
January 19, 1954: Stated Meeting
There were 78 brethren in attendance for the Past Masters Degree Night his year. Brother George Bowland received a great degree, and WB Albert Camper was recognized for raising his 102nd candidate.
February 16, 1954: Stated Meeting
Two Master Masons received their degrees, and the Degree Lecture was given to seven Brethren. WB Spencer Stewart presented the Master Mason Lecture, and it was dramatized by the Vacationland Fellow Craft Team, which consisted of Members of Oliver H Perry Lodge #341 of Port Clinton.
April 20, 1954: Stated Meeting
30 members and 56 visitors were present to see Brother Robert Haack receive his
Master Mason degree. The Zenobia Craftsmen were on hand to do the degree work for the
evening, and Brother Haack received a great degree in the style of the Craftsmen Unit. Brother Carol N. White, Past Potentate of Zenobia Shrine also gave a talk on the meaning and aims of the Shrine, which was very well accepted.
May 4, 1954: Stated Meeting
For this evenings Master Mason degree, the Army Square Club conducted the work of the evening. Brother Junior Bauman received a very good degree, and the Brethren present
agreed that there were a number of benefits from having visiting groups portray the degrees on occasion.
October 19, 1954: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented on behalf of Mr. Donald C. Mallett. Brother Mallett was a long
time member of Genoa Lodge, then demitted to Oak Harbor Lodge #495, where he served as Worshipful Master in the 2002-2003 Masonic year.
November 9, 1954: Special Event
Brother James E. Ryan was the Chairman of the celebration of Genoa Lodge's 85th
Birthday Party. The event was a great success, and a great way for him to transition into the
position of Master of the Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 278 Brethren.
November 16, 1954: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: James E. Ryan
Senior Warden: John F. Werner
Junior Warden: Gordon A. Claus
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Max F. Geldine
Junior Deacon: Albert J. Cairl
Senior Steward: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Junior Steward: Walter C. Boday
Tyler: Robert G. Widmer
Trustee: Spencer J. Stewart
January 4, 1955: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. William T. Walters. Brother
Walters went on to achieve honors in his Masonic career, including Master of Genoa Lodge.
January 18, 1955: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Ellsworth F. Bittner. Brother
Bittner went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Grand Marshal of the Grand
Chapter, RAM of Ohio, Knight of the York Cross of Honour and Master of Genoa Lodge.
Also at this meeting, WB Dewey Widmer gave a talk on the Toledo Masonic Bulletin, and
recommended that Genoa Lodge make application for a column when space becomes
available. The Lodge voted to participate in the Bulletin, and this long-standing relationship
continues today.
March 15, 1955: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Roy W. Dombrowski. Brother
Dombrowski went on to become very active in his Masonic career, and later served Genoa
Lodge as its Master.
April 19, 1955: Stated Meeting
Brother James C. Taylor was raised to the degree of Master Mason by his father, WB
Charles A. Taylor. Brother James C. Taylor afforded Genoa Lodge many years of service, and received a 50-Year Service Award in the 2004-2005 Masonic Year.
May 3, 1955: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Wesley V. Teems. Brother Teems became a very active Mason and ultimately was elected Master of Genoa Lodge.
October 12, 1955: Special Event
Genoa Council #138, Royal and Select Masons, was granted a Charter by the Grand
Council of Ohio and given permission to hold meetings in the Lodge Hall. Worshipful Brother
Ross Kreager was the first to serve as its Illustrious Master. Membership of the Lodge numbered 292 Brethren.
November 15, 1955: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: John F. Werner
Senior Warden: Gordon A. Claus
Junior Warden: Max F. Geldine
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Albert J. Cairl
Junior Deacon: Robert G. Widmer
Senior Steward: Walter C. Boday
Junior Steward: Wesley V. Teems
Tyler: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Trustee: James E. Ryan
November 15, 1955: Annual Meeting
Upon his installation as Worshipful Master, WB John F. Werner appointed a Temple Building Fund Committee consisting of WB Ross Kreager, Chairman, WB Spencer Stewart and WB Roger Hesselbart. WB Kreager proposed that $50.00 made from a Fathers & Sons Banquet be taken from the Lodge Funds and be placed in a separate account to be called The Genoa Lodge Building Fund. Motion was made and carried.
November 19, 1955: Special Event
Genoa Assembly #107 - Order of Rainbow for Girls was officially instituted, and co-sponsored by Gertrude Chapter Order of the Eastern Star and Genoa Lodge #433. The Lodge granted permission to use the Lodge Room, and to split all the immediate costs 50%-50% with Gertrude Chapter. The Brethren also voted to buy the new Assembly 100 wrist aprons, their own American Flag, and a Rainbow Girls flag.
February 21, 1956: Stated Meeting
A difficult issue was addressed at this meeting, where the Brethren voted on unmasonic
Conduct charges against a Past Master of the Lodge. During this period Lodges were empowered to conduct trials against Brethren of their Lodge, with the penalties being either
reprimand, suspension or expulsion. The brother pleaded guilty of the charges preferred, and the Brethren voted to suspend him from membership for a period of one year. On April 17, by order of Grand Master MWB Frank W. Nicholas the matter was revisited, and this Past Master was expelled from Freemasonry.
March 20, 1956: Stated Meeting
After investigating a number of options, the Lodge voted to purchase a new Altar, Pedestals and Lights from WB Frank J. Stamm of Oak Harbor Lodge #495. These pieces of furniture are still used by the Lodge today, and the previous pedestals and Altar were donated
to the Knights of Columbus, Genoa Council.
April 17, 1956: Stated Meeting
Lodge dues were increased to $10.00 per year, with $4.00 to be appropriated to the Genoa Lodge Building Fund.
April 21, 1956: Special Meeting
98 Brethren were on hand for a visitation from Tyrian Lodge #500 of Detroit, Michigan.
Dispensations were read from the Grand Masters of Ohio and Michigan, and Tyrian Lodge exemplified the Michigan Ritual to confer the Master Mason Degree on their Brother Steve Drazinga. The event was so well received that a return visit to Tyrian by the Brethren of Genoa Lodge was planned, where they would confer the Ohio Ritual to exemplify the Master Mason Degree on one of their candidates.
September 18, 1956: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Lawrence E. Widmer. Brother
Widmer went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge and Knight of the York Cross of Honour.
October 13, 1956: Special Meeting
Acting under dispensations of the Grand Masters of Ohio and Michigan, Genoa Lodge
traveled to Tyrian Lodge #500 of Detroit, Michigan, and conferred the Master Mason on their own candidate Brother Robert E. Samson. To make the event even more special, Brother Samsen was raised to the degree of Master Mason by his father, WB Walter R. Samsen.
November 6, 1956: Annual Meeting
In addition to the regular business of this annual meeting, petitions for degrees were
read on behalf of Mr. Robert W. Spurgeon and Mr. Leo E. Garey. Both of these Brethren went on to long distinguished careers in Freemasonry. Both received awards for fifty years of service to Genoa Lodge, and Brother Spurgeon went on to serve as Master of Genoa Lodge. Brother Garey moved to Findlay, Ohio and ultimately became a plural member of Findlay Lodge #227. In addition to serving as Master of Findlay Lodge, he also received the honors of Meritorious Service Award from the Valley of Toledo - AASR, and Knight of the York Cross of Honour. Membership of the Lodge numbered 292 Brethren.
November 20,1956: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Gordon A. Claus
Senior Warden: Max F. Geldine
Junior Warden: Albert J. Cairl
Treasurer: John E. Brunner
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: George A. Claus
Senior Deacon: Robert G. Widmer
Junior Deacon: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Senior Steward: Wesley V. Teems
Junior Steward: Calvin S. Barrett
Tyler: Walter C. Boday
Trustee: John F. Werner
December 18, 1956: Stated Meeting
56 Brethren were on hand to share the conferral of the Master Mason Degree on Brother Arthur R. Peth. The degree was exemplified by The Army Square Club of Port Clinton, Ohio, which drew its membership primarily from Camp Perry Military Outfit.
February 5, 1957: Stated Meeting
Due to the rising costs of electricity, heat, telephone and janitorial services, it was
determined that the other bodies meeting in the building would need to pay rent to help defray these expenditures. As a result, Gertrude Chapter Order of the Eastern Star and Genoa Council R&SM were asked to pay a per-capita amount of $0.75 per member per year (or $75.00, whichever is greater), and the Genoa Assembly Rainbow for Girls was asked to pay a flat fee of $50.00 per year.
March 12, 1957: Special Event
Brother Albert J. Cairl conducted the Fathers; Sons Banquet, which was reported in the minutes as a very successful evening. Although the event lost almost $5.00 this year (receipts were $144.75 and disbursements were $149.60), it still was regarded as well worth the time, effort and expenditure.
April 15, 1957: Stated Meeting
A letter was read from the Deputy Grand Master of Ohio, RWB Andrew J. White,
congratulating the Brethren of Genoa Lodge on the Lodges Inspection. He indicated that ;In every respect, this is a splendid report, and the reading of it has given me such pleasure.
Genoa Lodge has my best wishes for its continued success; Once again, proof that the excellence of the Lodge has remained consistent throughout its history.
May 21, 1957: Stated Meeting
Mr. Robert Spurgeon was Initiated an Entered Apprentice, and his brother, the Junior
Deacon Gerald Spurgeon acted as Senior Deacon for the degree. Brother Gerald Spurgeon also presented his brother Brother Robert Spurgeon with his apron.
October 11, 1957: Emergent Communication
45 Brethren were present for the Masonic Funeral Service for the Lodges long-time
Treasurer, WB John E. Brunner. WB Brunner had passed away the day before, October 10,
1957. A long time servant of the Lodge, he had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1914 and 1915, later followed by a tenure as its Treasurer for over 30 years. Membership of the Lodge numbered 302 Brethren.
November 19, 1957: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Max F. Geldine
Senior Warden: Albert J. Cairl
Junior Warden: Robert G. Widmer
Treasurer: Albert F. Camper
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Ross W. Kreager
Senior Deacon: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Junior Deacon: Walter C. Boday
Senior Steward: Calvin S. Barrett
Junior Steward: William T. Walters
Tyler: Wesley V. Teems
Trustee: Gordon A. Claus
February 4, 1958: Stated Meeting
Five visitors joined the fifty members for this Past Masters night, bringing the total
attendance to 55 for the conferring of the Master Mason Degree on Brother Raymond I. Wenzel. The visitors were from Port Lawrence Lodge #685, and their Past Masters present were invited to participate in the degree.
April 1, 1958: Stated Meeting
Two candidates received their Master Mason degrees, Brothers Leonard Wicks and Wayne Bittner. The Master conferred the Master Mason Degree on Brother Wicks, but passed the gavel to Brother Ellsworth Bittner to raise his son Wayne E. Bittner to the degree of Master Mason.
April 15, 1958: Stated Meeting
Due to the cost of the materials presented to the candidates, a vote was taken to increase the fees of Initiation. This amendment to the By-Laws passed, increasing the fees from $40.00 to $55.00. this fee is in addition to the $20.00 Ohio Masonic Home fee. The new
fee of $75.00 would be effective immediately.
April 29, 1958: Special Event
104 members of Genoa Lodge, 21 visitors and 26 members of St Omer Commandery #59 crowded the Lodge Room for a total of 151 Brethren. The purpose of the meeting was to present 3 50-Year service awards, and welcome the Junior Grand Warden, RWB Charles Strayer, who was on hand to make the presentations on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The recipients were Brothers Fred E. Werner, John C. Werner and WB Albert F. Camper. St. Omer Commandery posted the colors, and many dignitaries were present. The recipients of the awards all were very pleased to provide informative and insightful remarks on their tenure in Genoa Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 307 Brethren.
November 18, 1958: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Albert J. Cairl
Senior Warden: Robert G. Widmer
Junior Warden: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Treasurer: Albert F. Camper
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Deacon: Walter C. Boday
Junior Deacon: Wesley V. Teems
Senior Steward: Lawrence J. Petersen
Junior Steward: Junior E. Bauman
Tyler: William T. Walters
Trustee: Max F. Geldine
January 6, 1959: Stated Meeting
The Brethren received information from Mr. Paul Wyatt regarding oil painting of signs for
each of the bodies that meet in the building. The signs, consisting of eight separate panels,
would cost $87.50 for materials and labor. They voted to purchase the signs, and then bill the various bodies for their respective portions.
January 20, 1959: Stated Meeting
In conjunction with Past Masters Degree Night, the Chaplain WB Spencer J. Stewart
conducted a memorial service for all deceased Past Masters of Genoa Lodge. For each name read, there was a white carnation placed on the Altar as a token that their presence was missed by all the Brethren.
February 24, 1959: Special Event
The annual Fathers Sons Banquet has now been renamed the Fathers, Sons &
Daughters Banquet, and once again it was a great success. This years Chairman, Brother Gerald Spurgeon reported that the total attendance for the evening was 135 brothers and guests.
June 16, 1959: Stated Meeting
The Senior Grand Warden of Ohio, RWB Charles Strayer was in attendance along with
58 other Brethren, for the presentation of a 50-Year Service Award to Brother Richard M. Strohl. In conjunction with the event the Lodge hosted a fish fry, and the entire evening was very well received by all who were able to attend.
August 19, 1959: Emergent Communication
A Masonic Memorial Service was conducted for WB George I. Cheney, who served
Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1933. A 42-Year member of the Lodge, his funeral service was
very well attended by the Brethren.
November 10, 1959: Special Event
Brothers Robert Widmer and Gerald Spurgeon were the hosts of this years Birthday Party for the Lodge, which celebrated 90 Years of continuous service to the Genoa, Ohio community. It was a very successful event, and had great attendance from the members of the community at large, as well as the Lodge Brethren and their families. Membership of the Lodge numbered 305 Brethren.
November 17, 1959: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Robert G. Widmer
Senior Warden: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Junior Warden: Walter C. Boday
Treasurer: Albert F. Camper
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Dewey M. Widmer
Senior Deacon: Wesley V. Teems
Junior Deacon: William T. Walters
Senior Steward: Lawrence J. Petersen
Junior Steward: Junior E. Bauman
Tyler: Lawrence J. Petersen
Trustee: Albert J. Cairl
February 20, 1960: Special Meeting
There were 98 Brothers present for a visitation of Tyrian Lodge of Detroit, MI to confer the Master Mason Degree on a Brother utilizing the Michigan ritual. Dispensations from the Grand Masters of Michigan and Ohio were read, and the degree was presented in due and proper form according to the rutual of the Grand Lodge of Michigan.
March 8, 1960: Annual Inspection
104 Brethren packed the Lodge room for the Lodges Inspection in the Entered Apprentice Degree. The newest member of Genoa Lodge Brother Walter F. Knudson was welcomed by RWB L. Burge Smith, who was pleased to report on the very fine work of the evening, and on the wonderful administration of the Lodge records.
March 29, 1960: Special Event
The Fathers Sons & Daughters Banquet once again was a very successful, and spurred
discussions of the possibility of establishing a DeMolay Chapter at the Lodge. As a result at the next Stated Meeting on April 5th, the Master appointed a committee consisting of WB Dewey Widmer and Brother Wesley Teems to investigate the matter.
May 3, 1960: Stated Meeting
At this meeting, the Brethren voted to sponsor a Chapter of DeMolay. Shortly thereafter,
the Lodge received a letter from the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay thanking the brethren of Genoa Lodge #433 for their willingness to sponsor a Chapter.
August 8, 1960: Emergent Communication
52 Brethren were on hand to pay their last respects to WB Gordon A Claus, who passed
away on August 6, 1960. Having just served as Master of the Lodge in 1957, his death was a particularly hard blow to many of the brethren.
September 6, 1960: Stated Meeting
After the conclusion of the Stated Meeting, Henry Stanz Chapter Order of DeMolay
conferred the Initiatory Degree on three candidates in the lodge Room. After the degree work, they were thanked by the Master for sharing the degree with the Brethren of the Lodge.
