January 26, 2010: Annual Inspection
Eighty Brethren shared fellowship at Genoa Lodge on the occasion of the Lodge's Annual Inspection. Many dignitaries were present for the occasion, and RWB Gary L. McElfresh, Associate Grand Chaplain and RWB Timothy L. Jolliff, Past Grand Tyler, both of whom served as Grand Lodge Officers with MWB Murphy last year made a special appearance. The Entered Apprentice Degree was conferred on Brother Denny Saldusky in fine manner, and RWB Jeremy Sharninghouse reported very favorably on the evening.
February 19, 2010: Emergent Communication
117 Brethren joined together to mourn the death of RWB Donald R. Gardner, who passed away after a long fight against leukemia. RWB Gardner was highly regarded for all his Masonic activities throughout the State of Ohio, and even the Grand Master, MWB Terry W. Posey was represented at his service. Don contributed greatly to the success of Genoa Lodge, and his positive influence will be felt for many years to come.
June 1, 2010: Stated Meeting
Having been properly presented for consideration, a number of changes to the By-Laws were presented to the members for a vote. The proposal reflected alterations which were designed to bring the document up-to- date, and the provisions were individually approved. The Grand Master, MWB Terry W. Posey subsequently approved the new By-Laws on June 3, 2010.
June 8, 2010: Annual Past Masters & Officers Association Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Association was conducted by WB Taylor, and WB Whitehead announced several community outreach initiatives for the coming year. WB Bullock recapitulated the various successes of the year, which proved the Lodge to be a vital and active part of the community, as well as very charitable. WB Bullock was congratulated by the association members for a great year.
July 3, 2010: Woodville Community Parade
The Brethren of the Lodge showed up in force to support the Village of Woodville and march in the Annual Parade. This was after another successful appearance in the Genoa Parade in June. Due to a dispensation from our District Deputy Grand Master Jeremy Sharninghouse, the Brethren wore their Masonic regalia on both occasions as proof of their pride in Freemasonry, and of their active presence in the communities.
October 5, 2010: Annual Past Masters Degree
The Past Masters of Genoa Lodge once again performed a fine Master Mason Degree, as has become their annual custom. The degree this year was conferred on Brother David J. Loken, who expressed his appreciation to the Past Masters of Genoa Lodge for the time and energy they expended to make it such a success. Membership of the Lodge numbered 232 Brethren.
November 6, 2010: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Roy J. Whitehead
Senior Warden: Donald O. Harrington
Junior Warden: Ryan R. Hartman
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Ronald L. Cashen
Senior Deacon: Ricky G. Lynn, II
Junior Deacon: Dustin N. Cashen
Senior Steward: Aaron C. Welling
Junior Steward: Donald T. Hunter
Lodge Education Officer: James P. Taylor
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
Trustee: Danny D. Bullock
November 30, 2010: Service Awards
Grand Lodge Service Awards were presented by the District Deputy Grand Master, RWB William G. Windnagel, with the assistance of the Master, WB Roy Whitehead. Brother Roger Traver was presented a 50-year Service Award, and Brother Wilbur Hesselbart was presented a 60-year Service Award.
December 21, 2010: Stated Meeting
The Master ordered the Altar to be draped in honor and memory of WB Harold D. Padley, who had passed away December 10, 2010. Having served Yondota Lodge #572 as Master in 1966, WB Padley had been a faithful member of Genoa Lodge since 1995.
December 28, 2010: Emergent Communication
Brethren from Paragon Lodge #788 joined the brethren of Genoa Lodge to perform a Masonic Memorial Service in honor of WB Clarence R. Rice, who passed away Christmas Day, December 25, 2010. Having served Port Lawrence Lodge #685 as Master in 1987, WB Rice had been a faithful member of Genoa Lodge since 2003.
February 22, 2011: Annual Inspection
79 Brethren attended Genoa Lodge on the occasion of the Lodges Annual Inspection. Many dignitaries were present for the occasion, and the Brethren were treated to Brother Jimmy Snetz famous bean soup dinner prior to the degree. The Fellow Craft Degree was conferred on Brother Lucas Cooley, who was a courtesy candidate from Green Springs Lodge #427. Brother Cooley is the son of RWB Steven Cooley, District Deputy Grand Master of the 16th District, and the 16th District was very well represented for the event. In all, five different Masonic Districts were represented for the evening.
March 1, 2011: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Mark P. Allred, Jr. He was subsequently elected to membership, and would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Worshipful Master in 2015, as well as 11th District President in 2016, and District Deputy Grand Master in 2017-2019.
March 29, 2011: Annual Past Masters & Officers Association Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Association was conducted by WB Whitehead, and the members in attendance voted to have the Association purchase lecture bars for all Genoa Lodge Brethren from this point forward who learn a lecture. A collection was taken, and the members agreed to make Brother Dustin Cashen the first official recipient of the award due to his fine portrayal of the Entered Apprentice Degree Lecture.
June 3, 2011: Genoa Community Parade
The Brethren of the Lodge showed up in force to support the Village of Genoa and march in the Annual Parade. Due to a dispensation from our District Deputy Grand Master William Windnagel, the Brethren wore their Masonic regalia as proof of their pride in Freemasonry.
July 31, 2011: Annual Lodge Picnic
The Summer Picnic at Trailmarker Park in Woodville was our biggest one to date, and was a tremendous success. In addition to all the members of the Lodge, postcards had been sent to the advisors of DeMolay and Rainbow Girls. The communication appeared to have a positive impact on the attendance.
September 21, 2011: Emergent Communication
Thirty Brethren joined together to mourn the death of Brother Ricky G. Lynn, II, who was serving Genoa Lodge as its Senior Deacon at the time of his death. Just 37 years of age, Brother Lynn tragically passed away after a valiant battle with cancer. Diagnosed in June, the disease progressed quickly and he passed away on September 18, 2011. WB Gary Golden hosted a reception for Brother Lynn's family and friends at the Zenobia Shriners building in Perrysburg Township immediately following the Masonic Memorial Service.
October 4, 2011: Grand Council, Royal & Select Masons of Ohio
A good number of Brethren of Genoa Lodge traveled to Columbus, Ohio to support and congratulate WB Douglas A. Habegger on the occasion of his installation as Grand Illustrious Master of Royal & Select Masons of Ohio. At that session, he also announced that he was appointing WB Ronald Cashen as Grand Aide to the Grand Master. As a result, Genoa Lodge #433 was very well represented in the Grand Council for 2012. Membership of the Lodge numbered 229 Brethren.
October 18, 2011: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Jeffrey M. Sime. He was subsequently elected to membership, and would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Worshipful Master in 2016, and District Deputy Grand Master in 2021.
November 1, 2011: AnnualInstallation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Donald O. Harrington
Senior Warden: Ryan R. Hartman
Junior Warden: Timothy D. Williams
Treasurer: John P. Sigurdson
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Danny D. Bullock
Senior Deacon: Mark P. Allred
Junior Deacon: Aaron C. Welling
Senior Steward: Donald T. Hunter
Junior Steward: Jason J. Palmer
Lodge Education Officer: James P. Taylor
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
Trustee: James P. Taylor
November 8, 2011: Special Event
As this was the annual Awards Night, many Brethren were on hand to receive Service Awards for Lodge tenure. Among them was WB Lloyd N. Gamertsfelder, who was presented a 50-Year Award by District Deputy Grand Master RWB George W. Wagner on behalf of the Grand Master of Ohio. WB Gamertsfelder served Portage Lodge #351 as its Master in 1973.
November 27, 2011: Emergent Communication for Award Presentation
Several Brethren met Brother Earl R. Warnke in his home to congratulate him on Seventy Years of Masonic Membership, and present him a special Service Award from the Grand Lodge of Ohio on behalf of Genoa Masonic Lodge. Brother Warnke has been a faithful member since he was raised to the degree of Master Mason in 1942. On hand to participate in the presentation were the Master WB Donald O. Harrington, the Secretary MWB Charles R. Murphy, the Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Royal & Select Masons of Ohio WB Douglas A. Habegger, the District Deputy Grand Master RWB George W. Wagner, and the Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio, RWB Robert C. Rill, Jr. In conjunction with the event, he also was presented a 60-year award from the Grand Council, Royal & Select Masons by the M.I.G.M, WB Habegger.
January 10, 2012: Annual Inspection
84 Brethren crowded the Lodge Room of Genoa Lodge on the occasion of the Lodge's Annual Inspection. Many dignitaries were present for the occasion, and the Brethren were treated to Brother Jimmy Snetz; famous bean soup dinner prior to the degree. The Master Mason Degree was conferred on Brother Jeffrey M. Sime in fine manner, and four different Masonic Districts were represented for the evening. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Steven Grindle, District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the evening.
February 7, 2012: Stated Meeting
A petition for affiliation was received on behalf of WB Rodney J. Wilhelm, who had served Oak Harbor Lodge #495 as its Master in 2010. He subsequently was elected to
membership in Genoa Lodge, and welcomed to membership in the Past Masters and Officers Association.
February 21, 2012: Stated Meeting
Operating under Dispensation of the Grand Master, the Lodge continued its annual tradition of opening and closing the Stated Meeting early, then traveling together to the Inspection at Pemberville Lodge #516. Fifteen Genoa Brethren participated in the visitation at Pemberville, resulting in Genoa Lodge being awarded the 11th Masonic Districts traveling gavel once again.
March 6, 2012: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Heath J. Seckinger. He was subsequently elected to membership, and would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Worshipful Master in 2018.
March 12, 2012: Emergent Communication
Brethren from Genoa Lodge gathered for the purpose of conducting a Masonic Memorial Service for Brother Earl R. Warnke, who had passed away March 2, 2012. Brother Warnke was a 70-Year member of the Lodge, having received his three degrees in 1942. He was 91 years old at the time of his death.
April 10, 2012: Annual Past Masters MM Degree
The Past Masters and Officers Association along with the Brethren of Genoa Lodge gathered for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason Degree on Brother Joshua L. Laston. In this annual event the Past Masters, assisted by the officers, take various positions in the Lodge to confer the degree. This year, WB James P. Taylor (2006,2007) presided, WB Donald O. Harrington (1997,2012) served in the west, and WB John F. Werner , Jr. (1956) took the South. Assisting them were WB Leon C. Rader (1969) as Junior Deacon, MWB Charles R. Murphy (1999) who presented the Lecture, WB Danny D. Bullock (2010) who served as Chaplain and presented the Bible and RWB Michael W. Driver (1984) who presented the Apron. WB Roy J. Whitehead (2009,2011) presided in the second section. This Association is the oldest of its kind in Northwest Ohio, and Brother Laston received a fine degree.
April 27 - April 29, 2012: Special Event
As President of the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education, MWB Murphy brought the annual session of its delegates to Ohio, and the sessions were held in Toledo. The leaders of eleven Grand Lodge jurisdictions from all over the United States and Canada were represented, including the Grand Lodge Officers and numerous other attendees from the Grand Lodge of Ohio. This conference is the oldest and most prestigious of its kind, and meets annually to discuss and promote topics of Masonic Education. The next time the conference is scheduled to be in Ohio will be the year 2025.
August 4, 2012: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge scheduled a visit to a family with a special needs child in our community, and presented a check on behalf of the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation. Through the generosity of the Lodge brethren and the Foundation, the Lodge was able to help the family with a donation of $1,800.00. The gift was greatly appreciated.
August 26, 2012: Special Event
Brothers Donald Hunter and Mark Allred were welcomed into Turkeyfoot Hillbilly Clan #75, a unit of Zenobia Shriners. Genoa Lodge has an active membership in the Hillbillies, and on hand to welcome the new members were MWB Charles Murphy, WB Harrington, Brother Chet Bulen, Brother Dale Wax, Brother Stanley Hoffman, WB Leon Rader (Keeper of the Quill), and Brother Jim Snetz (Raban of the Clan, and a 50-year member of Genoa Lodge).
September 4, 2012: Stated Meeting
The Master ordered that the Altar be draped in memory of three Brethren whose deaths were reported to the Lodge over the summer months. Among them was WB Edsel W. Burkholder, a 46 year member of the Lodge who had served as Master of Henry M. Phillips Lodge #337 in Monongahela, Pennsylvania in 2006.
September 27, 2012: Special Event
It was a tremendous night for Genoa Lodge at the annual District Awards Banquet. The brethren of the Lodge were very proud of their Senior Deacon, Brother Mark Allred, who was awarded the prestigious Rookie of the Year Award. It is awarded to the 11th Masonic Districts most promising newer officer. As if that weren't enough, Genoa Lodge then went on to receive the Deputies Distinction Award. This is the Districts most prestigious award, and is presented to the Lodge which in the eyes of the District Deputy Grand Masters, finished the year as the number one Lodge in the District. Brother Allred and Genoa Lodge had their names permanently affixed to these respective awards as a perpetual reminder of their achievements. Congratulations to all the brethren of Genoa Lodge for fostering excellence in all they do.