October 4, 1960 Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. John F. Wilhelm. Brother
Wilhelm went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge; recipient of the Distinguished Service Award of the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Ohio and District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th Masonic District of Ohio. Membership of the Lodge numbered 303 Brethren.
November 15, 1960: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Gerald E. Spurgeon
Senior Warden: Walter C. Boday
Junior Warden: Wesley V. Teems
Treasurer: Albert F. Camper
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Deacon: William T. Walters
Junior Deacon: Lawrence J. Petersen
Senior Steward: Lawrence E. Widmer
Junior Steward: Ellsworth F. Bittner
Tyler: Junior E. Bauman
Trustee: Robert G. Widmer
December 3, 1960: Special Event
29 members of Genoa Lodge traveled to Tyrian Lodge in Detroit, Michigan to protray the
Ohio ritual for the 55 members of Tyrian Lodge who were present for the occasion. Dispensations were read from the Grand Masters of Ohio and Michigam pertaining to the event, after which Brother Roger D. Traver was raised to the degree of Master Mason in due and proper form.
December 6, 1960: Stated Meeting
A petition for degrees was read on behalf of Mr. Rodney J. Wilhelm. Over the years
Brother Wilhelm maintained plural memberships in Genoa Lodge as well as Oak Harbor Lodge, and went on to serve as Master of Oak Harbor Lodge in the year 2010.
February 14, 1961: Special Event
For the first time, the Fathers, Sons & Daughters Banquet was opened up to interested DeMolay boys as well as to the traditional attendees. The only requirement was that in order to attend they must have procured a Masonic Sponsor.
June 5, 1961: Special Event
The very first Inspection of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay was conducted in the
Initiatory Degree in the Lodge Room. The Brethren of Genoa Lodge supported this new chapter with great pride that evening. The great tradition of DeMolay still has a strong presence in Genoa to this day.
November 14, 1961: Special Event
Brother Walter Boday was the host of the Lodges Birthday Party this year, and it was well received. It was a great evening with dinner and entertainment. Membership of the Lodge numbered 305 Brethren.
November 21, 1961: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Walter C. Boday
Senior Warden: Wesley V. Teems
Junior Warden: William T. Walters
Treasurer: Albert F. Camper
Secretary: Harold E. Crookton
Chaplain: Clarence E. Mallett
Senior Deacon: Lawrence J. Petersen
Junior Deacon: Junior E. Bauman
Senior Steward: Ellsworth F. Bittner
Junior Steward: Francis J. Magrum
Tyler: Lawrence E. Widmer
Trustee: Gerald E. Spurgeon
December 5, 1961: Stated Meeting
Brother Hary Reuss was raised to the degree of Master Mason by Brothers visiting from
other Lodges. All the degree work of the evening was presented by the Sun Oil Acacia Club, which consisted of brethren from many different Lodges, all of whom happened to work at the Sun Oil Company.
March 13, 1962: Annual Inspection
The Lodge was opened at 6:00pm, the colors were posted by Toledo Commandery #7,
introductions were conducted, and then the Brethren went to refreshment at 6:30pm for the
purpose of dinner prepared by the Eastern Star Ladies. 71 were present to enjoy the dinner.
Brother Alphonsus L. Barron received a very fine Master Mason degree, and the evening was very well done according to the Inspecting Officer, RWB Robert D. Sager.
March 27, 1962: Special Event
Brother William T. Walters organized the annual Fathers Sons and Daughters Banquet,
and the cost for everyone, regardless of age was $1.10 per plate.
May 18, 1962: Emergent Communication
69 Brethren were present at the Masonic Service conducted for the long-term Secretary
of the Lodge, Brother Harold E. Crookton, who passed away suddenly the day before, May 17, 1962. He was a 25 year Mason, and was to receive his 25-year Award at the Awards Night on May 26. Brother Crookton had served Genoa Lodge as its Secretary for nearly his entire tenure as a Mason.
September 18, 1962: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. E. LeRoy Williams. Brother
Williams went on to achieve honors in many different Masonic bodies, including Master of
Genoa Lodge, President of the International Shrine Recorders Association and Meritorious
Service Award from the AASR - Valley of Toledo. WB Williams also served Zenobia Shriners as their Recorder for almost 20 years, receiving the designation of Recorder Emeritus in the year 2011.
September 24, 1962: Emergent Communication
Masonic Services were conducted to honor our Past Master, Otto F. Camper, who passed away September 22, 1962. He was a 41-year Mason at the time of his death, and had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1925.
November 7, 1962: Emergent Communication
Masonic Services were conducted to honor our Past Master, Paul M. Johnson, who passed away November 5, 1962. He was a 20-year Mason at the time of his death, and had
served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1946. Membership of the Lodge numbered 305 Brethren.
November 20, 1962: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Wesley V. Teems
Senior Warden: William T. Walters
Junior Warden: Lawrence E. Widmer
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: Walter C. Boday
Chaplain: Kenneth W. Farrell
Senior Deacon: Junior E. Bauman
Junior Deacon: Ellsworth F. Bittner
Senior Steward: John F. Wilhelm
Junior Steward: Evert Suydam
Tyler: Francis J. Magrum
Trustee: Albert J. Cairl
January 15, 1963: Stated Meeting
The Lodge received a framed portrait of Brother George Washington as a as donation
from Brother William F. Smith. The Brethren were very appreciative of this generous gift, and promptly hung it on the wall - where it still remains to this day.
February 17, 1963: Emergent Communication
Masonic Services were conducted to honor our Past Master, Charles A. Taylor, who passed away February 14, 1963. He was a 45-year Mason at the time of his death, and had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1924.
February 23, 1963: Emergent Communication
Masonic Services were conducted to honor our Past Master, Burnett H. Poggemeyer, who passed away February 21, 1963. He had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1937.
March 26, 1963: Annual Inspection
The Lodge held its annual inspection, under dispensation of the Grand Master MWB
Ralph M. Francisco, in the Fellowship Hall of St. Johns United Church of Christ in Genoa. 105 Brethren joined in this special event, and the church proved to be a good venue for the degree work as well as for the dinner.
August 20, 1963: Stated Meeting
Haing been given an air conditioning unit by the bank, a committee was appointed at the
Stated Meeting on July 2 to investigate the matter of contracting to have it connected. The
committee made their report at this meeting, and the brethren voted to move forward with
having the air conditioning unit installed. The total price was not to exceed $225.00.
September 3, 1963: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Ronald A. Spencer. Brother
Spencer went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge and
Knight of the York Cross of Honour . Membership of the Lodge numbered 305 Brethren.
November 19, 1963: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: William T. Walters
Senior Warden: Lawrence E. Widmer
Junior Warden: Junior E. Bauman
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: Walter C. Boday
Chaplain: Max F. Geldine
Senior Deacon: Ellsworth F. Bittner
Junior Deacon: John F. Wilhelm
Senior Steward: Roy W. Dombrowski
Junior Steward: E. LeRoy Williams
Tyler: Evert Suydam
Trustee: Wesley V. Teems
January 7, 1964: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Richard D. Boltz, Jr.. Brother
Boltz went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge .
January 21, 1964: Stated Meeting
It was determined that Genoa Lodge #433 needed to express its pride and presence in
the Genoa Community. As a result the Brethren voted to purchase road-side sign to place at the entrance to the Village Limits.
March 25, 1964: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge traveled as a group to the Maundy Service, sponsored by
the AASR - Valley of Toledo. There was a good turn-out at the event, which was held at the
Toledo University Field House.
May 2, 1964: Special Event
Tyrian Lodge #500 of Detroit, Michigan once again visited Genoa Lodge to raise a
Brother to the degree of Master Mason according to the Michigan Ritual. Proper dispensations were read from the respective Grand Masters, and after raising Brother Donald Malone to the degree of Master Mason, the Master of Tyrian Lodge invited the Brethren of Genoa Lodge back to visit them. All the Brethren agreed it would need to be scheduled for the near future.
July 4, 1964: Emergent Communication
Masonic Services were conducted to honor our Past Master, Harold R. Sherk, who passed away July 1, 1964. He had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1945.
October 20, 1964: Stated Meeting
Due to the the large number of Brethren of the Lodge who had passed away during the year, WB Max Geldine and Senior Deacon Ellsworth Bittner prepared and presented a memorial service in honor of all who had passed away during the previous year. It was said to have been ;most impressive; Membership of the Lodge numbered 309 Brethren.
November 17, 1964: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Lawrence E. Widmer
Senior Warden: Junior E. Bauman
Junior Warden: Ellsworth F. Bittner
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: Lawrence F. Hoyt
Chaplain: Dewey M. Widmer
Senior Deacon: John F. Wilhelm
Junior Deacon: Roy W. Dombrowski
Senior Steward: Robert W. Spurgeon
Junior Steward: Milton M. LaPlantz
Tyler: E. LeRoy Williams
Trustee: William T. Walters
February 2, 1965: Stated Meeting
There was a discussion regarding the Fathers & Sons Banquet, and how it had transitioned over the years to be a Fathers & Sons & Daughters Banquet, and then an event with the youth groups invited as well. The brethren voted to chage it back to its original form, a Fathers & Sons Banquet only.
February 23, 1965: Annual Inspection
Brother Thomas D. Penny received the Master Mason degree with a record-setting attendance of 118 Brethren - 45 members and 73 visitors. The District Deputy Grand Master RWB E. Roger Kirk was very complimentary, indicating that the excellence for which Genoa Lodge had become known continued on.
June 5, 1965: Special Event
A long-standing tradition continues. John Jacob Camper was the candidate this year
who received the Master Mason Degree in Detroit, Michigan, where Genoa Lodge was hosted by Tyrian Lodge #500. After the respective Grand Masters Dispensations were read, WBLawrence Widmer conferred the degree accordng to the Grand Lodge of Ohio ritual. The Brethren shared refreshments with their hosts after the Lodge was closed.
June 8, 1965: Special Meeting
Two Master Mason Degrees were conferred, both under special circumstances. Brother
Rodney J. Wilhelm had both sections of the degree conferred on him by Brother John F.
Wilhelm. Immediately thereafter, Brother Thomas Paul David received his degrees, with the second section being conferred by his Grandfather, WB Albert F. Camper. It was noted that his Grandson was the 105th Mason raised by WB Camper in his Masonic career.
November 2, 1965: Annual Meeting
Prior to the annual ballot for the election of officers, Brother Junior Bauman informed the
Brethren that he would not be able to serve the coming year as Worshipful Master, due to work commitments. As a result, there were several Brethren who missed the opportunity to serve in all the progressive line chairs while serving the Lodge as Officers. Membership of the Lodge numbered 310 Brethren.
November 23, 1965: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Ellsworth F. Bittner
Senior Warden: John F. Wilhelm
Junior Warden: Roy W. Dombrowski
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: Walter C. Boday
Chaplain: William T. Walters
Senior Deacon: E. LeRoy Williams
Junior Deacon: Robert W. Spurgeon
Senior Steward: Richard D. Boltz, Jr.
Junior Steward: Glenn D. Sondergeld
Tyler: Milton M. LaPlantz
Trustee: Lawrence E. Widmer
December 21, 1965: Stated Meeting
The Master indicated that some remodeling was necessary on the Lodge Room. Brother Glenn Sondergeld repaired and updated the Altar lights, and a committee of six was appointed to investigate rebuilding the officers platforms in the East, West and South sides of the Lodge Room.
January 13, 1966: Emergent Communication
A Masonic Memorial Service was conducted for WB Walter R. Samsen, who served
Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1932. He had passed away two days earlier, January 11, 1966.
January 18, 1966: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. T. Dale Brandt. Brother Brandt
went on to serve the Lodge as Master, as well as Secretary of Genoa Lodge. Also at this
meeting, the Master drew attention to the new stage built in the Lodge Room, and thanked all the Brethren for their efforts.
February 1, 1966: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Ronald E. Cashen. Brother
Cashen went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge three
times, and Grand Aide to the Grand Master of Royal & Select Masons of Ohio.
March 15, 1966: Stated Meeting
Standing Resolutions pertaining to Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay were read and
adopted. They read in part as follows: 1) that the Lodge will continue to sponsor, encourage and assist the Chapter, 2) that the Lodge will continue to furnish the Lodge Hall rent free, and 3) that the total fees paid to the Chapter may be used as cash credit for the three degrees of Freemasonry in the Lodge, providing the petitioner is a member in good standing of Ottawa Chapter, and that he presents his petition to the Lodge before his 24th birthday.
April 5, 1966: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Edsel W. Burkholder. Brother
Burkholder later moved to Pennsylvania and ultimately became a dual member of Henry M.
Phillips Lodge #337 in Monongahela, Pennsylvania. He went on to serve Henry M. Phillips Lodge as its Master in 2006.
April 12, 1966: Special Meeting
A number of Brethren from from Jefferson Lodge #533 were in attendance for the
conferring of the Master Mason Degree on Brother Wayne F. Hamilton. Among the visitors in attendance was WB Harry Hasmilton, the Master of Jefferson Lodge, who also was Brother Wayne Hamiltons brother.
May 7, 1966: Special Event
The Brethren of Tyrian Lodge #500 of Detroit, Michigan joined the Brethren of Genoa
Lodge for a fish fry, followed by the conferral of the Fellow Craft Degree - Michigan form. After the proper dispensations were read, Tyrian Lodge conferred the degree on their member Brother Ted James. The members of Ottawa Chapter, order of DeMolay served the dinner, as well as pie and coffee after the conclusion of the evenings meeting.
November 1, 1966: Annual Meeting
WB Walter C. Boday, Lodge Secretary, announced that he would not be able to serve
as Secretary of the Lodge for the coming year due to the pressures of his job. He was thanked and commended by the brethren for his commitment and work over the past few years. Membership of the Lodge numbered 319 Brethren.
November 26, 1966: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: John F. Wilhelm
Senior Warden: Roy W. Dombrowski
Junior Warden: E. LeRoy Williams
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: William L. Hammye
Chaplain: William T. Walters
Senior Deacon: Robert W. Spurgeon
Junior Deacon: Richard D. Boltz, Jr
Senior Steward: Rodney J. Wilhelm
Junior Steward: George E. Gerkensmeyer
Tyler: Glenn D. Sondergeld
Trustee: Ellsworth F. Bittner
February 11, 1967: Annual Inspection
100 Brothers gathered under dispensation of Grand Master Ben R. Evans for the
Inspection of the Lodge at St. Johns United Church of Christ in Genoa. Brother Dennis F. Wilhelm was raised to the degree of Master Mason in proper form by his father, WB John F. Wilhelm, and the District Deputy Grand Master, RWB Maurice J. Edgington praised the officers of the Lodge for their continued fine work. To thank the Church for allowing the Lodge to use their facility, they appropriated $25.00 to be given to the church.
February 28, 1967: Special Event
Once again the Fathers & Sons Banquet was a tremendous success. It was reported
that the entertainment was great, so the Brethren voted to send them a monetary thank you - in the amount of $25.00.
March 7, 1967: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Paul L. Wyatt. Brother Wyatt
went on to become quite active in the affairs of the Lodge, and served as its Master in 1975.
April 4, 1967: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. William E. Rost. Brother Rost
also became quite active in the affairs of the Lodge, and served as its Master in 1974.
May 6, 1967: Special Event
The Lodge Room was filled by Masons, ladies and guests for the presentation of Service
Awards, as well as for a Memorial Service to honor our Brethren who passed away during the year. RWB C. Robert Smith, the District Deputy Grand Master, was in attendance and very impressed with the events of the evening.
September 5, 1967: Stated Meeting
The Master reported on the remodeling which took place during the summer months. The kitchen was completely revamped, with cabinets, new paint, new tile on the floor, etc. The cost of materials was $142.65. The Brethren pitched in and donated the labor.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 337 Brethren.