November 10, 2012: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: James P. Taylor
Senior Warden: Timothy D. Williams
Junior Warden: Mark P. Allred, Jr.
Treasurer: Douglas A. Habegger*
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Danny D. Bullock*
Senior Deacon: Jason J. Palmer
Junior Deacon: Donald T. Hunter*
Senior Steward: Richard L. Henry
Junior Steward: Jeffrey M. Sime
Lodge Education Officer: Roy J. Whitehead
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
Trustee (two year): Roy J. Whitehead
Trustee (three year): Donald O. Harrington
*These officers were installed at a later date. Also at this meeting, several presentations were made. First, the Lodge presented WB Donald Harrington, the outgoing master, with an apron case and a $100 donation in his name to the Genoa Lodge Renovation Fund. WB Harrington thanked the Brethren for these gestures, and let them know that he appreciated his time as Master. WB Harrington then presented the previous years officers with Masonic themed wall clocks in appreciation for their hard work during his year as Master. These gifts were very much appreciated by the Brethren, and he was given a large round of applause. WB James P. Taylor, newly installed Master, then admonished the newly installed officers to always look up to WB Harrington's example, as he has shown his tremendous leadership skills during his time as an officer of Genoa Lodge.
November 13, 2013 Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Timothy D. Williams
Senior Warden: Mark P. Allred, Jr.
Junior Warden: Jeffrey M. Sime
Treasurer: Douglas A. Habegger
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: E. LeRoy Williams
Senior Deacon: John P. Niefer
Junior Deacon: Donald T. Hunter
Senior Steward: Dustin N. Cashen
Junior Steward: Heath J. Seckinger
Lodge Education Officer: James P. Taylor
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
Trustee: James P. Taylor
With over 100 brethren and visitors in attendance, the officers were duly installed and Service Awards were presented. After installing all the officers from memory, the new Master presented the following longevity service awards: 25 years: Brother Rod C. Ramsey; 35 years: WB Douglas A. Habegger, WB Lyle J. Oberhaus, Brother John P. Niefer and Brother James H. Reed Sr.; 40 Years: Brother Carl R. Gordon and Brother James R. Hill. Also presented were 50 Year Awards to Brother Lester H. Evans and WB Ray L. McLargin with the Master assisting RWB Timothy L. Larimore and RWB Mark E. Bowlick respectively. Finally, RWB Bowlick and WB Timothy D. Williams presented a 65 Year Award to Brother Johnson M. Irwin, who drove from Holland, Michigan to receive the presentation. WB Williams also presented an engraved gavel on behalf of Genoa Lodge to Cy Wagner, Master Councilor of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay for his service to the Order. All present agreed it was a great evening.
December 14, 2013: Special Meeting
Genoa Lodge hosted the Eleventh Masonic Districts Table Lodge at the Zenobia Shriners building in Perrysburg. Despite terribly snowy weather conditions, forty brethren from across the District came to share the event with us and with the Grand Master. MWB Norman J. Mick was in attendance as were many dignitaries, and the warmth inside more than made up for the bad weather outside. Also in attendance were Senior Grand Warden RWB Robert Rill, District Deputies RWB Isaac Demarest and RWB Mark Bowlick, District Education Officer WB Dan Slavin and most of the Divan of Zenobia Shriners.
January 9 2014: Special Event
Genoa Lodge was singularly honored by the installation of one of its Plural Members, Brother and Noble Keith Tuttle to the office of Potentate of Zenobia Shriners. This is the first time a member of Genoa Lodge has served Zenobia in this capacity, and the following Genoa Lodge Brethren and Nobles were on hand to congratulate him: Brothers Elmer Emch, Stan Hoffman, Pinky Traver and Jimmy Snetz, Worshipful Brethren Don Harrington and Leon Rader, and MWB Charlie Murphy. We are proud that Brother Tuttles strong leadership will be put to good use benefitting Zenobia throughout 2014.
January 14 2014: Annual Inspection
Despite large amounts of snow just a week earlier, coupled with very frigid temperatures, nearly sixty Brethren gathered at Genoa Lodge for the purpose of the annual inspection and to witness the passing of Brother Cameron Rice, of Phoenix Lodge #123, to the degree of Fellowcraft. The Lecture was given by Brother Jeff Sime and the Charge was given for the first time by Brother Heath Seckinger. They were congratulated for their ritualistic talents. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Mark Ellis Bowlick, District Deputy Grand Master for the 11th Masonic District, who commented very favorably on the events of the evening, as well as on the administration of the affairs of the Lodge.
Febuary 16 2014: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge made an official visitation to Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay for their inspection in the DeMolay Degree. The young men of Ottawa made the Lodge proud by putting on one of the finest degrees they had ever seen and the inspecting officer, Brother Joe Kwiatkowski (of Phoenix Lodge #123) stated that he couldn't remember ever having seen such a fine degree. All who were in attendance agreed that Ottawa has a bright future ahead. The Brethren of Genoa were honored to be presented with the 11th Districts Traveling Gavel Award for the first time this year at the Inspection of Paragon Lodge. In attendance to receive the award were MWB Charlie Murphy, WBs Don Harrington and Greg Jennison, and Brothers Mark Allred, John Niefer, and Keith Tuttle. For the second time this year, the brethren of Genoa were presented with the 11th Districts Traveling Gavel award at the Entered Apprentice Inspection of Gibsonburg Lodge. In attendance to receive the award were MWB Charlie Murphy, WB Don Harrington, and Brothers Mark Allred, Dale Wax, Robert Wax, Chester Bulen, and Wilbur Hesselbart. After having been rescheduled due to weather, the Brethren of Genoa Lodge attended the annual inspection of Pemberville Lodge #516. This has been a tradition for many years, and Genoas Master, WB Tim Williams, was honored to be presented with the Traveling Gavel, making this the third win for Genoa this year. Representing Genoa Lodge were MWB Charlie Murphy, WBs Tim Williams, Jim Taylor, and Don Harrington, and Brothers Mark Allred, Jeff Sime, John Niefer, Heath Sekinger, Chester Bulen, Keith Tuttle, and Dale Wax.
May 6 2014: Special Presentation Presentation
Brothers gathered at the Lodge building along with District Deputy Grand Master RWB Mark Ellis Bowlick, then walked to the home of WB Robert G. Widmer to present him with an award honoring his 65-Years of membership in Genoa Lodge. Serving as Master of the Lodge in 1960, WB Widmer has given it many dedicated years of service. Genoa brothers joining RWB Bowlick for the presentation were WB Tim Williams, Brother Mark Allred, Brother Jeff Sime, MWB Charlie Murphy and Brother John Niefer. Also in attendance to celebrate the occasion were WB Widmers wife Jean and daughter Jackie. It was an enjoyable event for all who participated.
May 20, 2014: Stated Meeting
A petition was presented for first reading on behalf of Mr. Ernest D. McCarthy. He was subsequently elected to membership, and would go on to serve Genoa Lodge as Worshipful Master in 2020.
September 7th 2014: Emergent Communication
Among the 24 Brethren attending the Masonic Memorial Service of WB T. Dale Brandt were 11 Past Masters, and several area Lodges were represented. WB Brandt had been very active in the affairs of the Lodge for many years, having served the Lodge as Treasurer from 1973-1989 and as its Master in 1972.
September 29th 2014: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge were honored to be presented with the Deputies Distinction Runner-Up Award at the 11th Masonic Districts Annual Awards, hosted by Paragon Lodge #788. This places Genoa Lodge, in the District Deputies eyes, as one of the top 2 Lodges in the 11th District. On hand to receive the award were Brothers Mark Allred, Ernest McCarthy, WB Don Harrington, and MWB Charlie Murphy.
November 11th 2014: Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Mark P. Allred, Jr.
Senior Warden: Jeffrey M. Sime
Junior Warden: John P. Niefer
Treasurer: Timothy D. Williams
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Rodney J. Wilhelm
Senior Deacon: Heath J. Seckinger
Junior Deacon: Price H. Murphy
Senior Steward: Kevin P. McComas*
Junior Steward: Ernest D. McCarthy*
Lodge Education Officer: James P. Taylor
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
*These officers were installed at a later date.
With approximately 65 brethren and visitors in attendance, the Master was duly installed by the Deputy Grand Master of Ohio, RWB Robert Rill. After installing the remaining officers, the new Master presented 25-Year Service Awards to the following brethren in honor of their long term commitment to the Lodge: Brothers Michael Sondergeld, Daniel Williams, David Williams and Donald Williams. The Master then joined the Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Master RWB Hayward Evans in presenting 50-Year Service Awards to: Brother Thomas P. David and WB Leon C. Rader with the assistance of their ladies. All present agreed it was a great evening.
December 2 2014: Stated Meeting
In the first of five planned educational presentations, the Master invited RWB Isaac Demarest, District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th District, to give a program on his many Masonic travels throughout Europe. He highlighted his trip to England, Scotland, and Ireland, and paid particular attention to the Masonic practices in those countries, as well as the Masonic and Templar connections to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. He also highlighted his trip to Malta, explaining how Masons are highly persecuted on that island, and that membership is much more secretive than in many other countries. His presentation was
extremely well received by those in attendance.
January 6, 2015: Stated Meeting
In the second educational presentation, the Master invited the Advisory Council and Members of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay, to give a presentation to the members of the Lodge, explaining the Order of DeMolay. There were many members of Ottawa Chapter present, and after calling the Lodge from Labor to Refreshment, the Master invited the members into the Lodge room, where Brother Troy Hawkins (of Northern Light Lodge #40), Chapter Advisor of Ottawa Chapter, gave a brief talk about the purposes of DeMolay, as well as introducing the members of the Advisory Council. He then turned the program over to Curtis Buser, the Master Councilor of Ottawa, who performed the Ceremony of Light for the Brethren of the Lodge. The program was well received, and many members commented positively on the excellent work being done at Ottawa Chapter. In all, five other Lodges from the 11th Masonic District were represented. Visiting that evening were Brothers Troy Hawkins (Northern Light #40), Ty Stout (Brainard #336), WB David Webb (Harbor Light #740 and Paragon #788), Eric Erickson (Rubicon #237) and RWB Isaac Demarest, DDGM (Robinson Locke #659).
February 10, 2015: Annual Inspection
Around 80 Brethren from several Masonic districts attended our annual inspection. Dinner was prepared by the Lodges Senior Warden, Brother Jeffrey Sime, and then all gathered in the Lodge room to witness the raising of Brother Curtis Buser to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Hayward T. Evans, DDGM, who reported very favorably on the state of Genoa Lodge as well as its ritual work.
March 3, 2015: Stated Meeting
In the third of the planned five educational presentations, the Brethren welcomed Brother Mark Harris, Junior Deacon of Rubicon Lodge #237, and employee of the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation, who gave the Brethren a very informative talk on the charitable operations of the Ohio Masonic Home and the options available to the members of the Masonic Fraternity. The Brethren in attendance were impressed with Brother Harris presentation and, at its conclusion, gave him a resounding round of applause. The Master then announced that he was appointing Brother Kevin McComas to the position of Senior Steward, and Brother Ernie McCarthy to the point of Junior Steward. He then proceeded to install them into those stations. The Brethren congratulated them by giving them a hearty round of applause.
April 11, 2015: Special Event
Several Brothers and their ladies were in attendance at the 11th Masonic Districts Grand Masters Reception at Central Park West Hall in Toledo to welcome MWB Steven E. Cokonougher into the 11th District. Attending this event were MWB Charlie Murphy, WBs Don Harrington, Rodney Wilhelm and Mark Allred, and Brothers Jeff Sime, John Niefer, Price Murphy, Kevin McComas, and Ernie McCarthy. Once again, a youth from Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay, which Genoa sponsors, was recognized the Grand Masters Excellence in Youth Award, continuing the excellent reputation of the youth from Genoa. The Brethren of Genoa were extremely proud of Cy Wagner, a Past Master Councilor from Ottawa Chapter, for being recognized with this award.
May 5, 2015: Stated Meeting
In the fourth of the planned five educational presentations, the Brethren welcomed WB Steve Hessler, Past Master of Bellevue Lodge, and District Education Officer of the 16th Masonic District, who gave an interesting and informative discussion about the symbols of the Master Mason Degree Lecture, particularly paying attention to the symbols on the Masters carpet, tracing their origins as far back as ancient Egypt. He also discussed at length the confusion about the history of the Pythagorean Theorem. The Brethren were appreciative of his insight, and after the presentation, gave WB Hessler an enthusiastic round of applause. WB Hessler thanked the Brethren for having him and looked forward to being on the schedule again next year. The Lodge also had many visitors that evening including Brother John Dierkes of Paragon #788, and five visitors from Monticello Lodge #244: WBs Greg Avery, Jim Avery, and Tom Carothers, and Brothers Randy Snyder and Rich Ulman. The Master thanked the visitors for attending that evening. He also thanked Genoas Stewards, Brothers Ernie McCarthy and Kevin McComas, for preparing a fine dinner for the evening.