November 11, 1967: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Roy W. Dombrowski
Senior Warden: E. LeRoy Williams
Junior Warden: Robert W. Spurgeon
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: William L. Hammye
Chaplain: William T. Walters
Senior Deacon: Richard D. Boltz, Jr
Junior Deacon: Rodney J. Wilhelm
Senior Steward: T. Dale Brandt
Junior Steward: William H. Cable
Tyler: George E. Gerkensmeyer
Trustee: John F. Wilhelm
December 5, 1967: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Charles H. Brick. Brother Brick
became active in Genoa Lodge, and went on to serve as Worshipful Master in 1973. Several
years later, he transferred his membership to Oak Harbor Lodge #495.
March 12, 1968: Annual Inspection
Brother Edward Bowman was the Inspection Candidate this year, where he received his
Fellow Craft Degree. The Lodge was honored to have a special Guest Inspector, the Junior
Grand Deacon, RWB Robert D. Sager. RWB Sager and the DDGM RWB Maurice J. Edgington both reported very favorably on the evening.
April 2, 1968: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Richard N. Ousky. Brother
Ousky went on to achieve several Masonic honors, among them, Master of Genoa Lodge.
May 11, 1968: Special Meeting
During the visit of Tyrian Lodge #500 to Genoa Lodge this year, WB Ralph Black of Tyrian Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice degree in Michigan ritual on Mr. Robert Radclift of Detroit. There were 54 Brethren present for the event, and it was very well received.
August 11, 1968: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered at the Michigan summer cottage of WB Roy W.
Dombrowski for a Fellow Craft Picnic. It was a great event by all accounts, and everyone had a great time.
November 5, 1968: Annual Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Donald L. Ruthsatz. Brother
Ruthsatz went on to achieve numerous Masonic honors, including Meritorious Service Award -AASR Valley of Toledo, he was a prominent long time member of the Genoa Temple Company and served as Master of Genoa Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 339 Brethren.
November 19, 1968: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: E. LeRoy Williams
Senior Warden: Robert W. Spurgeon
Junior Warden: Richard D. Boltz, Jr
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: Lowell L. Hartman
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: T. Dale Brandt
Junior Deacon: William H. Cable
Senior Steward: Charles H. Brick
Junior Steward: William E. Rost
Tyler: Lowell D. Peppers
Trustee: Roy W. Dombrowski
January 7, 1969: Stated Meeting
The death of Past Master Van Buren Evans was reported to the Brethren; he had
passed away on December 21, 1968. There was no Masonic Service, but the brethren stood for a moment of silence in his honor and memory.
January 21, 1969: Stated Meeting
Whereas this is the 100th year of existence of Genoa Lodge #433, this years birthday
party would be an extra special one. As a result, WB Williams appointed eight Lodge leaders to serve on the Committee for the event, under the leadership of WB Gerald E. Spurgeon, Chairman. The date of the celebration was set for August 30, 1969, and confirmed by Grand Master MWB Robert A. Hinshaw.
March 4, 1969: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. James M. Baum. Brother
Baum went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge, President of the 11th Masonic District Association, District Education Officer and Knight of the York Cross of Honour.
April 19, 1969: Special Event
Women were included in the bus trip to Tyrian Lodge #500 in Detroit this year. While Genoa Lodge conferred the Master Mason Degree on Brother Charles J. Noftz after the dinner, the ladies of Genoa Lodge and Tyrian Lodge enjoyed entertainment together.
September 16, 1969: Stated Meeting
A revision to the By-Laws was properly presented to increase the dues and the fees
structure. The proposal read that the dues be increased from $10.00 to $15.00 annually, and
that the fees for conferring the degrees be increased from $75.00 to $90.00. The revision was subsequently voted on and passed at the Stated Meeting on November 18th. The change was scheduled to become effective November 1, 1970. Membership of the Lodge numbered 342 Brethren.
November 25, 1969: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Robert W. Spurgeon
Senior Warden: Richard D. Boltz, Jr
Junior Warden: T. Dale Brandt
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: E. LeRoy Williams
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: William H. Cable
Junior Deacon: Lowell D. Peppers
Senior Steward: William E. Rost
Junior Steward: Paul L. Wyatt
Tyler: Charles H. Brick
Trustee: Ellsworth F. Bittner
December 30, 1969: Special Meeting
The meeting was called specifically for the purpose of examining Brother John Ruthsatz
as to his proficiency in the Master Mason Degree. Due his being at home on leave from the Navy for a very brief period of time, he was very appreciative for this accommodation. He was presented a Masonic ring by his father, Brother Donald L. Ruthsatz.
January 13, 1970: Special Event
The Annual Past Masters and Officers Association dinner meeting was conducted at
Lathans Country House Restaurant, because the assemblage was too big for the Lodges
dining room. As usual, the business at hand included assignments for the Annual Past Masters Degree Night, which this year was scheduled for January 20th. The Master Mason candidate was to be Brother Loren Lau.
March 3, 1970: Stated Meeting
Due to the business-related relocation of the Junior Deacon to Alabama, he had to resign his position in the Lodge. As a result, a special election and installation was conducted under dispensation of the Grand Master. The newly installed officers were:
Junior Deacon: Charles H. Brick
Senior Steward: Paul L. Wyatt
Junior Steward: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Tyler: William E. Rost
March 10, 1970: Annual Inspection
After all the introductions were completed, the Master called the Lodge from Labor to
Refreshment and invited the boys of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay to enter and post
colors. This special touch was very well received by the Brethren, and the boys received a hearty round of applause.
May 21, 1970: Emergent Communication
A Masonic Memorial Service was conducted for WB Dale Bumpus, who served Genoa
Lodge as its Master in 1934. He had passed away two days earlier, May 19, 1970.
October 13, 1970: Special Meeting
The Master Mason Degree was conducted on two candidates, Brother Marvin D. Harrell
and Brother Tyrone L. Cairl. WB Albert J. Cairl, the father of Brother Cairl was very pleased to be able to preside when his son received the Master Mason Degree. Membership of the Lodge numbered 345 Brethren.
November 21, 1970: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Richard D. Boltz, Jr
Senior Warden: T. Dale Brandt
Junior Warden: William H. Cable
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: William L. Hammye
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: Charles H. Brick
Junior Deacon: William E. Rost
Senior Steward: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Junior Steward: Richard N. Ousky
Tyler: Paul L. Wyatt
Trustee: Robert W. Spurgeon
December 15, 1970: Stated Meeting
Having received proper approval from the Grand Lodge Temple Committee , the Lodges
Building and Planning Committee recommended to the brethren that they purchase approximately 18 acres of land at the corner of Washington Street and Route 51 from Mrs. Laura Humlong Kingham of Chicago, granddaughter of Past Master WB William Humlong. The Brethren voted to utilize the services of Brother George Bowland during a 60-day option period to verify all the legal issues.
January 5, 1971: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Robert A. Prahl. Brother Prahl
became very active in the Lodge affairs; he was a prominent long time member of the Genoa Temple Company, and served as Master of Genoa Lodge both in 1979 and in 1991.
February 2, 1971: Stated Meeting
Of the 42 Brethren present, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of purchasing the
property at the corner of Washington Street and Route 51 for a site on which to build a Lodge Building. As a result of this vote, a vote also was taken to form a non-profit corporation to manage the property, named Genoa Masonic Temple Company. That vote passed unanimously.
May 10, 1971: Special Event
The purchase of the land was finalized and the deed closed. The Brethren also learned that the house on the property rented for $75.00 per month, rather than the $65.00 per month as originally reported.
October 5, 1971: Stated Meeting
108 Brethren were in attendance for this meeting which was held by dispensation in the
Quarry at the Lodges new property on Washington Street. After introducing dignitaries, the Lodge was called from labor to refreshment for the purpose of enjoying fellowship over bean soup, johnny cakes and coffee. After going back to labor, Brother Ralph DeShilter received the Master Mason degree in proper form. All the tools were hand made, and the benches and tools were logs. It was a wonderful and memorable event. Membership of the Lodge numbered 339 Brethren.
November 9, 1971: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: T. Dale Brandt
Senior Warden: William H. Cable
Junior Warden: Charles H. Brick
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: William L. Hammye
Chaplain: John F. Wilhelm
Senior Deacon: William E. Rost
Junior Deacon: Paul L. Wyatt
Senior Steward: Richard N. Ousky
Junior Steward: James E. Sheahan
Tyler: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: Richard D. Boltz, Jr.
Also at this meeting, WB John F. Wilhelm was installed by RWB Robert D. Sager,
Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, as District Deputy Grand Master of the
11th Masonic District of Ohio. This was a singular occasion, as Genoa Lodge had never before had a District Deputy Grand Master come from its ranks. RWB John F. Wilhelm went on to distinguish himself as a strong and effective leader for the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
January 4, 1972: Stated Meeting
The long-time janitor for the Lodge, Alice Haar had submitted her resignation effective
October 1, 1971, resulting in the need for a replacement. As a result, the Trustees entered into an agreement with Mrs. Ellsworth (Viola) Bittner to serve as janitor for the fee of $6.00 per week, payable monthly, and renewable on an annual basis.
February 15, 1972: Stated Meeting
Due to the resignation of the Secretary for health reasons on January 18th, a special
election was held under dispensation of the Grand Master to fill the vacant office. WB Wesley V. Teems was regularly elected to fill the office of Secretary, and was duly installed into the position by RWB John F. Wilhelm.
June 3, 1972: Special Event
At the annual visitation of Tyrian Lodge, the Lodge voted to to have entertainment, and
to pay for the dinners of all the visiting Tyrian Brothers and their ladies. In addition to the price of the dinners for the 24 visitors, the entertainment cost $50.00.
June 13, 1972: Special Meeting
91 Brethren were present this year to once again confer the Master Mason Degree on a
candidate in the quarry on the Lodges property. Under dispensation of the Grand Master, Brother Vincent J. Egidi was raised to the degree of Master Mason by an all-star cast from across the District, and it was a very successful and memorable event. Ham and bean soup was served to all the Brethren between the two degree sections.
November 7, 1972: Annual Meeting
WB John Werner presented a recommendation for staggered terms for the members of the Board of the Temple Company. This will insure continuity, but at the same time allow for change and new ideas. The motion passed.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 339 Brethren.
November 28, 1972: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Charles H. Brick
Senior Warden: William E. Rost
Junior Warden: Paul L. Wyatt
Treasurer: Ross W. Kreager
Secretary: Wesley V. Teems
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Junior Deacon: Richard N. Ousky
Senior Steward: James M. Baum
Junior Steward: Robert A. Prahl
Tyler: James E. Sheahan
Trustee: T. Dale Brandt
December 19, 1972: Stated Meeting
It was determined by the brothers that the officers aprons and jewels were not in good
shape. A committee had been appointed, and they reported that the cost for new aprons and jewels would be $326.00. They asked to see samples at an upcoming meeting. The Brethren voted to purchase them at the January 16, 1973 Stated Meeting.
February 8, 1973: Emergent Communication
A Masonic Memorial Service was conducted for WB Albert Camper, who served Genoa
Lodge as its Master in 1926. He had passed away two days earlier, May 19, 1970. WB Camper also served as Tyler for Genoa Lodge for nearly twenty years.
May 1, 1973: Stated Meeting
The Board of Trustees for the Genoa Temple Company was again amended by a vote of
the Lodge. It was now to consist of six Lodge Officers and five aditional trustees, with an annual vote to rotate the members.
May 15, 1973: Stated Meeting
The Master informed the Brethren that the annual meeting with Tyrian Lodge #500 in
Michigan had been canceled this year due to lack of interest.
June 12, 1973: Special Meeting
The meeting was called from Labor to Refreshment for the purpose of of inviting the girls of the Genoa Chapter, #107 Order of the Rainbow into the Lodge Room for a presentation. They gave a talk on the flag, and then sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic. There were 10 girls and 3 Advisors present for the event.
September 11, 1973: Emergent
103 Brethren were on hand for the Masonic Funeral Service of the Lodges Treasurer,
WB Ross W. Kreager. In addition to serving Genoa Lodge as Master in 1944, he also was a presiding officer of the AASR - Valley of Toledo, and served the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Ohio as Grand High Priest. His impact to Ohio Freemasonry was great, and his loss was deeply felt.
October 16, 1973: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Dale R. Brandt. Brother
Brandt quickly become very active in Genoa Lodge, and served as Master in 1981. Membership of the Lodge numbered 344 Brethren.
November 13, 1973: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: William E. Rost
Senior Warden: Paul L. Wyatt
Junior Warden: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Fred P. Byers
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: Richard N. Ousky
Junior Deacon: James E. Sheahan
Senior Steward: Robert A. Prahl
Junior Steward: Donald D. Dazley
Tyler: James M. Baum
Trustee: Charles H. Brick
December 2, 1973: Special Meeting
The first meeting of the Genoa Lodge Historical Committee convened at the home of WB Ellsworth Bittner. Its purpose was " lay out and make plans to display and preserve articles and documents of historical value, (and) to research and compile a brief history of the highlights of the Lodge....The committee was formed as a result of the artifacts left to the Lodge by WB Ross W. Kreager.
January 29, 1974: Special Meeting
49 Brothers were present for this years Past Master Degree Night. The Master Mason
Candidate was Dale R. Brandt, son of Past Master and Treasurer WB T. Dale Brandt. By all accounts it was a great evening. In addition, at this meeting the Historical Committee made a formal report regarding the wall-mounted display case in the Club Room. The report indicated that it is to be used only for Genoa Lodge Masons who have been honored by the fraternity and their Masonic history, such as Past Grand Officers, 33rds and Knights of the York Cross of Honour.
April 2, 1974: Stated Meeting
The subject of the Temple Company was broached, and its specific duties. Specifically,
the minutes state that "A lengthy discussion was held on what the duties of the Trustees of the Lodge were and what the duties of the Temple Company were, no conclusion was reached.
May 7, 1974: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Darrell L. Hanely. Brother
Hanely quickly become very active in Genoa Lodge, and served as Master in 1983.
June 11, 1974: Special Meeting
This meeting was called for the purpose of a visitation from Genoa Rainbow Girls
Assembly #107. The girls gave a very well prepared patriotic program. As a part of the
program they also sang Battle Hymn of the Republic and How Great thou Art. They then joined the brethren for refreshments after the Lodge closed.
September 3, 1974: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Lyle E. Clapsaddle. Having
relatives in the Lodge and a history with the Order of DeMolay, Brother Clapsaddle was already very familiar with Genoa Lodge and Masonic protocol. He served as Master in 1985. Membership of the Lodge numbered 343 Brethren.
November 5, 1974: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Paul L. Wyatt
Senior Warden: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Junior Warden: Richard N. Ousky
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Fred P. Byers
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: James E. Sheahan
Junior Deacon: James M. Baum
Senior Steward: Ronald A. Spencer
Junior Steward: Dale R. Brandt
Tyler: Robert A. Prahl
Trustee: William E. Rost
February 6, 1975: Special Event
A number of Brethren from Genoa Lodge traveled to Port Lawrence Lodge #685 to
present them with the District Traveling Gavel, along with a ceremonial apron. The gavel was an initiative started by the District to encourage brethren to visit other Lodges, and couldn’t be in the possession of a Lodge for more than a couple of weeks. Genoa had received it from Lotus Lodge #625 several weeks earlier, and the Brethren of Genoa decided to take it to Port Lawrence where they were very well received. The Brethren of both Lodges adjourned to the Dining Room after the meeting for refreshments and fellowship.
March 11, 1975: Special Event
The Fathers and Sons Banquet was again a success; however; the bills reflect that the
costs continued to increase from year to year. This year the cost to the Lodge for holding the
event was $123.75.
June 14, 1975: Special Event
The young men of DeMolay held a ritualistic event in the Lodges Quarry property, and it went over very well. The attendance was great, and there were a lot of visitors. In general terms the DeMolay Chapter was doing very well at this time; in fact, it was reported at one of the Stated Meetings of the Lodge that the (DeMolay) movement is really snowballing.