May 12, 2015: Special Event
Once again the leadership of Genoa Lodge brethren was recognized by others. At the annual Installation of Officers for the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite - Valley of Toledo, three Genoa Lodge brethren were installed as officers of the Valley. All present congratulated WB Timothy Williams, the new Captain of the Guard for Ft Industry Chapter of Rose Croix, WB Mark Allred, the new Engineer and Seneschal for Toledo Consistory, and MWB Charles Murphy the Valley Hospitaler. This singular accomplishment is a testimony to the Lodges strength of leadership, both now and into the future.
August 23, 2015: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge and their families traveled to Oak Harbor Lodge for the joint Lodge summer picnic between Genoa, Oak Harbor, and Oliver H. Perry Lodges. The Lodge dining room was packed with Masons and their families, and all who attended had an enjoyable time.
September 1, 2015: Stated Meeting
For the fifth and final education presentation of this Masonic year, the Master and Brethren welcomed several members of the Royal Arch 8th Capitular District who presented information about Royal Arch Masonry as well as performing a short skit to illustrate the teachings of the Royal Arch. Although the Lodge room was very warm and uncomfortable due to an unusual heat wave, there were many Brethren in attendance. Representing the 8th Capitular District were RWB Steve Grindle and WB David Kevorkian (both of Toledo Ft. Industry #144), WB John J. Zettler (DEO for the 11th District from Sylvania-Pyramid #287), and WBs J. Thomas Foor and Cliff Hiestand (of Barton Smith #613). Also visiting that evening was WB Dan E. Slavin, District Education Officer and Past Master of Barton Smith #613. Genoa Lodge has a proud history of involvement in Royal Arch Masonry and was proud to welcome this presentation.
November 10, 2015: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: Jeffrey M. Sime
Senior Warden: John P. Niefer
Junior Warden: Heath J. Seckinger
Treasurer: Timothy D. Williams
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Douglas A. Habegger
Senior Deacon: Price H. Murphy
Junior Deacon: Kevin P. McComas
Senior Steward: Ernest D. McCarthym
Junior Steward: Gregory T. Hurst
Lodge Education Officer: Mark P. Allred, Jr.
Tyler: Chester G. Bulen
With approximately 75 brethren and visitors in attendance, the Lodge Officers were duly installed by the Grand Master of Ohio, MWB Robert C. Rill, Jr. Joining him on the Installing Team were RWB Steven M. Grindle, Junior Grand Deacon as Installing Marshal, RWB Gary L. McElfresh, Grand Chaplain as Installing Chaplain and RWB Robert G. Sickelbaugh, Grand Tyler as as Installng Secretary. After the officers were duly installed, the new Master presented the Charge to the Brethren, then presented Lodge service awards. A 25-Year Service Award was presented to MWB Charles R. Murphy, followed by a 35-Year Service Award to Brother Melvin Hoeft. Each of these brethren expressed his appreciation for the many benefits they've experienced over the years as members of Genoa Lodge. The Master then joined the Grand Master and Junior Grand Deacon in presenting 50-Year Service Awards to Brother George E. Gerkensmeyer, Brother Robert A. Weaver and WB Ronald E. Cashen. These Brothers expressed their gratitude to the brethren of the Lodge, and each shared their lifetime of Masonic commitment and experiences. Brother Ora D. Skaggs was then greeted by the Grand Master, who presented him with a 60-Year Service Award, along with the thanks of all the brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Brother Skaggs shared some wonderful insights regarding his activities and participation in the Lodge over the years, and recounted some activities in which he participated in the past. Finally the Grand Master presented a 65-Year Service Award to Brother Wilbur F. Hesselbart along with his heartfelt appreciation for his many years of dedicated service. Brother Hesselbart traced his Masonic experiences from when he first joined Portage Lodge 65-years ago to his present experiences at Genoa Lodge. All these brethren contributed greatly to the success of the event, and all present agreed it was a great evening.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015: Stated Meeting
The Master welcomed in Masons and their guests from all over the district to a presentation on Medieval Cathedrals presented by RWB Russ Herner, PDDGM of the 16th Masonic District. He gave a fascinating visual presentation on medieval architecture and how Freemasonry relates to the medieval stone masons who built these impressive cathedrals. Afterwards, he signed copies of his book, Cathedrals Built by the Masons.
Saturday, December 19, 2015: Special Event
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge held their first annual Breakfast with Santa to benefit Ohio Special Olympics. Area grocers and restaurants donated supplies, and after the event was over, the Lodge raised $575 to benefit Ohio Special Olympics.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016: Stated Meeting
The Lodge was once again filled with visitors, this time to hear a presentation by WB Duane Kemerly of Carey Lodge who gave a presentation called Secrets of the Temple Mount based on information and photos he gathered on his many trips to the Holy Land. All in attendance were in agreement that it was a very wonderful and informative presentation, and the Master thanked WB Kemerly for coming to Genoa.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016: Annual Inspection
The Stewards treated all in attendance to a wonderful chicken paprikas dinner, and then
100 Brethren crowded into the Lodge room to witness Brother William Cannon initiated as an Entered Apprentice. The Lodge was inspected by RWB John J. Zettler, DDGM of the 11th District, who gave a glowing report about the state and future of Genoa Lodge.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016: Special Meeting
The Brethren received a Dispensation from the Grand Master to open Lodge at 5:00 p.m. so that they could then travel to Pemberville Lodge #516 for their Entered Apprentice inspection and three-legged chicken dinner. The outstanding attendance from the Brethren of Genoa Lodge led them to receive the 11th Masonic Districts Traveling Gavel Award for the first time this year. The Gavel was presented to the Worshipful Master by WB Mark Allred, President of the 11th District.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016: Stated Meeting
Genoa Lodge sponsored a reunion of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay. The evening started at 5:30 with a dinner at Rayz Cafe. The Brethren and some visitors then retired to the Lodge room where Ottawa Chapter performed the DeMolay Degree for all in attendance. In all, there were around 50 people in attendance and over 20 current and senior DeMolays. All in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
Saturday, April 2, 2016: Special Event
Many Brethren of Genoa Lodge and their guests attended the 11th Masonic Districts Grand Masters Reception, held at the Radisson Hotel on the Campus of University of Toledo Medical Center. This reception honored our current Grand Master, MWB Robert C. Rill, Jr., who hails from Northern Light Lodge #40 in Maumee. WB Mark Allred, President of the 11th District, served as Master of Ceremonies for the event. In all, there were nearly 300 people at the reception.
Thursday, September 15, 2016: Emergent Communication
The Lodge brethren came out in force for the Masonic Funeral Service of our Senior Past Master, WB Robert Glen Widmer. WB Widmer was Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in the 1959-1960 Masonic year, and contributed greatly to the success of the Lodge over the years. Having passed away on August 24, 2016, the brethren presented a token of appreciation to his wife, Jean and their family.
Friday/Saturday, October 14-15, 2016: Grand Lodge of Ohio Communication
Several Brethren attended the 207th Annual Grand Lodge of Ohio Communication at Kalahari Resorts in Sandusky. Attending the Communication were MWB Charlie Murphy, WBs Don Harrington, Mark Allred, and Jeff Sime, and Brothers Heath Sekinger and John Niefer. The Brethren were very proud to be the only Lodge in the 11th Masonic District to receive the Grand Masters Education award. It was also announced that WB Mark Allred was appointed by the newly installed Grand Master, MWB Douglas N. Kaylor to serve as a District Deputy Grand Master for the 11th Masonic District. The weekend proved to be a great weekend for Genoa Lodge.
November 19, 2016: Annual Installation of Officers
The following Officers were duly installed to lead Genoa Lodge #433 for the ensuing year:
Worshipful Master: John P. Niefer
Senior Warden: Heath J. Seckinger
Junior Warden: Price H. Murphy
Treasurer: Jeffrey M. Sime
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Keith A. Norwalk
Senior Deacon: Kevin P. McComas
Junior Deacon: Ernest D. McCarthy
Senior Steward: Gregory T. Hurst
Junior Steward: Paul E. Nicholson, III
Lodge Education Officer: Jeffrey M. Sime*
Tyler: Richard L. Waldron
*Installed at a later date.
With 84 brethren and visitors in attendance, the Lodge Officers were duly installed by Past Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio, WB Wayne S. Dill. Joining him on the Installing Team were WB Douglas A. Habegger, Past Grand Illustrious Master of the Grand Council of R&SM of Ohio as Installing Marshal, RWB Mark P. Allred, Jr., DDGM as Installing Chaplain and RWB Michael W. Driver, PDDGM as as Installing Secretary. After the officers were duly installed, RWB John M. Worcester, Jr., Past Grand Tyler presented the Charge to the Brethren from memory. The new Master then presented Lodge service awards. A 25-Year Service Award was presented to WB Danny D. Bullock, followed by a 35-Year Service Award to Brother Mark D. Collins. There also were three 40-Year Service Awards presented, to Brother Chester G. Bulen, RWB Michael W. Driver and WB Wayne G. Duez. Each of these brethren expressed his appreciation for the many benefits they've experienced over the years as members of Genoa Lodge. The Master then joined District Deputy Grand Master, RWB Dan E. Slavin in presenting 50-Year Service Awards to Brother Lowell L. Hartman and Brother Warren E. Moritz. These Brothers expressed their gratitude to the brethren of the Lodge, and each shared their lifetime of Masonic commitment and experiences. Finally WB Leo E. Skip Garey was then greeted by the Master and RWB Slavin, who presented him with a 60-Year Service Award, along with the thanks of all the brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. WB Garey shared some wonderful insights regarding his activities and participation in the Lodge over the years, and recounted his first impression of our organization, as well as some of the brethren he met when he first joined. All these brethren contributed greatly to the success of the event, and all were singularly applauded by the brethren. Everyone present agreed it was a great evening.
March 21, 2017: Special Installation
Whereas Genoa Lodge had a vacancy in its officer line at the position of Lodge Education Officer, WB Jeffrey Sime was duly appointed and installed as Lodge Education Officer for the remainder of the Masonic Year.
August 4-6, 2017: Camp Masonry
The second annual Camp Masonry event was held on behalf of the Eleventh Masonic District, and Genoa Lodge #433 was its Sponsoring Lodge. Commencing on Friday evening at Camp Miakonda Boy Scout Camp in Sylvania Township, the event featured a DeMolay Officer Installation and DeMolay Degree portrayed by the Ohio State Officers and local DeMolay members, an O-Ton- Ta-La Grotto Initiation, numerous educational presentations, and the raising of our Brother David Riegle to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The event was lauded as the best event in Ohio Masonry for 2017, and the attendees from across the State of Ohio plan to encourage others to support the event in 2018.
September 28, 2017: 11th Masonic District Awards
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge were extremely proud of their Treasurer and Lodge Education Officer, WB Jeffrey M. Sime, who was acknowledged as the 11th Masonic Districts Lodge Education Officer of the Year at the 11th Masonic District Awards Ceremony. WB Sime was acknowledged for taking the helm of Lodge Education late in the year and quickly making Genoa's education program one of the best in the district, and being only one of two LEOs in the district who qualified their Lodges for the Grand Masters Education Award. WB Sime is a shining example of dedication to Masonic Education.
November 14, 2017: Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed into their stations:
Worshipful Master: Heath J. Seckinger
Senior Warden: Price H. Murphy
Junior Warden: Ernest D. McCarthy
Treasurer: Jeffrey M. Sime
Secretary: Charles R. Murphy
Chaplain: Douglas A. Habegger
Senior Deacon: Gregory T. Hurst
Junior Deacon: Paul E. Nicholson, III
Senior Steward: Dustin N. Cashen
Junior Steward: Samuel M. J. Niefer
Tyler: Allen K. Allred
Lodge Education Officer: Jeffrey M. Sime
Trustee (3-year): John P. Niefer
Brother Darrell Bittner was presented with a 60-year service award by RWB Donald D. Decker, representing our Grand Master. WB John Niefer, junior Past Master, then presented WB Jeffrey Sime with the Chester Bulen Award for distinguished service to Genoa Lodge.
December 19, 2017: Stated Meeting
The Master noted that the Altar was draped in memory of WB Lloyd N. Gamertsfelder, who passed away on December 16, 2017. WB Gamertsfelder served Portage Lodge #351 as Worshipful Master in 1973. A moment of silence was held in his memory.