September 16, 1975: Stated Meeting
It was reported that for personal reasons, the Senior Deacon Brother James Sheahan
had decided not to remain in the Lodges progressive line. Membership of the Lodge numbered 346 Brethren.
November 11, 1975: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Senior Warden: Richard N. Ousky
Junior Warden: James M. Baum
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Fred P. Byers
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: Robert A. Prahl
Junior Deacon: Ronald A. Spencer
Senior Steward: Ora D. Skaggs
Junior Steward: Darrell L. Hanely
Tyler: Dale R. Brandt
Trustee: Paul L. Wyatt
February 10, 1976: Annual Inspection
109 Brethren were at the Annual Inspection this year to witness Brother Ray Fredrickson
receive the Fellow Craft Degree in fine form. Many dignitaries were present, and the District
Deputy Grand Master RWB F. Fredrick Fether gave a wonderful report on the administration of the Lodge and on the evenings work.
May 18, 1976: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Michael W. Driver. Brother
Driver went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge, District Education Officer, District Deputy Grand Master and 33rd Degree Mason of the AASR - Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
July 4, 1976: Special Event
In honor of the 200th Birthday of the United States of America, WB Ellsworth Bittner and
Brother Robert Prahl Co-Chaired a Pot-Luck/Picnic Celebration with the Knights of Columbus to celebrate together. They joined together at the Veterans Memorial Park in Genoa, and everyone had a great time. Membership of the Lodge numbered 340 Brethren.
November 6, 1976: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Richard N. Ousky
Senior Warden: James M. Baum
Junior Warden: Robert A. Prahl
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Fred P. Byers
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: Ronald A. Spencer
Junior Deacon: Dale R. Brandt
Senior Steward: Darrell L. Hanely
Junior Steward: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Tyler: Ora D. Skaggs
Education Officer: William T. Walters
Trustee: Donald L. Ruthsatz
December 7, 1976: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Earl R. Kleage, Sr. Brother
Klaege quickly became active in the affairs of the Lodge, and served as Master in the year
February 8, 1977: Annual Inspection
The Lodge was opened at 6:00pm, for the purpose of the Annual Inspection. The
formalities taken care of, the Brethren went to refreshment for dinner, and then back to labor at 7:30 for the degree work. Brother Eugene Potter received the Master Mason degree that
evening, and the District Education Officer, WB James E. Olmstead and the District Deputy
Grand Master, RWB George O. Braatz both commented very favorably on Genoa Lodge.
May 10, 1977:Special Event
Once again, it appears that the annual Fathers & Sons Banquet has had its name
changed. Having reverted its name from Fathers Sons & Daughters Banquet to Fathers & Sons Banque a few years ago, the brothers now again refer to it as the Fathers, Sons & Daughters Banquet. The cost was $1.50 for those under 12 years of age, and $3.25 for adults.
July 4, 1977: Special Event
Once again the Lodge held a pot luck picnic at Veterans Park in Genoa with the members of the Knights of Columbus. It was a success, and now is billed as an annual picnic.
September 28, 1977: Emergent
The Masonic funeral service for the Lodge education Officer WB William T. Walters
generated an attendance of 72 Brethren. Having served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1964, his death two days earlier, September 26, 1977 came as quite a shock to the brethren. Just the week before on September 20, he had presented a very well-received educational presentation to the Brethren in Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 340 Brethren.
November 5, 1977: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: James M. Baum
Senior Warden: Robert A. Prahl
Junior Warden: Ronald A. Spencer
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: David C. Baker
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: Dale R. Brandt
Junior Deacon: Darrell L. Hanely
Senior Steward: Robert Stanton
Junior Steward: Robert Hosley
Tyler: Earl R. Klaege, Sr.
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: Richard N. Ousky
January 17. 1978: Stated Meeting
Genoa Lodge always had very good fraternal relations with Portage Lodge #351 in
neighboring Elmore, Ohio. The Lodges often visited and supported each other. At this meeting Genoa Lodge welcomed the Brethren of Portage Lodge and raised one of their candidates, Brother Frank Porkorny to the degree of Master Mason.
February 7, 1978: Stated Meeting
Up to this point, the Lodge had not owned a flag of the State of Ohio. The Grand Master
of Ohio urged all the Lodges in the State to consider purchasing one, and at this meeting one was presented as a gift to the Lodge from the Senior Steward, Brother Robert Stanton.
March 7, 1978: Stated Meeting
The Grand Lodge was supporting a new charity this year, the Ohio Special Olympics.
The Brethren of the Lodge voted to support the endeavor, with a donation of $25.00 to the
cause. Since that time, the Lodge has faithfully donated to the Ohio Special Olympics on an
annual basis.
September 19, 1978: Stated Meeting
The motion was presented to modernize the lecture program presentations, and purchase a slide projector and slides. The motion carried.
November 7, 1978: Annual Meeting
As a result of the resignation of the Janitor, Mrs. Viola Bittner in September, the
DeMolay boys had acted as janitors of the Lodge since that time. At this meeting the Brethren voted to donate $50.00 to Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay as a way of saying thank you to them. Membership of the Lodge numbered 335 Brethren.
November 17, 1978: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Robert A. Prahl
Senior Warden: Ronald A. Spencer
Junior Warden: Dale R. Brandt
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: David C. Baker
Chaplain: Arthur F. Haack
Senior Deacon: Darrell L. Hanely
Junior Deacon: Earl R. Klaege, Sr.
Senior Steward: Michael W. Driver
Junior Steward: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Tyler: John C. Ruthsatz
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: James M. Baum
February 6, 1979: Stated Meeting
Sylvania Masonic Lodge was preparing a time capsule to be placed in the cornerstone of
their new building. A copy of the recently completed Lodge history was sent.
March 6, 1979: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Douglas A. Habegger. Brother
Habegger went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge, Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal & Select Masons of Ohio and Knight of the York Grand Cross of Honour.
May 5, 1979: Special Event
Under proper dispensations from the Grand Masters of Ohio and Indiana, the Lodge
welcomed Brethren from Wayne Lodge #25 to raise one of their candidates to the degree of
Master Mason according to the Indiana Ritual. The Master of Wayne Lodge, WB George
Diamond had been raised in Genoa Lodge, and expressed his pleasure of being back. He then invited the Brethren of Genoa Lodge to visit Wayne #25, so they could reciprocate.
September 4, 1979: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Dr. Keith A. Norwalk. Brother
Norwalk became very active in Freemasonry, serving as Master of Genoa Lodge, Monarch of O-Ton- Ta-La Grotto, and receiving the 33rd Degree, AASR - NMJ.
October 13, 1979: Special Event
The brethren of Genoa Lodge traveled to Wayne Lodge #25 in Indiana, to portray the
Master Mason Degree via the Ohio ritual. After the proper dispensations were read and the
degree conferred, the Master of Genoa Lodge, WB Robert A. Prahl presented WB Diamond of Wayne Lodge with a set of Masonic Working Tools. Membership of the Lodge numbered 335 Brethren.
November 10, 1979: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Ronald A. Spencer
Senior Warden: Dale R. Brandt
Junior Warden: Darrell L. Hanely
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: John W. Tapley
Chaplain: Harry A. Spencer
Senior Deacon: Earl R. Klaege, Sr.
Junior Deacon: John C. Ruthsatz
Senior Steward: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Junior Steward: David C. Baker
Tyler: Michael W. Driver
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: Robert A. Prahl
February 5, 1980: Stated Meeting
The Grand Master of Ohio was seeking nominations for a new award, the Excellence in Youth Award. Because Genoa Lodge is one of the few Lodges with both a DeMolay Chapter and a Rainbow Girls Assembly, the brethren voted to refer the nominations to the respective advisory boards for recommendations.
February 12, 1980: Annual Inspection
Unfortunately the Senior Deacon, Brother Earl Klaege was in the hospital, so all the junior officers were forced to move up for the inspection to confer the Master Mason Degree on Brother Larry R. Everhardt. Nevertheless in typical Genoa Lodge style, the District Deputy Grand Master, RWB George Christopher reported that the Inspection was enjoyable, and that Brother Everhardt received a great degree. He would be submitting a very good report to the Grand Master.
February 19, 1980: Stated Meeting
Brother Arthur Haack fell and fractured his hip, and was having difficulties with his recovery. In honor of his tenure as Lodge Chaplain, the Brethren voted to present him an apron recognizing him as Chaplain Emeritus.
April 12, 1980: Emergent Communication
A Masonic Memorial Service was conducted for WB Ellsworth F. Bittner, who served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1966. Fifty Brethren were on hand to honor his memory, and RWB John Wilhelm conducted the funeral service.
July 6, 1980: Special Event
The annual Independence Day picnic this year was to be hosted by the Lodge; the
Knights of Columbus and the Masonic brethren had agreed to rotate responsibility for the event each year. Brother Darrell Hanely was Chairman of the picnic this year, and it was very well received. Membership of the Lodge numbered 328 Brethren.
November 8, 1980: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Dale R. Brandt
Senior Warden: Earl R. Klaege, Sr.
Junior Warden: Darrell L. Hanely
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: John W. Tapley
Chaplain: Harry A. Spencer
Senior Deacon: John C. Ruthsatz
Junior Deacon: Michael W. Driver
Senior Steward: Douglas A. Habegger
Junior Steward: Keith A. Norwalk
Tyler: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: Ronald A. Spencer
November 18, 1980: Stated Meeting
MWB Edgar L. Miller, Grand Master of Ohio showed up to give his respects to WB
James M. Baum. WB Baum was installed as District Education Officer, the first Brother of
Genoa Lodge to be honored with this great responsibility. The great and widespread respect felt for WB Baum was illustrated by all the additional dignitaries which showed up to honor him from both the 5th and the 11th Masonic Districts.
February 3, 1981: Stated Meeting
The subject of the property owned by the Lodge was brought up. The Lodge was
pleased to accept $50.00 for the use of 3 acres of land owned by the Lodge.
February 17, 1981: Stated Meeting
The brethren voted to purchase a trophy cabinet for the Rainbow Girls and Demolay
boys to share. The idea was to give them the opportunity to display the trophies they have
June 2, 1981: Stated Meeting
The Brush-Wellman Fellowcraft Team was on hand to confer the Master Mason degree
on Brother Melvin M. Hoeft. There were Brethren from a number of lodges participating as a part of the Fellowcraft Team, and the degree was conferred by WB Paul E. Tornow of Gibsonburg Lodge #575.
June 23, 1981: Special Event
The Master opened a Lodge of Entered Apprentices for the purpose of table instruction
in conjunction with The Feast of St. John. This Table Lodge was well attended, and very well received by the brethren.
August 30, 1981; Emergent Communication
A Masonic Memorial Service was conducted for WB Dewey M. Widmer, who served
Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1953. Brethren were on hand from several different Lodges to
honor his memory, and RWB John Wilhelm conducted the funeral service.
September 15, 1981: Stated Meeting
Having been properly presented, a By-Laws change to increase the Initiation Fees was voted upon. The amendment passed, which set the new fee structure at a total of $110.00, plus the Ohio Masonic Home contribution.
October 24, 1981: Special Meeting
The officers and Brethren of Wayne Lodge #25 from Fort Wayne, Indiana again visited
under proper dispensations from both Grand Masters, and this time they conferred the Fellow Craft Degree on one of their candidates according to the Indiana ritual. After the degree, the brethren shared a number of interesting comparisons noted between the ritual and customs of the neighboring jurisdictions. Membership of the Lodge numbered 331 Brethren.
November 6, 1981: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Earl R. Klaege, Sr.
Senior Warden: Darrell L. Hanely
Junior Warden: Michael W. Driver
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Dale R. Brandt
Chaplain: Ronald A. Spencer
Senior Deacon: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Junior Deacon: Douglas A. Habegger
Senior Steward: Frank L. Duncan
Junior Steward: Carl R. Gordon
Tyler: Keith A. Norwalk
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: James M. Baum
December 1, 1981: Stated Meeting
The boys of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay were invited to the Lodge meeting to portray ritual work for the Masonic Brethren. The Lodge went to refreshment, and the young
men portrayed the Initiatory Degree for the Lodge members. The event led to numerous
favorable comments from the Brethren.
April 20, 1982: Stated Meeting
The brethren determined that the Lodge needed to be remodeled, and Brother Norwalk
reported on its progress. Unfortunately there were repairs which needed to be completed first, so the process was taking a bit longer than originally anticipated.
May 19, 1982: Emergent Communication
The brethren of the Lodge gathered to honor the memory of WB Elwood A. Pinniger, who passed away two days earlier, May 17th. He had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in
1939, and RWB John Wilhelm did his usual great job of conducting the service.
June 15, 1982: Stated Meeting
The meeting was called to order and conducted completely in candlelight, due to a
spring storm that turned off the electricity in the Village of Genoa. Among other items of business, two new members, Brothers George Wagner and Robert Winniger presented their
proficiencies by candlelight. Undaunted by the unusual circumstances, they both did a good
October 23, 1982: Special Event
A bus was rented to transport the Brethren to Wayne Lodge #25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana
for their visitation. Brother Dean L. Schwamberger was the candidate, and he received the Fellow Craft Degree in proper form according to the Ohio Ritual. Membership of the Lodge numbered 316 Brethren.
November 6, 1982: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Darrell L. Hanely
Senior Warden: Michael W. Driver
Junior Warden: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Dale R. Brandt
Chaplain: Charles H. Brick
Senior Deacon: Douglas A. Habegger
Junior Deacon: Keith A. Norwalk
Senior Steward: Carl R. Gordon
Junior Steward: Jeffrey A. Bryan
Tyler: Frank L. Duncan
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: Earl R. Klaege, Sr.
December 7, 1982: Stated Meeting
After the conclusion of the meeting, the DeMolay boys from Ottawa Chapter were welcomed into the Lodge Room, where they portrayed the DeMolay Degree for the Brethren.
March 15, 1983: Stated Meeting
Brother Keith A. Norwalk presented to the Lodge a set of handmade symbolic
implements, a square, level, plumb and Letter G for use at the various officer stations. The
Lodge still uses them to this day.
March 29, 1983: Emergent Communication
The Genoa Lodge brethren assembled to pay their final respects to Brother Arthur F.
Haack, Chaplain Emeritus who passed away two days earlier, March 27th. He served the
Lodge as Chaplain for many years, and his years of service were highly regarded. During his funeral service the following day, the Lodge Officers and Past Masters wore tuxedoes out of respect to serve as pall bearers.
April 5, 1983: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. James A. Essman. Brother
Essman quickly became active in the affairs of the Lodge, and went on to serve as its Master.
May 3, 1983: Stated Meeting
At this meeting, the death of WB Roger Hesselbart was reported by the Secretary. He
had served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1951. Also at this meeting, the Brethren voted on and passed a By-Laws change to increase the annual Lodge dues to $20.00.
October 4, 1983: Stated Meeting
Brother Lyle E. Clapsaddle announced that the project he had undertaken to update the
Past Masters Board was now complete, and several new and updated photos had been added.
October 18, 1983: Stated Meeting
Brother Michael W. Driver had undertaken the project of refurbishing the Fellowcraft Pillars. He was acknowledged and congratulated for a job well done. Membership of the Lodge numbered 310 Brethren.
November 5, 1983: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Michael W. Driver
Senior Warden: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Junior Warden: Douglas A. Habegger
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Dale R. Brandt
Chaplain: Wesley V. Teems
Senior Deacon: Keith A. Norwalk
Junior Deacon: Frank L. Duncan
Senior Steward: James A. Essman
Junior Steward: Ronald E. Cashen
Tyler: Carl R. Gordon
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: Darrell L. Hanely
December 6, 1983: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was presented on behalf of Brother Wayne G. Duez, who had
been a member of Boaz Lodge #669 in Toledo. Brother Duez became quite active in the affairs of the Lodge, and later served as Master four times: 1990, 2001, 2002 and 2004.