January 2, 2018: Stated Meeting
Brother Matthew Crawford presented the Entered Apprentice proficiency using the newly established Principles Proficiency program established by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. This was the first time this new proficiency had been used in Genoa Lodge, and the Brethren congratulated Brother Crawford on a successful examination.
February 27, 2018: Annual Inspection
92 Brethren were in attendance to witness Brother Matthew Crawford being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason for our annual inspection. RWB Donald Decker, representing MWB Eric R. Schau, Grand Master of Masons in Ohio, was impressed with the degree work and congratulated Genoa Lodge on a successful evening.
April 10, 2018: Annual Past Masters' Master Mason Degree
The Past Masters of Genoa Lodge took charge of the Lodge and raised Brother Gabriel Fawcett to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. In all, twelve Past Masters took part in the degree work for our annual tradition.
April 17, 2018: Stated Meeting
RWB Steven Hessler gave a presentation on the theories of the three ruffians in the Master Mason Degree. In all, 33 Brethren were in attendance for Genoa Lodge's More Light Night.
May 1, 2018: Stated Meeting
WB Chad Simpson, District Education Officer of the 14th Masonic District, gave a presentation for a More Light Night entitled "Why Do Men Join Freemasonry, and What Should We Do About It?" The Brethren in attendance thanked WB Simpson for his presentation. WB Simpson was originally raised in North Baltimore Lodge in the 11th Masonic District before moving to the Columbus area.
June 30, 2018: Special Meeting
Due to our chairlift having broken and needing replaced, MWB Eric Schau, Grand Master of Ohio, granted Genoa Lodge a Dispensation to confer the Master Mason Degree on Brother Thomas L. Cashen, III in the hall of Paragon Lodge #788 in Millbury, Ohio. The Brethren of Paragon assisted us in raising our new Master Mason.
September 4, 2018: Stated Meeting
The Master noted that the Altar was draped for Brother Richard L. Waldron, who passed on June 20, 2018. Brother Waldron served Genoa Lodge as Tyler during the previous Masonic year.
November 9, 2018: Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed into their stations:
Worshipful Master: Charles R. Murphy
Senior Warden: Ernest D. McCarthy
Junior Warden: Gregory T. Hurst
Treasurer: Jeffrey M. Sime
Secretary: Mark P. Allred, Jr.
Chaplain: Douglas A. Habegger
Senior Deacon: Paul E. Nicholson, III
Junior Deacon: Dustin N. Cashen
Senior Steward: Samuel M. J. Niefer
Junior Steward: Matthew D. Crawford
Tyler: Kevin P. McComas
Lodge Education Officer: Price H. Murphy
Trustee (3-year): Heath J. Seckinger
The following Brethren were presented with service awards:
10 Year: Dustin N. Cashen
35 Year: Jeffrey Smarkel
40 Year: Lyle Oberhaus, PM, Douglas Habegger, PM, John P. Niefer, PM
60 Year: James Snetz
Brother Jeffrey Smarkel was also presented with the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award for his contributions to Boy Scouts of America.
November 20, 2018: Stated Meeting
WB Jeffrey M. Sime was presented with the Grand Master's Education Award for meeting all of MWB Schau's educational requirements the previous year. The Brethren expressed their appreciation of WB Sime with a round of applause.
December 4, 2018: Stated Meeting
WB Jeffrey M. Sime was presented the Chester Bulen Award by last year's Master, WB Heath Seckinger. This is the second year in a row that WB Sime has been presented with this honor for his service to Genoa Lodge.
December 31, 2018: Special Event
Worshipful Master Charles Murphy and RWB Allred traveled to the homes of several Brethren to present Service Awards. First, Brother Robert Gerkensmeyer was presented a 60 year membership award. Then, MWB Murphy and RWB Allred were joined by RWB Michael Driver, WB Robert Prahl, and Brother Larry Seeger to present a 50 year service award to WB Don Ruthsatz at Heartland of Oregon. WB Ruthsatz was the oldest living Past Master of Genoa Lodge as of that presentation.
January 22, 2019: Annual Inspection
97 Brethren crowded into Genoa Lodge to witness the initiation of Brother Justin A. Weller as an Entered Apprentice. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Eric L. Crow, District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the evening.
February 19, 2019: Stated Meeting
The Master announced that the Altar was draped in memory of Brother Alvin P. McCallum, an endowed member of Genoa Lodge, who passed away on February 15th, 2019. A Masonic Memorial Service was held at Eggleston Meinert in Oregon on February 20th.
March 19, 2019: Stated Meeting
It was announced that Brothers Sam Niefer and Gabe Fawcett were not present at the meeting because they were traveling to Springfield, Ohio to pick up an altar from the Grand Lodge Museum. The altar was the altar used by the Grand Lodge of Ohio during its 200th Annual Communication in Toledo, Ohio, when MWB Charles Murphy was serving as Grand Master. The Lodge wanted to use this altar for our 150th Reconsecration ceremony in April.
April 6, 2019: Special Meeting
After many years of planning, Genoa Lodge was reconsecrated by the Grand Lodge of Ohio in commemoration of 150 years of Freemasonry in Genoa. After the ceremony, lunch was provided at the Genoa Fire Hall by Woodbine Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The Mayor of Genoa, Kenneth Harsanje (whose father was a member of Genoa Lodge) spoke at the luncheon and congratulated Genoa Lodge on this milestone.
April 8, 2019: Emergent Communication
Many Brethren of Genoa Lodge, together with several other Lodges, gathered at Marsh Funeral Home in Woodville to mourn the passing of Brother Chester G. Bulen, who passed away on April 3, 2019. Brother Bulen served as Tyler of Genoa Lodge for many years, and left his mark on many Masons. His name lives on in the Chester G. Bulen Award, presented each year to the Brother who provides exemplary service to Genoa Lodge.
April 12, 2019: Special Event
Brother Justin Weller served as inspection candidate for Oak Harbor Lodge #495 and was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. It was also the last inspection of RWB Mark P. Allred, Jr., who would be retiring as a District Deputy Grand Master at the end of this Masonic year.
April 16, 2019: Stated Meeting
It was announced that a new chairlift had been installed and was waiting for final inspection.
April 30, 2019: Annual Past Masters' Master Mason Degree
Once again, the Past Masters of Genoa Lodge convened to raise Brother Nicholas Hankes of Monticello Lodge #244 to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. There were 27 Brethren in attendance from both Lodges.
May 20, 2019: Emergent Communication
The Brethren gathered at Eggleston Meinert Pavley funeral home in Millbury, Ohio to mourn the passing of Brother David Carl Baker, who passed away on May 17, 2019. Brother Baker served as Illustrious Master of Genoa Council #138, Royal and Select Masons.