December 27, 1983: Special Event
This years Table Lodge ceremony was celebrated in honor of St. John the Evangelist.
The proceeds from the box of fraternal assistance was slated to benefit both the Ohio Special Olympics, and the DeMolay Christmas baskets for the needy.
March 31, 1984: Special Event
The Grand Master, MWB C. Rolland Lattanner and the other Grand Lodge officers were
present to conduct a ceremony of reconsecration for the Lodge. Many brethren participated in the event, and it was memorialized with commemorative plates which the Lodge presented to all the Grand Lodge Officers.
May 15, 1984: Stated Meeting
Brother Edward L. Albright received his Master Mason degree, and his father, Lewis E.
Albright participated in the degree. The Master read a poem entitled When I raise my son.
June 8, 1984: Special Event
Under proper dispensation of the Grand Master, the Lodge participated in Genoa's
Community Homecoming Parade. The brethren wore their Masonic regalia, and the boys of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay joined them in the event.
September 4, 1984: Stated Meeting
Brother Dennis M. Traver was presented by the Senior Deacon, and specifically thanked
by the Master. He had donated 96 pairs of white gloves to the Lodge for use in the Masonic Memorial Services.
October 23, 1984: Special Event
For only the second time in its history, the Lodge had a Brother elevated to the position
of District Education Officer. WB Michael W. Driver was installed into this position by the Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, RWB George O. Braatz, with James M. Baum, Past District Education Officer serving as Installing Chaplain.
November 6, 1984: Annual Meeting
Among all the other business associated with the Annual Meeting, a letter was read by
WB Theodore Lorenzen, who served as Master in 1935. It read, in part: Fifty years ago on this election night, I received the highest honor a Blue Lodge can bestow upon a member. I was elected to be Master of your Lodge He went on to conclude the letter with the following. in memory of my 50 years as a Past Master, I am enclosing a Gift Check in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). I also want to thank the Supreme Commander of the Universe for letting me live to make this donation possible.; Membership of the Lodge numbered 305 Brethren.
November 10, 1984: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Senior Warden: Douglas A. Habegger
Junior Warden: Keith A. Norwalk
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Wesley V. Teems
Chaplain: Gene J. Clapsaddle
Senior Deacon: Frank L. Duncan
Junior Deacon: James A. Essman
Senior Steward: Wayne G. Duez
Junior Steward: Edward L. Albright
Tyler: Ronald E. Cashen
Education Officer: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Trustee: Michael W. Driver
November 28, 1984: Emergent Communication
Forty brethren assembled to honor and pay their last respects to WB Wesley V. Teems,
the Lodge Secretary, who served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1963. He had passed away
unexpectedly two days before, on November 26, 1984. The service was conducted by the
previous Secretary, Dale R. Brandt, PM.
January 15, 1985: Stated Meeting
Under proper dispensation from the Grand Master, MWB Richard M. Wilson, a special
election was conducted to fill the office left open by the untimely death of the Lodge Secretary. WB Dale R. Brandt was elected to complete the unfinished term, and was immediately installed by WB Clapsaddle.
June 4, 1985: Stated Meeting
Due to the resignation of the Senior Deacon on May 7, 1985, a dispensation was granted by MWB Wilson to elect a Senior Deacon, as well as any other office that may become vacant as a result of this election. The results of the special election and resultant appointments
necessitated by vacancies are as follows:
Senior Deacon: James A. Essman
Junior Deacon: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Steward: Edward L. Albright
Junior Steward: Eric W. Barker
Tyler: Wayne G. Duez
The Master installed all the new officers of Genoa Lodge in due and proper form.
September 11, 1985: Emergent Communication
Twenty brethren were on hand to honor the memory of Brother William L. Hammye, who
served as Lodge Secretary during the late 1960s and early 1970s. He had passed away the day before, September 10, 1985. The service was conducted by the current Secretary, WB Dale R. Brandt. Membership of the Lodge numbered 296 Brethren.
November 9, 1985: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Douglas A. Habegger
Senior Warden: Keith A. Norwalk
Junior Warden: James A. Essman
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Dale R. Brandt
Chaplain: Lester Henningsen
Senior Deacon: Ronald E. Cashen
Junior Deacon: Wayne G. Duez
Senior Steward: Eric W. Barker
Junior Steward: *Jon A. Schwandner
Tyler: Henry B. Dale
Education Officer: James M. Baum
Trustee: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
*Brother Schwandner was Installed as Junior Steward on March 4, 1986
February 15, 1986: Special Event
The Brethren and their ladies enjoyed a dinner and entertaining evening together at the
Chadwick Inn. They dubbed it Sweethearts night due to the proximity of Valentines Day, and everyone had a great time.
August 24, 1986: Special Event
The annual Knights of Columbus and Freemasons Picnic was again a success. The
Genoa Lodge Brethren and their ladies won the attendance award.
October 21, 1986: Stated Meeting
The Secretary reported the death of WB Frank Stamm, Past Master of Oak Harbor Lodge and Honorary Member of Genoa Lodge. The brethren voted to send a monetary memorial donation to Oak Harbor Lodge in his honor.
November 4, 1986: Annual Meeting
Among all the other business of the Annual Meeting, it was announced that Past Master
of Genoa Lodge Michael W. Driver had been appointed as District Deputy Grand Master of the Eleventh Masonic District at the Grand Lodge Session in October. The Master called a Special Meeting for November 18 for the purpose of the official Ceremony of Installation.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 290 Brethren.
November 8, 1986: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Keith A. Norwalk
Senior Warden: James A. Essman
Junior Warden: Ronald E. Cashen
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: Dale R. Brandt
Chaplain: Lyle E. Clapsaddle
Senior Deacon: Wayne G. Duez
Junior Deacon: Eric W. Barker
Senior Steward: Richard B. Austin
Tyler: Henry B. Dale
Education Officer: Douglas A. Habegger
Trustee: Douglas A. Habegger
November 18, 1986: Stated Meeting
65 Brethren were in attendance, including numerous dignitaries. In addition to the
regular business of the evening, Past Master of Genoa Lodge Michael W. Driver was installed as District Deputy Grand Master of the Eleventh Masonic District by the Deputy Grand Master of Ohio, RWB George O. Braatz. RWB Driver was congratulated by Brethren from throughout the 11th and 5th Masonic Districts.
December 13, 1986: Special Meeting
Ninety brethren from 26 different Lodges attended a ritual conference hosted by Genoa Lodge. Under the guidance of the District Deputy Grand Masters, the entire Fellow Craft Degree was conducted and critiqued in accordance with the Grand Lodge Typewritten Ritual. A luncheon and session of fellowship followed in the Dining Room.
March 3, 1987: Stated Meeting
In order to further Masonic relations, and to reciprocate an official visitation, the meeting
was abbreviated so the brethren could attend the Inspection of Portage Lodge #351 in Elmore. Portage Lodge had brought a large number of Brethren to Genoas Inspection, and declared an official visitation just two weeks earlier.
March 28, 1986: Special Event
At the Annual Grand Masters Reception, the Grand Master MWB Robert E. See
presented the Excellence in Youth Award to Genoa Lodges nominee, Darrell R. Wagner. Considering the large number of exceptional youth nominated for this award, Genoa Lodge was very proud of this young man.
May 5, 1987: Stated Meeting
In honor of his many years of Masonic Service to the Lodge, Brother Archie Wight was
presented a 70-Year Award by the District Deputy Grand Master, RWB William Rusch. Among his comments, he informed the Brethren that he had attended Lodge in Genoa, Italy during World War 1.
October 6, 1987: Special Event
A number of brethren attended the Installation of WB Ray L. McLargin as Illustrious
Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters of Ohio. A Past Master of Port Lawrence Lodge #685, he was the first member of Genoa Council, R&SM ever to be elected to such a high honor. Membership of the Lodge numbered 285 Brethren.
November 3, 1987: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: James A. Essman
Senior Warden: Ronald E. Cashen
Junior Warden: Wayne G. Duez
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: *Douglas A. Habegger
Chaplain: Keith A. Norwalk
Senior Deacon: *Lyle A. Clapsaddle
Junior Deacon: Jeffrey A. Smarkel
Senior Steward: **Ronald E. Dickey
Tyler: Henry B. Dale
Education Officer: Robert A. Prahl
Trustee: Keith A. Norwalk
*These brothers were installed at a later date, April 5, 1988
**Brother Dickey was installed as Senior Steward on June 7, 1988
February 14, 1988: Special Event
The Lodge continued the annual tradition of the Sweethearts Dinner at Chadwick Inn in
conjunction with Valentines Day. This year 14 couples shared the special evening together, and as always, they had a great time.
April 19, 1988: Stated Meeting
Many dignitaries were in attendance for the Master Mason Degree conferral on Brother
Dennis McLargin. His father, WB Ray L. McLargin, Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of R&SM of Ohio and Past Master of Port Lawrence Lodge #685 was on hand to raise him, and it was a very meaningful event for all.
May 17, 1988: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Edward L. Draper. Brother
Draper went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge, District Deputy Grand Master and Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge of Free And Accepted Masons of Ohio. He was the first member of Genoa Lodge ever to serve as Grand Tyler.
September 6, 1988: Stated Meeting
For the third time this year, the Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio, MWB George O. Braatz was in Genoa Lodge for the Masonic degree of his Brother-In- Law, Brother Edward L. Draper. He had presided over Brother Drapers Entered Apprentice Degree, and also presided in both sections of the Master Mason Degree. Needless to say, many visiting brethren and dignitaries were in attendance for these special events. Membership of the Lodge numbered 281 Brethren.
November 12, 1988: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Warden: Wayne G. Duez
Junior Warden: Robert A. Prahl
Treasurer: T. Dale Brandt
Secretary: James A. Essman
Chaplain: Robert W. Spurgeon
Senior Deacon: Jeffrey A. Smarkel
Junior Deacon: Ronald E. Dickey
Senior Steward: Dennis J. McLargin
Junior Steward: Edward L. Draper
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Douglas A. Habegger
Trustee: E. LeRoy Williams
February 7, 1989: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. John P. Sigurdson. Brother
Sigurdson quickly became very active in the affairs of the Lodge, serving as Master twice, and as Treasurer for eight years.
February 21, 1989: Stated Meeting
The Secretary announced the death of Past Master Fred P. Byers, who served the
Lodge as Master in 1952. The Master called for a moment of silence in his honor.
February 28, 1989: Annual Inspection
91 brethren and dignitaries were present for the annual Inspection, where the Master
raised his son, Robert E. Cashen to the degree of Master Mason. WB Ronald E. Cashen
considered himself fortunate to be able to preside over all three of his sons degrees that year. The Inspecting Officer, RWB William L. Rusch reported favorably on the evening and on the administration of the Lodge.
May 16, 1989: Stated Meeting
The Secretary announced the death of Past Master Roy W. Dombrowski, who served
the Lodge as Master in 1968. The Master called for a moment of silence in his honor.
September 19, 1989: Stated Meeting
The meeting was called from Labor to refreshment for the purpose of going to the
funeral home to conduct a Masonic Memorial Service for in honor of Past Master Max F.
Geldine. WB Geldine served as Master of the Lodge in 1958. On returning, the Brethren
concluded the meeting with the remainder of the regular business.
September 21, 1989: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge and Sanford L. Collins Lodge went together to host a banquet honoring RWBs Driver and Rusch. As third year District Deputy Grand Masters, they
both would be retiring that year.
September 26, 1989: Special Event
The Lodge conducted a Friendship Night at the Lodge building, to introduce good prospects who aren‘t Masons to the Brethren and to the Lodge. Brother Duez reported that there were eight potential candidates as a result. Membership of the Lodge numbered 272 Brethren.
November 11, 1989: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Wayne G. Duez
Senior Warden: Robert A. Prahl
Junior Warden: Jeffrey A. Smarkel
Treasurer: Keith A. Norwalk
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Deacon: Ronald E. Dickey
Junior Deacon: Edward L. Draper
Senior Steward: Dennis J. McLargin
Junior Steward: John L. Dickey
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Douglas A. Habegger
Trustee: Ronald E. Cashen
November 21, 1989: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Donald R. Gardner. Brother
Gardner went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge twice, President of the 11th Masonic District Association, District Education Officer, District Deputy Grand Master, Knight of the York Cross of Honour and the P. Dean Gerber Award of Distinction from the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio.
January 6, 1990: Special Event
Many brethren from Genoa Lodge traveled to Toledo to support WB Keith Norwalk at his installation as Monarch of O-Ton- Ta-La Grotto. He was the first brother of Genoa Lodge ever to be elected and installed to this position.
February 20, 1990: Stated Meeting
The Chaplain reported the death of Past Master John W. Sherk, who served the Lodge as Master in 1950. The Master called the brethren up for a moment of silence in his honor.
March 6, 1990: Stated Meeting
WB Spencer J. (Benny) Stewart presented a case to the Lodge for the purpose of containing all the Officers collars and the jewels of their offices. It was handcrafted, and lined with blue velvet to protect them for many years to come. The case is still used by the Lodge today, and is still in beautiful condition. The brethren expressed their sincere appreciation to WB Stewart.
March 10, 1990: Special Meeting
Three Brothers were initiated as Entered Apprentices, and their Father served as Senior Deacon for the event. WB E. LeRoy Williams was very proud to participate in the degree on his sons Daniel E. Williams, David R. Williams and Donald L. Williams. The new brothers And Grandfather also was in attendance for the event, Brother Robinson G. VanWormer of
Collingwood Lodge #457.
April 28, 1990: Special Meeting
Many Brethren were in attendance for the Raising of Daniel, David and Donald Williams to the degree of Master Mason by their father, WB E. LeRoy Williams. Also in attendance for the event was RWB Thomas E. Reynolds, who was serving as District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th Masonic District at that time. It was noted that RWB Reynolds was the Williams cousin.
November 6, 1990: Annual Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Charles R. Murphy. Brother Murphy went on to achieve many Masonic honors, including Master of Genoa Lodge and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio. Membership of the Lodge numbered 270 Brethren.
November 17, 1990: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Robert A. Prahl
Senior Warden: James M. Baum
Junior Warden: Jeffrey A. Smarkel
Treasurer: Keith A. Norwalk
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Deacon: Edward L. Draper
Junior Deacon: John P. Sigurdson
Senior Steward: Donald R. Gardner
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Douglas A. Habegger
Trustee: Wayne G. Duez
Also present and participating in the Installation of Officers was WB Wilfred E.Preston, Past Provincial Grand Registrar of the Province of Staffordshire, England. The cousin of WB Prahl he was a regular visitor to Genoa Lodge whenever he was able to come to the United States.
January 15, 1991: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Gene E. Draper. Brother Draper quickly became active in Genoa Lodge, and went on to serve as Worshipful Master in 1997. Several years later, he transferred his membership to Oak Harbor Lodge #495
February 12, 1991: Annual Inspection
It was announced that the Junior Warden, Brother Jeffrey A. Smarkel would not be in attendance, as he was called to active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps, and ordered to report to Camp LeJeune by February 10th. He and his wife Cheryl also learned they were expecting their first baby. He was sent a letter of appreciation from all the brethren present thanking him for his sacrifice, and for his participation in Operation Desert Storm.
May 7, 1991: Stated Meeting
Brother Jeff Smarkel was back from having served our country overseas, and was presented a plaque by RWB Thomas E. Reynolds, District Deputy Grand Master on behalf of the 11th Masonic District, in recognition of his service during Operation Desert Storm. He was warmly and appreciatively applauded by the brethren.
May 30, 1991: Emergent
63 Brethren gathered to honor the memory of WB Wayne L. Cowles, who passed away the previous day, May 29, 1991. WB Cowles served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1947, and was honored by being elected to become a Knight of the York Cross of Honour, and to receive the Order of the Purple Cross of York. Membership of the Lodge numbered 269 Brethren.
November 9, 1991: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: James M. Baum
Senior Warden: Ronald E. Cashen
Junior Warden: Edward L. Draper
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Deacon: John P. Sigurdson
Junior Deacon: Donald R. Gardner
Senior Steward: Gene E. Draper
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Darrell L. Hanely
Trustee: James A. Essman
December 22, 1991: Special Event
A number of brethren of the Lodge, along with the District Deputy Grand Master RWB Rolland I. Huss and Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ohio RWB James E.
Olmstead, met with Brother Archie E. Wight at his residence at the Browning Masonic Home in Waterville. Brother Wight was the senior Mason in the Lodge, and was honored by receiving his 75-Year Award from the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
January 28, 1992: Annual Inspection
The Inspecting Officer, RWB Rolland I. Huss gave special recognition to two Lodge Officers this year, Brother John Sigurdson the Senior Deacon, and Brother Edward Draper the Junior Warden. Brother Sigurdson was congratulated for his Master Mason Lecture portrayal, and Brother Draper was recognized for completing the Grand Lodge Education Correspondence Course. He added that Brother Draper would be further recognized at the Grand Masters Reception.
May 5, 1992: Stated Meeting
WB Habegger, having done research on the origin of the name of the Village of Curtice, gave an educational report on his findings. He was able to report that the supposition was in fact true that the village was named in honor of our first Worshipful Master, Joshua E. Curtice.
June 2, 1992: Stated Meeting
The Secretary announced the death of the Lodges 75-Year Member, Brother Archie Wight. He was raised to the degree of Master Mason on December 9, 1916, and passed away May 22, 1992. The Master called the Brethren up for a moment of silence in his honor and in his memory.
November 3, 1992: Annual Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Robert J. Piasecki, Jr. Several years later he transferred his membership to Wood County Lodge #112 in Bowling Green, and soon thereafter went on to serve as its Master in 2003. Membership of the Lodge numbered 254 Brethren.
November 7, 1992: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Warden: Edward L. Draper
Junior Warden: John P. Sigurdson
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Deacon: Donald R. Gardner
Junior Deacon: Gene E. Draper
Senior Steward: Virgil N. Bryan
Junior Steward: Donald L. Williams
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Darrell L. Hanely
Trustee: James M. Baum
February 9, 1993: Annual Inspection
There were 76 Brethren in attendance for the annual Inspection in the Entered Apprentice degree. The candidate was Mr. Douglas R. Shank, the Son-In- Law of the Lodge
Secretary. The District Deputy Grand Master, RWB Reinhold N. Wuwert reported very favorably on the evening as well as on the administration of the Lodge.
March 12, 1993: Special Event
The District sponsored a a Euchre Tournament at Oak Harbor Lodge to raise funds for Grand Lodge 1995, and Genoa Lodge was asked to assist Oak Harbor Lodge as co-host. The event was very well received, and the brethren of Genoa Lodge were credited as an integral part of its success.
March 16, 1993: Stated Meeting
Among the Service Award recipients on this evening were two Past Masters, both of whom received awards from RWB Reinhold N. Wuwert congratulating them on fifty years of service to Genoa Lodge. WB Glenn A. Marsh served Genoa Lodge as Master in 1948, and WB Alvin W. Felbinger served as Master the following year, 1949.
April 20, 1993: Stated Meeting
The Master Mason degree was conferred on Brother Douglas R. Shank by his proud Father-In- Law, RWB Michael W. Driver. RWB Driver presided on both sections of the degree. He was then pleased to be able to make a personal presentation to the Lodges newest Master Mason. Membership of the Lodge numbered 252 Brethren.
November 6, 1993: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Edward L. Draper
Senior Warden: John P. Sigurdson
Junior Warden: Donald R. Gardner
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Douglas A. Habegger
Senior Deacon: Gene E. Draper
Junior Deacon: Virgil N. Bryan
Senior Steward: Donald L. Williams
Junior Steward: Roger A. Shope
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Keith A. Norwalk
Trustee: Ronald E. Cashen
MWB George O. Braatz, Past Grand Master served as Installing Officer, as the new Master WB Edward L. Draper was his Brother-In- Law. The new Junior Warden, Brother Donald
R. Gardner presented the new Master with a gavel he made from a walnut tree on WB Drapers
December 7, 1993: Stated Meeting
41 members and visitors from across the District, including the Deputy Grand Master, RWB James E. Olmstead came to Genoa Lodge to listen to a presentation by Past Master WB James A. Essman. WB Essman is a noted authority on Civil War history, and particularly on the role that Freemasonry played in events of the era. His presentation was very well received, and was followed by a number of questions and answers.
March 26, 1994: Special Event
WB Draper opened a Lodge of Master Masons for the purpose of inviting the Grand Master of Ohio and the Grand Lodge Officers to perform a Ceremony of Reconsecration in honor of Genoa Lodges 125 years of serving the Genoa community. The Grand Master, MWB Thomas D. Zahler then reconsecrated and rededicated the brethren of Genoa Masonic Lodge in due form. The Master presented the Grand Master and all the Grand Lodge officers a beautiful painting entitled At Refreshment, which was hand painted by his talented wife, Joan. The numbered pieces of art were made available after the conclusion of the event, and have become treasures to any who were fortunate enough to procure them.
April 19, 1994: Stated Meeting
After the conclusion of the meeting, RWB Russell Herner, author of the book entitled Stonehenge, an Ancient Masonic Temple presented a program about Stonehenge, and the cathedrals of Europe. In conjunction with the presentation, RWB Herner presented a number of ancient Masonic tools and implements from his vast collection. Everyone agreed that it was an inspiring and thought provoking evening.
June 21, 1994: Stated Meeting
The Secretary announced the death of WB Richard N. Ousky, who had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1977. He had passed away ten days earlier, on June 11, 1994. The
Master asked the Brethren to rise for a moment of silence in his honor.
September 24, 1994: Special Event
The Master and his wife Joan hosted a Widows Luncheon for Masonic widows who lived in the Genoa area. It was quite successful, with 20 widows in attendance. The honored guests were very thankful for this kind gesture on behalf of the Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 250 Brethren.
November 5, 1994: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John P. Sigurdson
Senior Warden: Donald R. Gardner
Junior Warden: Gene E. Draper
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Edward L. Draper
Senior Deacon: Virgil N. Bryan
Junior Deacon: Roger A. Shope
Senior Steward: Charles R. Murphy
Junior Steward: Jeffrey B. Ford
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Keith A. Norwalk
Trustee: Edward L. Draper
December 6, 1994: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of WB Harold D. Padley, who had served Yondota Lodge #572 as its Master in 1966. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association.
January 25, 1995: Emergent
More than 70 Brethren were in attendance to pay their last respects at a Masonic Memorial Service for WB Darrell L. Hanely, who had passed away unexpectedly the day before, January 24, 1995. WB Hanely had served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1983.
May 16, 1995: Stated Meeting
As an educational presentation, WB James A. Essman gave a program regarding the confederate soldiers held prisoner at Johnsons Island during the Civil War. WB Essman received his degrees in history, and is considered an expert in the area of American history.
June 6, 1995: Stated Meeting
The educational presentation was given by WB Wilfred Preston, Past Provincial Grand Registrar of the Province of Staffordshire in the U.K. His presentation focused on the
similarities as well as the differences between Lodges in the United Kingdom and Lodges in the United States.
September 19, 1995: Stated Meeting
The Chairman of the Remodeling Committee, Brother Gene Potter thanked the Brethren for their efforts over the summer. Due to their hard work, the Dining Room and Club Room were completely redone, including new built-in storage cabinets along the western Dining Room wall, as well as carpeting to cover the hardwood floor.
November 7, 1995: Annual Meeting
In addition to the business of the Annual Meeting, it was announced that Past Master Edward L. Draper had been appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th District for the ensuing year. RWB Draper was duly recognized by the brethren in attendance with Grand Honors. Membership of the Lodge numbered 247 Brethren.
November 18, 1995: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Donald R. Gardner
Senior Warden: Gene E. Draper
Junior Warden: Ronald E. Cashen
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Spencer J. Stewart
Senior Deacon: Charles R. Murphy
Junior Deacon: John P. Sigurdson
Senior Steward: Douglas R. Shank
Junior Steward: Arnold P. Sutter
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: *Douglas A. Habegger
Trustee: John P. Sigurdson
* due to a move to Wisconsin, WB Habegger was unable to complete the year as Lodge Education Officer. Brother Thomas H. Hodges was Installed into the position on January 16,1996
November 28, 1995: Special Event
MWB George O. Braatz was on hand to install Edward L. Draper, Past Master of Genoa Lodge as District Deputy Grand Master of the Eleventh Masonic District. Numerous brethren
and Masonic dignitaries were in attendance to congratulate RWB Draper on this distinct honor, including the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio, RWB Thomas H. Galian and the Senior Grand Deacon, RWB Thomas E. Reynolds.
December 5, 1995: Stated Meeting
Among others, WB Albert J. Pete Cairl was present to receive a Fifty-Year Award from the District Deputy Grand Master, RWB J. Keith Green. WB Cairl served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1959.
May 21, 1996: Stated Meeting
During the meeting, there was an alarm at the door, and three Master Masons from Boaz Lodge #669 dressed in traditional Fellowcraft costumes sought admission. They had been sent out, three east by the Master of Boaz Lodge. They presented a scroll to the Master, certifying that they were in search of Brotherhood, Degree Work and Refreshments. The Master of Boaz Lodge, WB Donald O. Harrington was in attendance, and all the visiting Brethren were appreciatively greeted by the Brethren of Genoa Lodge.
September 24, 1996: Special Event
Now an annual event, the Brethren of Genoa Lodge held their annual Community Builders Award Night. This years honorees were the members of the Clay Center Volunteer Fire Department, and in attendance was the former Chief of the Department, Brother Roland I. Hansen. Brother Hansen received the award on behalf of all the others who were present, as well as those who were unable to attend. Membership of the Lodge numbered 244 Brethren.
November 16, 1996: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Gene E. Draper
Senior Warden: Ronald E. Cashen
Junior Warden: Charles R. Murphy
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Donald R. Gardner
Senior Deacon: Donald L. Ruthsatz
Junior Deacon: Douglas R. Shank
Senior Steward: Arnold P. Sutter
Junior Steward: Thomas H. Hodges
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Thomas H. Hodges
Trustee: Donald R. Gardner
The officers of the Lodge were installed by Past Grand Master, MWB George O. Braatz.
January 21, 1997: Stated Meeting
WB Spencer J. (Benny) Stewart was recognized for fifty years of service to Genoa Lodge, and it was noted that it was exactly fifty years to the day since he received his Master Mason Degree. WB Stewart was very active in the Lodge his entire tenure as a member, serving as Chaplain for many years, and as Master in 1954.
February 11, 1997: Annual Inspection
Brother Gregory A. Jennison of Phoenix Lodge #123 was a courtesy candidate for this years Inspection in the Fellowcraft Degree. He later became a plural member of Genoa Lodge, and served as its Master in 2005. In his Inspection Report, the District Deputy Grand Master, RWB J. Keith Green reiterated what the Brethren of Genoa already knew, when he indicated that you have a strong and active Lodge that is truly one of the best in the 11th District. Keep up the good work.
March 18, 1997: Stated Meeting
The Brethren voted to enter the Adopt A Highway clean up program on a stretch of Highway 163 along with the members of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay. The State of Ohio, as a result, erected a sign with the Lodges name and the Chapters name on it. The Brethren were very active in this endeavor, picking up debris next to the highway four times a year for several years.
April 1, 1997: Stated Meeting
The death of WB Glenn Marsh was reported. WB Marsh had been a very active member of the Lodge for over fifty years, and had served as Master in 1948. The Master had the Brethren rise for a moment of silence in his honor.
April 5, 1997: Special Event
The Grand Masters Reception in honor of MWB Thomas H. Galyen was a great success, due in part, to the support of the Brethren of Genoa Lodge. The event was the
responsibility of the President of the 11th Masonic District, Donald R. Gardner Past Master of Genoa Lodge.
May 6, 1997: Stated Meeting
Under proper dispensation from the Grand Master, MWB Thomas H. Galyen, a special election was held to fill the office or offices vacated as the result of the resignation of WB
Donald L. Ruthsatz from the position of Senior Deacon. The following were either elected or appointed and duly installed:
Senior Deacon: Douglas R. Shank
Junior Deacon: Arnold P. Sutter
Senior Steward: Thomas H. Hodges
June 6, 1997: Special Event
Under proper dispensation of the Grand Master, the brethren of the Lodge once again participated in the Genoa Homecoming Parade, after a lapse of several years. They all agreed that it was a good community public relations event.
October 8, 1997: Emergent
The brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered to honor the memory of WB Alvin W. Felbinger with a Masonic Memorial Service. He had passed away two days earlier, on October 6, 1997. WB Felbinger had been a very active member of the Lodge for over fifty years, and served as its Master in 1949. Membership of the Lodge numbered 237 Brethren.
November 4, 1997: Annual Meeting
and Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Donald R. Gardner
Senior Warden: Charles R. Murphy
Junior Warden: Douglas R. Shank
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Thomas H. Hodges
Junior Deacon: *Donald C. Mallett
Senior Steward: *Todd A. Marsh
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: *Frank J. Hlubik
Trustee: Gene E. Draper
*Brothers Mallett, Marsh and Hlubik were installed at a later date. Also at this meeting, the Secretary reported the death of the Lodges most senior Past Master, WB Theodore K. Lorenzen, who passed away at his home in Florida. He had served Genoa Lodge as its Master 62 years earlier, in 1935. The Master had the brethren rise for a moment of silence in his honor.
February 3, 1998: Stated Meeting
The Master presented hand-crafted gavels to the Lodge, to be used at each of the top three officers stations. The Masters gavel had the Masters jewel embedded thereon, and the Wardens gavels had their respective jewels embedded on them as well. WB Spencer J (Benny) Stewart and WB Albert J. (Pete) Cairl accepted the Masters gavel on behalf of the Masters Station, and the Senior and Junior Wardens accepted the gavel on behalf of their respective stations as well. The Master was applauded by the Brethren for his artistic abilities and his generosity.
February 10, 1998: Annual Inspection
Brother Todd A. Marsh was the Master Mason candidate, and was raised by his father, Brother Dale L. Marsh and WB Keith A. Norwalk, who co-signed his petition. Before closing the Lodge for the evening, the Master presented the Inspecting Officer, RWB J. Keith Green an engraved plaque recognizing his six years of serving Genoa Lodge; first for three years as DEO, and the last three as DDGM. He was applauded by the Brethren.
March 17, 1998: Stated Meeting
The Brethren voted to purchase carpet squares for the dining room, with the understanding that the ease of maintenance would be beneficial into the future. Additionally, WB John F. (Jack) Werner was on hand to receive a 50-Year Award of appreciation from the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Making the presentation on behalf of the Grand Master were RWB Thomas E. Reynolds, Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of F&AM, RWB Edward L. Draper, DDGM, Michael W. Driver, PDDGM and the Master, WB Donald R. Gardner.
June 5, 1998: Special Event
The Lodge brethren hosted an Open House in conjunction with the Homecoming Parade this year, and it was quite well received. Mrs. Joan Draper, wife of RWB Edward L. Draper made a sign announcing the refreshments, which was posted outside the entrance to the Lodge building.
October 24, 1998: Special Event
RWB Michael Driver was recognized by the Valley of Toledo for receiving the 33rd Degree in September. The Brethren came to the event in force to support him, and presented him with his 33rd degree hat as a gift from the Lodge. He was very appreciative, and expressed his sincere thanks to the brethren.
November 3, 1998: Annual Meeting
In addition to the other business of the Annual Meeting, a petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Richard L. Nolte, a Senior DeMolay. Brother Nolte went on to
become quite active in the affairs of the Lodge, later serving as Secretary, and then as Master in 2008. Membership of the Lodge numbered 240 Brethren.