May 31, 2019: Special Event
The Brethren once again participated in the Genoa Homecoming Parade. To commemorate the 150th anniversary of Genoa Lodge, the Brethren wore special polo shirts with the anniversary dates on them.
June 23, 2019: Special Event
The Brethren assisted in running a rest stop for the MS Bike to the Bay event that takes place in Northwest Ohio every year and benefits Multiple Sclerosis research and care.
June 29, 2019: Special Event
The Brethren gathered at Clay Center Park for the annual Genoa Lodge Picnic. The event was a great success.
July 20, 2019: Emergent Communication
The Brethren gathered at Allen Township Cemetery to mourn the death of WB Donald L. Ruthsatz, who passed away on July 15, 2019. WB Ruthsatz served as Worshipful Master of Genoa Lodge in 1976.
September 7-8, 2019: Special Meetings
Acting on a Dispensation granted by MWB Jess N. Raines, Grand Master of Ohio, Genoa Lodge opened a Lodge of Master Masons at the Sylvania Masonic Temple on Holland-Sylvania Road in Toledo in conjunction with a Master Mason Degree practice by the Past Masters' Unit of Zenobia Shrine. The Past Masters' Unit was preparing for a visit from the Grand Master of Ohio.
September 10, 2019: Special Event
Genoa Lodge welcomed Mr. Taylor Moyer, a history teacher at Toledo School for the Arts and a colleague of RWB Mark Allred, to present a program entitled "Natives of Northwest Ohio" about the history of the Native populations in the area. Mr. Moyer dressed in period-specific attire and highlighted the many items he brought with him, many of which he made himself. The Brethren were very impressed with his program and many stayed well after the meeting to ask questions.
September 19, 2019: Emergent Communication
The Brethren gathered at Robinson Walker Funeral Home in Genoa to mourn the passing of WB Ronald Spencer, who passed away on September 12, 2019. WB Spencer served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1980.
September 26, 2019: Emergent Communication
The Brethren gathered at Clay Township Cemetery to mourn the passing of RWB Michael W. Driver, who passed away on September 21, 2019. RWB Driver served as Master of Genoa Lodge in 1984, as well as serving the Grand Lodge of Ohio as a District Education Officer and a District Deputy Grand Master. MWB Murphy followed the Masonic Service with a 33rd Degree service on behalf of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Toledo.
September 30, 2019: 11th District Awards
The Brethren of Genoa Lodge were proud to receive the 11th Masonic District's Deputies Achievement Award- Runner Up. This award is given to the Lodge that finishes in second place in the eyes of the District Deputy Grand Masters.
October 18-19, 2019: Annual Grand Lodge Communication
At the Annual Grand Lodge Communication in Marietta, Ohio, RWB Mark P. Allred, Jr. was presented with a Past District Deputy Grand Master jewel in honor of his retirement. Genoa Lodge was also the only Lodge in the 11th Masonic District to be presented with the Grand Master's Award. It was a great weekend for Genoa Lodge and Freemasonry in Ohio.
November 5, 2019: Annual Meeting
The Master noted that the altar was draped in memory of Brother Aaron Welling, who passed away in Florida on October 20, 2019. Brother Welling served as an officer in Genoa Lodge on several occasions. The Master also performed a memorial service for the nine Brethren who passed away since the last annual meeting.
November 12, 2019: Installation of Officers
The following officers were installed to serve Genoa Lodge for the 2019-2020 Masonic Year:
Worshipful Master: Ernest D. McCarthy
Senior Warden: Gregory T. Hurst
Junior Warden: Paul E. Nicholson, III
Treasurer: Jeffrey M. Sime
Secretary: Mark P. Allred, Jr.
Chaplain: Douglas A. Habegger
Senior Deacon: Dustin N. Cashen
Junior Deacon: Gabriel J. Fawcett
Lodge Education Officer: Charles R. Murphy
Trustee (3-year): Mark P. Allred, Jr.
The following Brethren received service awards from Genoa Lodge:
35 Year: Randy Rice
40 Year: John Fowler
As retiring Master, MWB Charles Murphy presented the Chester Bulen Award to WB John P. Niefer for his exemplary service to Genoa Lodge. He was applauded by the Brethren for his hard work and dedication.
November 30, 2019: Special Event
The Brethren once again put on a Breakfast with Santa to benefit Ohio Special Olympics. In all, over $600 was raised for Special Olympics.
December 14, 2019: Special Event
After the 11th Masonic District's Annual Table Lodge, Grand Master Keith W. Newton, along with RWB Tom Jenkins, Grand Chaplain, RWB Kevin Tanner, Junior Grand Deacon, RWBs Jay Jimison and Don Decker, District Deputy Grand Masters, WB Jay Stewart, District Education Officer, and MWB Charles Murphy, RWB Mark Allred, and WB John Niefer of Genoa Lodge, traveled to Otterbein Portage Valley to present Brother Erwin Wegert with a 70-year award for his service. Brother Wegert was originally a member of Portage Lodge #351 in Elmore.
February 4, 2020: Stated Meeting
There was no quorum necessary to open a stated meeting, but the Brethren continued their tradition of traveling to Pemberville Lodge #516, where they received the Traveling Gavel for the first time this year.
February 25, 2020: Annual Inspection
Over 60 Brethren attended the annual inspection of Genoa Lodge and to witness the passing of Brother James Armstrong, III to the Fellow Craft Degree. Also present was Brother James Armstrong, Jr., the candidate's father, who belongs to Buckner Lodge #631 in Indiana. The Lodge was inspected by RWB Jay Jimison, District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th Masonic District, who reported favorably on the evening.
March 13, 2020: Emergent Communication
Over 150 Brethren gathered at Robinson Walker Funeral Home in Genoa to mourn the passing of Brother Samuel M. J. Niefer, who tragically passed away on March 9, 2020. Brother Niefer was only 22 years old at the time of his passing, and had served as Master Councilor of Ottawa Chapter, Order of DeMolay, and as a Steward of Genoa Lodge for two years. His father was WB John P. Niefer, who served as Master in 2017.
March 16, 2020: Special Announcement
By edict of Grand Master Keith W. Newton, all Lodge activities including stated and special meetings, as well as any social functions, were canceled until May 10, 2020, due to social distancing guidelines set forth by the CDC and Governor Mike DeWine relating to the spread of the COVID-19 virus.