November 7, 1998: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Charles R. Murphy
Senior Warden: John P. Sigurdson
Junior Warden: Douglas R. Shank
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Donald C. Mallett
Junior Deacon: Todd A. Marsh
Tyler: Eugene Potter
Education Officer: Frank J. Hlubik
Trustee: E. LeRoy Williams
After the Installation of Officers, WB Michael Burkett, Past Master of Fort Industry Lodge #630 presented each of the officers a pin for their office, to be worn while in office, and then
passed down to their successors. The officers expressed their appreciation to WB Burkett for his generosity and thoughtfulness.
November 10, 1998: Special Event
38 members and numerous distinguished visitors were in attendance for the installation
of WB Donald R. Gardner as District Education Officer of the 11th Masonic District. The
installation ceremony was conducted by the Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio, RWB Thomas E. Reynolds.
November 17, 1998: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was presented on behalf of Brother James M. (Jimmy) Snetz.
Brother Snetz became quite active in the Zenobia Shriners, and went on to receive recognition from the Grand Master of Ohio for his fifty years of service to Freemasonry.
January 19, 1999: Stated Meeting
A special guest speaker, WB Peter Dickson of Yondota Lodge #572 presented a
program regarding his Masonic visits to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and England. He
discussed the differences in the work between those two jurisdictions and Ohio, and passed
around materials he had procured from England and Scotland. He was dressed in the kilt and plaids of the Keith Clan and was very well received by the Brethren.
February 2, 1999: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was presented on behalf of Brother Danny D. Bullock. Brother
Bullock became quite active in the affairs of the Lodge, and served as its Master in 2010. He
also was recognized for his achievements at the District level, and served as President of the 11th Masonic District Association in 2011.
February 4, 1999: Special Event
A large number of Brethren traveled to Barton Smith Lodge #613 for their Inspection in
the Master Mason Degree. Genoa Lodge Fellowcraft Nicholas C. Lange had agreed to be their inspection candidate, and the Master Mason Degree was conferred on him in black light format. He remarked that it was a very impressive and memorable evening.
April 21, 1999: Special Event
Genoa Lodge again took the attendance gavel, this time at the inspection of Oak Harbor
Lodge #495. Many Brethren from the Lodge were at the Oak Harbor Inspection to support
Genoa Brother Richard Nolte as he received the Fellow Craft Degree as their Inspection
May 4, 1999: Stated Meeting
Brother Stan Hoffman, Chairman of the Fraternal Relations Committee, reported that
Genoa Lodge had been represented at every inspection in the 11th District this year. He was
applauded by the Brethren for his efforts.
May 25, 1999: Special Event
The Lodge hosted a dinner to honor the l
Valley of Toledo. The Dining Room was full, a
June 11, 1999: Emergent Communication
Among the Brethren attending the Masonic Memorial Service of WB Spencer J. Stewart
were 13 Past Masters of Genoa Lodge. WB Stewart had been very active in the affairs of the Lodge for over fifty years, and served as its Master in 1954.
October 19, 1999: Stated Meeting
Eight other Lodges were represented to hear a special guest speaker, WB Richard L.
Speer of Oliver H Perry Lodge #341. WB Speer was very well known and highly regarded both Masonic-ally, as Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery of Ohio, and professionally as Federal Bankruptcy Judge. He presented a program entitled Freemasonry During World War II, which was very well received by the Brethren.
October 29, 1999: Special Event
Genoa Lodge sponsored a visitation of Syria Lodge of Detroit, at the Masonic Complex
in Toledo. The Entered Apprentice ritual was portrayed completely in Arabic, and it was
preceded by an authentic Arabic meal. The event was co-sponsored by Boaz Lodge #659, and several hundred brethren were in attendance. Membership of the Lodge numbered 244 Brethren.
November 16, 1999: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Warden: John P. Sigurdson
Junior Warden: Douglas R. Shank
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Donald R. Gardner
Senior Deacon: Todd A. Marsh
Junior Deacon: Charles R. Murphy
Tyler: Kenneth L. Fish
Education Officer: Frank J. Hlubik
Trustee: Charles R. Murphy
November 20, 1999: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge traveled to Oak Harbor Lodge for a Friendship Breakfast. The featured speaker was Genoa Brother RWB Edward L. Draper, who was a dynamic and sought-after speaker. The event was an unqualified success.
December 7, 1999: Stated Meeting
Referenced in the minutes as a historic night in the life of Genoa Lodge, the matter of purchasing the Genoa Savings & Loan Building, in which the Lodge had been meeting since 1910 came before the Brethren. Having laid over a requisite amount of time and being properly presented, the Master called for a vote after much discussion. WB Cashen ordered a written ballot, and the matter passed overwhelmingly. As a result, the Secretary was asked to seek final approval of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. That approval was granted by Grand Master MWB Ronald R. Rogers, and was read into the minutes of the Stated Meeting on January 15, 2000.
December 21, 1999: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of WB Thoedore G. Rarig, who had served Portage Lodge #351 as its Master in 1994. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association
March 21, 2000: Stated Meeting
The Master had declared this as the official Past Masters Degree Night, and the candidate for the degree was Brother Michael G. Cassis, III. Brother Cassis was greeted by his uncle, RWB Michael W. Driver, who presided over the degree, and raised him to the degree of Master Mason.
April 29 - May 13, 2000: Special Event
Numerous brethren of Genoa Lodge joined other members of the 11th Masonic District to build a home for Habitat for Humanity in Holland, Ohio. WB Charles R. Murphy, Past Master of Genoa Lodge and President of the 11th Masonic District Association was on hand for the official dedication ceremony of the home, and presented the keys to its new owner, Mary Alice Weber.
June 24, 2000: Special Event
At the Grand Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Miss Amanda Roadarmel of Genoa Assembly was installed as Grand Worthy Advisor of the State of Ohio. This was a singular honor for Miss Roadarmel, and a source of pride for Genoa Assembly, as well as for Genoa Masonic Lodge.
September 5, 2000: Stated Meeting
After the meeting, Brother James M. Snetz and his wife Jenny displayed a beautiful Masonic quilt she had made by hand, and which took nineteen months to make. All the working tools of the craft were displayed, and the brethren marveled at its quality.
October 3, 2000: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of Brother Chester G. Bulen, who had been a member of Portage Lodge #351. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and became very active, serving as its Tyler for many years.
October 13, 2000: Emergent Communication
The brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered and performed a Masonic Memorial Service to pay their last respects to RWB John F. Wilhelm, who had passed away two days earlier, October 11, 2000. RWB Wilhelm had served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1967, and was the first Brother of Genoa Lodge ever to serve the Grand Lodge of Ohio as District Deputy Grand Master, a duty he ably performed from 1970-1973. Membership of the Lodge numbered 242 Brethren.
Note: The minutes from November 14, 2000 to October 15, 2001 are missing. We
are trying to locate our records from this time period, but in the meantime are attempting
to reconstruct records by other means. As a result some information may be inadvertently omitted until such time as the minutes can be located.
November 7, 2000: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Wayne G. Duez
Senior Warden: John P. Sigurdson
Junior Warden: Douglas R. Shank
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Michael W. Driver
Chaplain: Frank J. Hlubik
Senior Deacon: Edward L. Draper
Junior Deacon: Richard L. Nolte
Junior Steward: Robert E. Cashen
Tyler: Ronald E. Cashen
Education Officer: Donald R. Gardner
Trustee: Ronald E. Cashen
Also at this meeting, a petition for affiliation was received on behalf of WB Lyle J. Oberhaus, who had served Portage Lodge #351 as its Master in 1986. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association. It also was reported that at the Grand Lodge of Ohio session two weeks before, Genoa Past Master Charles R. Murphy was appointed to the position of District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th Masonic District of Ohio. RWB Murphy was duly congratulated by the Master and by the Brethren of the Lodge.
October 15, 2001: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of WB Leon C. Rader, who had served Portage Lodge #351 as its Master in 1969. He subsequently was elected to membership in
Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association. In 2011, he became an Endowed Member of the Lodge. Membership of the Lodge numbered 241 Brethren.
November 6, 2001: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Wayne G. Duez
Senior Warden: John P. Sigurdson
Junior Warden: Douglas R. Shank
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Richard L. Nolte
Chaplain: Frank J. Hlubik
Senior Deacon: Edward L. Draper
Junior Deacon: Robert E. Cashen
Tyler: Ronald E. Cashen
Trustee: Michael W. Driver
RWB Michael Driver thanked the Brethren for the opportunity to serve as Secretary for
the previous twelve years, and indicated how he was grateful for their support. The brethren
responded appreciatively to his many years of dedication to the Lodge. Also at this meeting, it was announced that three Past Masters of Genoa Lodge had been appointed to positions of prominence by the new Grand Master, MWB Thomas E. Reynolds at the annual Grand Lodge Session in October. RWB Edward L. Draper was appointed Grand Tyler, RWB Charles R. Murphy was appointed Junior Grand Deacon, and WB Donald Gardner was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the Eleventh Masonic District. RWB Draper and RWB Murphy were installed into their respective offices at the Grand Lodge
Session, and RWB Gardner was installed at a Special Communication of Genoa Lodge on
October 30th.
December 18, 2001: Stated Meeting
Genoa Lodge had a special visitor, District Deputy Grand Master RWB Michael J.
Olmstead. RWB Olmstead presented information about a new Grand Lodge initiative, called the CLS Program, or the Concurrent Lodge System. This program was a departure from the way meetings had been held in the past, and focused on more of a Group meeting concept with the Lodges participating together once a month. He announced that Genoa Lodge was part of the East Group whos next meeting would be at Oak Harbor Lodge on January 23rd.
February 5, 2002: Stated Meeting
A petition for first reading was presented on behalf of Mr. Roy J. Whitehead. Brother
Whitehead quickly became active in the Lodge, and served as its Master on two occasions, in 2009 and 2011.
March 5, 2002: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of Brother James P. Taylor, who had
been a member of Northern Light Lodge #40. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and became very active, serving as its Master in the years 2006-2007.
April 27, 2002: Special Event
A controversial, yet historic event took place in the State of Ohio, with the first ever ;Grand Masters One-Day Class. Throughout the State of Ohio thousands of new members joined, and Genoa Lodge had a fair share as well. Several of these new Brethren shortly thereafter assumed leadership roles in the Lodge.
May 7, 2002: Stated Meeting
Two Past Masters were among those who received 50-Year Awards at this Awards Night. WB Gerald E. Spurgeon, who served as Master in 1961, and WB Walter C. Boday who
served as Master in 1962 were presented their awards by RWB Donald R. Gardner on behalf of the Grand Master, MWB Thomas E. Reynolds. Both brothers expressed their appreciation for the presentation, and offered pertinent and insightful remarks.
September 17, 2002: Emergent
Sixty Brethren gathered to honor the memory of Brother Frank J. Hlubik, the Lodge's
Chaplain at a Masonic Memorial Service. He had achieved many honors, including the
Meritorious Service Award of the AASR Valley of Toledo, and numerous honorary symbolic
Lodge memberships. He was universally highly regarded.
September 24, 2002: Special Event
A special recognition dinner was held by Genoa Lodge to recognize RWB Edward L.
Draper, for his tenure as Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of
Ohio. The brethren were very proud of RWB Draper, and wanted to express their appreciation for all he had done on behalf of Freemasonry. The Grand Master, MWB Thomas E. Reynolds, the Grand Chaplain, RWB Tobe N. Riedel and the Junior Grand Deacon, RWB Charles R. Murphy also were in attendance to honor and congratulate him as well.
October 1, 2002: Stated Meeting
A petitioaffiliation was received on behalf of WB Lloyd N. Gamertsfelder, who had
served Portage Lodge #351 as its Master in 1973. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association. Membership of the Lodge numbered 256 Brethren.
October 9, 2002: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Brother John P. Niefer, a member in good standing of Oak Harbor Lodge #495. He was subsequently elected to membership, and would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Worshipful Master in 2017.
November 6, 2002: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: John P. Sigurdson
Senior Warden: Michael W. Driver
Junior Warden: Edward L. Draper
Treasurer: Robert A. Prahl
Secretary: Richard L. Nolte
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Wayne G. Duez
Junior Deacon: James P. Taylor
Senior Steward: Brian K. Golden
Junior Steward: Roy J. Whitehead
Tyler: Kenneth L. Fish
Trustee: Wayne G. Duez
L.E.O: David A. Jensen
December 18, 2002: Table Lodge
Twenty-five Brethren were present for the Feast of St. John, which included five visiting
Brethren from other Lodges. The box of fraternal assistance was passed, and all the monies raised went to support the AASR - 32nd Degree Learning Center.
May 12, 2003: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered at Eggleston Meinert Funeral Home to perform a
Masonic Memorial Service and pay their last respects to WB Dale R. Brandt, who had passed away on May 8, 2003. WB Brandt had ably served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1981.
May 20, 2003: Stated Meeting
It was reported that our Senior Steward, Brian Golden relocated to Texas to take a new
job with Harley Davidson. The Brethren decided that they would pro-tem the position for the remainder of the Masonic year, rather than appointing and installing another brother at this time.
August 9, 2003: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered at Robinson-Henn- Brossia Funeral Home in
Genoa to perform a Masonic Memorial Service and pay their last respects to WB Albert J.
(Pete) Cairl, who had passed away on August 7, 2003. WB Cairl was raised to the degree of
Master Mason in 1946, and served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1959.
October 21, 2003: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of WB Clarence R. Rice, who had served
Port Lawrence Lodge #685 as its Master in 1987. Additionally at this same meeting, a petition for plural Membership was received from Brother Greg Jennison of Paragon Lodge #788. They both were subsequently elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and WB Rice was welcomed To membership in the Past Masters' and Officers' Association. Brother Jennison immediately became active in the affairs of Genoa Lodge, and served as its Master in 2005, then as Secretary until 2009. Membership of the Lodge numbered 260 Brethren.
November 15, 2003: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Wayne G. Duez
Senior Warden: Gregory A. Jennison
Junior Warden: James P. Taylor
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Richard L. Nolte
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Stanley J. Hoffman
Junior Deacon: Roy J. Whitehead
Senior Steward: Timothy A. Austin
Junior Steward: Brandon R. Macklenar
Tyler: Kenneth L. Fish
Trustee: John P. Sigurdson
L.E.O: David A. Jensen
December 16, 2003: Stated Meeting
The educational presentation this evening was given by Brother Gerald Weigle of
Paragon Lodge #788. A Financial Advisor by profession, his program on investing, REITs and real estate investment trusts was very well received. It was proposed that the information be used by the Lodge in attempting to obtain higher rates of return on investments.
February 24, 2004: Annual Inspection
The Inspection this year was in the Entered Apprentice Degree, and the District Deputy
Grand Master RWB John F. Wilson reported very favorably on the events of the evening. In
particular he commented on the Lectue by the Junior Warden Jim Taylor, the Charge by the
Senior Warden Greg Jennison and the music by Brother Herb Marsh. He then gave a very
informative history of Genoa Lodge, which he had researched at the library.
April 20, 2004: Annual Awards Night
RWB William Jones and RWB Charles Murphy joined the Master in presenting several
service awards. Among them were 25-year awards to Past Masters Douglas Habegger, Keith Norwalk and Lyle Oberhaus, as well as a 50-year presentation to Brother Alvin Moritz and a 60- year presentation to Brother Henry Moyer.
May 29, 2004: Emergent Communication
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered at Robinson-Henn- Brossia Funeral Home to
perform a Masonic Memorial Service and pay their last respects to WB William E. Rost, Sr., who had passed away the previous day, May 28, 2004. WB Rost was raised to the degree of Master Mason in 1967, and served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1974.
June 29, 2004: Special Event
The Grand Master, MWB Steven J. Krekus and his wife Carol were guests of the Lodge at Genoas Friendship Night this year. Seating was limited to 70 reservations for the event, and it was well attended by Lodge brethren as well as several Masonic guests.
August 8, 2004: Special Event
The Summer picnic this year was held at Victorian Inn in Marblehead, hosted by the Master, Wayne and his wife Ann Duez. There was a tremendous turnout by the members and their families. Membership of the Lodge numbered 250 Brethren.
November 6, 2004: Annual
Installation of Officers
This year's Installation of Officers was held at Genoa Christian Church in Genoa, under dispensation of the Grand Master, MWB Jim S. Deyo. The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Gregory A. Jennison
Senior Warden: James P. Taylor
Junior Warden: *T. Dale Brandt
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Donald R. Gardner
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Richard L. Nolte
Junior Deacon: Roy J. Whitehead
Senior Steward: Donald G. Claus
Junior Steward: Steven D. Claus
Tyler: Kenneth L. Fish
Trustee: Wayne G. Duez
L.E.O: David A. Jensen
*WB T. Dale Brandt was installed as Junior Warden at a later date.
December 14, 2004: Table Lodge
This years Feast of St. John included five visiting Brethren from other Lodges, RWB
James Wagner of Paragon #788, RWB Leland Waltz of Findlay #227, WB Thomas Logan from Paragon #788 as well as Brothers Ben Croley and Tim Wolf, also from Paragon #788. Brother Ben Croley was the featured speaker, and addressed the issue of raising enthusiasm within the Lodges. The box of fraternal assistance was passed, and all the monies raised went to support the Ohio Special Olympics.
February 22, 2005: Annual Inspection
Sixty-six brethren were in attendance for the Annual Inspection in the Fellow Craft
degree this year, which included visiting Brethren from five Masonic Districts. In addition to the numerous dignitaries, fifteen Past Masters were recognized. The District Deputy Grand Master, RWB James C. Wagner reported very favorably on the events of the evening, and informed all in attendance that the evening was the 273rd Anniversary of WB George Washington's birthday
in 1732.
April 9, 2005: Special Event
The Heatherdowns Masonic Complex in Toledo was the location of this years Grand Masters Class for Northwest Ohio. There were 217 gentlemen who received their Masonic degrees at the venue, including eight new Masons from Genoa Lodge #433. This was the third time that a one-day format occurred within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and state-wide, it is reported that 2,750 new members received their degree that day.
May 24, 2005: Special Event
This years Family Friendship Night was entitled Hawaiian Luau, which included a Hawaiian theme. The featured speaker for the evening was District Deputy Grand Master RWB John F. Wilson, who was very well received by all the Brethren and guests. In addition, there was a very informative presentation on the Shrine by the Illustrious Potentate of Zenobia Shrine, WB Bryan L. Waggoner, III.
October 18, 2005: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of WB Ray L. McLargin, who had served
Port Lawrence Lodge #685 as its Master in 1973, and had served the Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters as Grand Illustrious Master in 1988. In addition to these achievements, he also had been honored as a 33rd Degree Mason of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite - Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters' and Officers' Association.
Membership of the Lodge numbered 253 Brethren.
November 5, 2005: Annual Installation of Officers
This years Installation of Officers was held at Genoa Christian Church in Genoa, under dispensation of the Grand Master, MWB James M. Williamson. The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: James P. Taylor
Senior Warden: Donald R. Gardner
Junior Warden: Richard L. Nolte
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Gregory A. Jennison
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Roy J. Whitehead
Junior Deacon: Steven D. Claus
Tyler: Vance H. Champion
Trustee: Gregory A. Jennison
L.E.O: Joseph L. Everhardt, Jr.
Upon his installation as Master of Genoa Lodge, WB James P. Taylor announced his
theme for the coming year as: The ties that bind us. He presented all the brethren with calendars of upcoming events for the year, including tie themes for every month.
November 15, 2005: Stated Meeting
Brethren from three Masonic Districts were in attendance for a special presentation by RWB Russell Herner. A noted author and Masonic Scholar, RWB Herner's presentation was entitled Cathedrals Built by Masons. His program was very informative, and greatly appreciated by all in attendance.
February 7, 2006: Stated Meeting
It was reported that the original Charter of Genoa Lodge #433, now over 135 years old, had been officially transferred to the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio for professional restoration. Additionally, the Grand Lodge of Ohio will store it for the Lodge in a proper climate-controlled environment until such time as the Lodge wishes to have it returned to our possession.
April 22, 2006: Special Event
The Lodge's annual Widows Luncheon this year was held at Cafe Marie in Oregon, Ohio. In addition to five widows of brethren from Genoa Lodge, we also had the widow of a brother from Paragon Lodge #788 attend for the first time.
June 20, 2006: Stated Meeting
This meeting featured a special presentation regarding the Daniel Carter Beard Scouter Award and its history, as well as its significance to Freemasonry and to the Boy Scouts organization. After making this presentation, WB Charlie Horn of Green Springs Lodge #427 joined the Master west of the Altar. They then asked Brother Vance Champion to join them, and presented the Award to him on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Ohio and the Boy Scouts of America. Brother Champion was surprised and honored to be the first brother from Genoa Lodge ever to receive this prestigious honor.
July 17, 2006: Emergent Communication
25 brethren convened at the Eggleston-Meinert- Pavley Funeral home for the purpose of a Masonic Memorial Service for Brother Kenneth Lewis (Spike) Fish. Brother Fish had served Genoa Lodge as its Tyler in the early 2000s, and was a very active member of the Lodge at the time of his death.
September 19, 2006: Stated Meeting
Acting in his capacity as President of the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, RWB
Charles Murphy thanked the brethren of Genoa Lodge for thinking of the Foundation in the matter of a local family who had been devastated by a fire in their home. Due to the Lodge request, the Foundation was able to help the Genoa family with a gift of $1,500.00 to help with their expenses. Also at this meeting, a petition for affiliation as a Plural Member was received on behalf of WB Donald O. Harrington, who had served Boaz Lodge #669 as its Master in 1996. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association. In 2012 he served Genoa Lodge as its Master, becoming the first member of Genoa Lodge ever to have served as Master of another Lodge and also serve Genoa Lodge as its Master. Membership of the Lodge numbered 241 Brethren.
Note: The minutes from December, 2006 to June, 2008 are missing. We are trying
to locate our records from this time period, but in the meantime are attempting to reconstruct records by other means. As a result some information may be inadvertently omitted until such time as the minutes can be located.
November 10, 2006: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: James P. Taylor
Senior Warden: Richard L. Nolte
Junior Warden: Roy J. Whitehead
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Gregory A. Jennison
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Donald R. Gardner
Junior Deacon: John P. Niefer
Senior Steward: Gary R. Haas
Junior Steward: Paul A. Perry
Tyler: Vance H. Champion
Trustee: E. LeRoy Williams
L.E.O: Donald R. Gardner
November 21, 2006: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation as a Plural Member was received on behalf of WB Gary L. Golden, who had served William Farr Lodge #672 as its Master in 2006. He subsequently was elected to membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association. Membership of the Lodge numbered 250 Brethren.
Note: The minutes from December, 2006 to June, 2008 are missing. We are trying
to locate our records from this time period, but in the meantime are attempting to reconstruct records by other means. As a result some information may be inadvertently omitted until such time as the minutes can be located.
February 12, 2008: Annual Inspection
Fifty-five brethren attended the Annual Inspection of Genoa Lodge. RWB Jeremy
Sharninghouse reported very favorably on the evening and the administration of the Lodge. In
particular, he commended the Brethren on an increase of membership with a net gain of nine members.
July 22, 2008: By-Laws Revision
Having laid over the prescribed amount of time and being properly presented before the Brethren, a dues increase was approved by the Brethren at the last Stated Meeting in June.
This raised the annual dues from $35.00 to $65.00. On July 22, 2008, the revision was approved and signed by Grand Master MWB Ronald L. Winnett.
September 2, 2008: Stated Meeting
It was reported that MWB Thomas E. Reynolds, Past Grand Master passed away on June 28, 2008. His Masonic Memorial Service was conducted on July 1st on behalf of North Baltimore Lodge #561 by Genoa Lodge member RWB Charles Murphy, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. MWB Reynolds had appointed RWB Murphy into the progressive line of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and was scheduled to install him as Grand Master of Ohio in October. He was a good friend of Genoa Lodge and all Ohio masons, and his loss will be deeply felt.
October 17 - 18, 2008: Grand Session of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio
At the 199th Session of the Grand Lodge Session held in Columbus, Ohio, Past Master of Genoa Lodge Charles R. Murphy was elected and installed as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio. He was installed by MWB George O. Braatz, Past Grand Master and good friend of Genoa Lodge. The new Grand Master announced the theme REACH for the year, and and will be leading the 110,000 Masons of Ohio in an energetic and ambitious program of outreach and improvement as Freemasonry enters its third century in Ohio. Many Brothers from Genoa Lodge and the 11th Masonic District were in attendance at the Session to support Freemasonry in general, and MWB Murphy in particular. In addition, the new Grand Master reappointed RWB Donald R. Gardner as District Deputy Grand Master for the Eleventh District, as he had only served the Grand Lodge of Ohio in that capacity for one year in 2002. RWB Gardner once again served the Grand Lodge of Ohio well, and made Genoa Lodge very proud. Membership of the Lodge numbered 238 Brethren.
November 8, 2008: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing
Worshipful Master: Roy J. Whitehead
Senior Warden: Danny D. Bullock
Junior Warden: Donald O. Harrington
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Gregory A. Jennison
Chaplain: Ronald E. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Gary R. Haas
Junior Deacon: Ryan R. Hartman
Senior Steward: John P. Niefer
Junior Steward: David J. Mechel
Lodge Education Officer: James P. Taylor
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
Trustee: Richard L. Nolte
December 9, 2008: Special Awards Night, and EA Degree
The Grand Master was on hand to make awards presentations to deserving Brethren, as well as to initiate his son as an Entered Apprentice. He presented Brother James M. Snetz with his 50-Year Award, and thanked him for his distinguished service to Genoa Lodge as well as to the Zenobia Shriners. He also presented a 60-Year Award to WB Robert G. Widmer, and they reminisced about how MWB Murphy also had presented him his 50-Year Award when WB Murphy was the Master of Genoa Lodge. Finally he presented a 60-Year Award to WB John F. Werner, who was Master of the Lodge over 50 years ago, in 1956. The Brethren of the Lodge extended their resounding appreciation to these Brethren for their many years of dedicated service. MWB Murphy then assumed the seat of the Master to Initiate his son, Price H. Murphy as an Entered Apprentice. WB Donald Harrington, the candidates grandfather served as Senior Deacon. Among the many dignitaries present that evening were the Grand Chaplain, RWB Gary L. McElfresh, the Junior Grand Deacon RWB Robert C. Rill, Jr., and the Grand Tyler, RWB Timothy L. Jolliff.
March 17, 2009: Stated Meeting
In conjunction with the Stated Meeting on March 17, the Past Masters Board in the
Lobby was dedicated. Seeing that it needed a great deal of attention, WB James Taylor took it upon himself to see that the previous Past Masters Board was completely redone, including reconfiguration, re-painting and all new name plates for our Past Masters. The beautiful Board on display today is a result of his labors; he was commended for all his efforts.
March 21, 2009: Special Event
For the first time, the Grand Master of Ohio ordered that every Lodge in the State of Ohio hold an Open House for the community. MWB Murphy had a number of radio spots across the State, and every Lodge was to hold their own open house on their own terms. The brethren of Genoa Lodge got together to ensure the building looked great for any visitors who stopped by, they had refreshments available, and those who participated had a good time.
March 31, 2009: Annual Inspection
136 Brethren signed the attendance roster on the occasion of Genoa Lodges Annual
Inspection. Due to the large number of members present, closed circuit access was required in the dining room for additional Brethren to observe the evenings events from outside the Lodge Room. Fifteen District Deputy Grand Masters and Past District Deputy Grand Masters were in attendance from 8 Ohio Districts as well as the Grand Lodge of Ontario, and the Grand Lodge
officers of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio also were present. All the Brethren present saw a great degree, and were pleased to see the Grand Master of Ohio raise his son, Price H. Murphy to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Nineteen Past Masters of Genoa Lodge also were on hand to share the events of the evening.
May 29, 2009: Genoa Homecoming
The Brethren of the Lodge showed up in force to ride a float and march in the Annual Parade. As part of MWB Murphy's REACH initiative, the Brethren wore their Masonic regalia as proof of their pride in Freemasonry, and of their active presence in the community.
June 2, 2009: Stated Meeting
The Master ordered that the Altar be draped in honor and in memory of WB Walter C. Boday, who passed away on May 31, 2009. Having been raised to the degree of Master Mason in 1950, he served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1962. A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Timothy D. Williams. He was subsequently elected to membership, and would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Worshipful Master in 2014.
July 4, 2009: Woodville Community Parade
The Brethren of the Lodge had a great showing to support the Village of Woodville and to march in the Annual Parade. As in the Genoa Parade, the Brethren wore their Masonic regalia as proof of their pride in Freemasonry, and of their active presence in the Village of Woodville.
August 30, 2009: Special Event
A number of brethren from Genoa Lodge went to Perrysburg, Ohio, where MWB Murphy and the Grand Lodge officers conducted a Cornerstone Laying Ceremony for the new Zenobia Shriners building. The cornerstone was laid in accordance with ancient tradition, and the Grand Master included all the local Brethren who were interested in processing to the ceremony. It was a tremendous event for all.
September 1, 2009: Stated Meeting
The Master ordered that the Altar be draped in honor and in memory of WB Richard D. Boltz, who passed away on July 22, 2009. Having been raised to the degree of Master Mason in 1964, he served Genoa Lodge as its Master in 1971.
September 26, 2009: Special Events
The Grand Master conducted two local ceremonies in Ottawa County, and the brethren of Genoa Lodge joined all the Grand Lodge Officers and gave their enthusiastic support. Both Oak Harbor Lodge #495 and Oliver H. Perry Lodge #341 had recently moved into new buildings, so MWB Murphy scheduled both Ceremonies of Dedication for the same day. The Brethren all started in Oak Harbor to dedicate the new Lodge Room for Oak Harbor Lodge, and then traveled to Port Clinton to dedicate the Lodge Room of Oliver H. Perry Lodge. Everyone agreed that the day was very successful, and that the ceremonies were very impressive and meaningful for everyone involved.
October 16 - 17, 2009: Grand
Session of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of
The 200th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ohio was opened by the
officers of Genoa Lodge #433 in Toledo, Ohio. RWB Michael Driver escorted the Grand Lodge
officers except the Grand Master into the Session and introduced them. Brother Price H. Murphy then introduced the Grand Master and escorted him to the East, where he was honored and presented the gavel by WB Roy J. Whitehead to preside over the Grand Session. Genoa Lodge figured prominently in this session, as the Lodge was a recipient of the 2009 Grand Masters Award. Additionally, RWB Donald R. Gardner, Past Master of Genoa Lodge was awarded the P. Dean Gerber Award of Distinction by the Grand Master and MWB C. Michael Watson. At the conclusion of the Session, MWB Terry W. Posey, the new Grand Master of Ohio, declared the 200th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and Genoa Lodge #433 to be closed. Membership of the Lodge numbered 237 Brethren.
November 3, 2009: Annual
Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Danny D. Bullock
Senior Warden: Roy J. Whitehead
Junior Warden: Donald O. Harrington
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Ronald L. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Ryan R. Hartman
Junior Deacon: Ricky G. Lynn, II
Senior Steward: Dustin N. Cashen
Junior Steward: Aaron C. Welling
Lodge Education Officer: James P. Taylor
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
Trustee: Roy J. Whitehead
December 15, 2009: Stated Meeting
Having been properly presented for consideration, a By-Laws change was presented to the Brethren for a vote. The proposed change was to amend the meeting time from the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 pm to the first and third Tuesdays at 7:00pm. The By-Laws revision did not pass, so the Stated Meetings of the Lodge will remain at 7:30pm.
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